"Don't be arrogant! Wait a minute. There's something you can see! "

Guo Xiao's voice also sounded at this time, threatening Yang Tianlei.

Because at this time, Guo Xiao has already sensed that master Huang's extremely powerful killing intention. In this case, it shows that master Huang will not let Ye Wuwei go easily.

"Hope in three days! Money can be transferred to the bank card! If not, master Huang's prestige will disappear in the whole Huangdao! " Ye Wuwei said coldly, but it seems to be very strong.

At this moment, master Huang's face is also a bit gloomy, did not expect Ye Wuxiang to put him in his eyes, which made him angry.

"Mr. Ye, what happened?" At this time, a voice sounded, I saw the body shape of long Tian came out and came to Ye Wuqian's face. There was a color of curiosity in his heart.

"Nothing! It's just a little accident! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

At this moment, all the people present are looking at Longtian. They didn't expect that long Shao of Jinlong group would know ye Wuqian and make them even more unexpected. Long Shao should be so respectful to ye Wuque.

"Mr. Ye? What did long Shao call him just now Master Huang's look changed and he looked at Guo Xiao.

"It seems to be Mr. Ye!" Guo Xiao was stunned for a moment, then he said, but at this time, Guo Xiao was a little surprised, because master Huang's expression became extremely solemn.

"Is it him?" Master Huang was shocked and looked at Ye Wuwei again.

It is said that there was a war in bajiaoling a few days ago. Even the abbot of Xuankong Temple died on the bajiaoling mountain. Originally, master Huang thought it was a rumor, but after confirmation, it was true. Moreover, the person who defeated the abbot of Xuankong Temple was Ye Xiansheng.

"Is it really him?" Master Huang's voice sounded again, but at this time it was shaking. If ye Wuque in front of him really defeated the abbot of Xuankong Temple, he could not offend him.

"Master Huang, I didn't expect you to be here too!" Long Shao said hello to master Huang. Master Huang knew him, but long Shao was not good at facing master Huang. He was obviously aware of the contradiction between Ye Wuqian and master Huang.

"Long Shao, this Mr. Ye in front of me was the one who defeated the abbot of Xuankong Temple a few days ago?" Master Huang hesitated a little, and then he asked, and his expression became very serious.

"Yes! Indeed Long Tian said frankly, it seems to be extremely indifferent, without any taboo.

With long Tian's words, master Huang's face suddenly became a little ugly, even in his heart was extremely afraid. He never thought that ye Wumian in front of him was Mr. Ye who defeated the abbot of Xuankong Temple a few days ago.

"Mr. Ye? Is he Mr. Ye? " A burst of exclamation sounds, at this moment, many people will look at this side and look at it, obviously did not expect that the person in front of him turned out to be Mr. Ye.

"Well! Are you going to hand it in or not in that month? " Ye Wuqi looked at master Huang in a meaningful way and said coldly.

With this, master juhuang's face changed.

"Of course! Of course! Mr. Ye's reputation runs through our whole Huangdao! How dare I offend Mr. Ye! " Master Huang said in a hurry. It seemed that he was extremely respectful to ye Wuque. At this moment, Guo Xiao, who was on the side, was also surprised.

If ye Wuqian was just an unknown person, I'm afraid it would not be impossible to get this one hundred million yuan. But what he didn't think of was that ye Wuque was Mr. Ye who was famous in the whole Huangdao a few days ago.

After putting master Huang in order, ye Wuqian looked at the imperial jade, which was worth a lot and could even be sold for hundreds of millions of dollars, because the imperial jade was probably the largest in the world.

"Long Shao, you can auction this imperial jade for me!" Ye Wuqi talks and looks at the Dragon sky.

At this time, the dragon day, hearing ye Wuque's words, also looked at his eyes like an imperial jade, and was slightly surprised in his heart.

"Mr. Ye, did you post the emperor Wang Yu?" Although the heart of long Tian is extremely shocked, but still bear to say.

"Of course! Otherwise, how can I win Master Huang? " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, master Huang nodded again and again, not daring to show any disrespect to Ye.

"Well, I'll take care of it! Don't worry, Mr. Ye! " Long Tian hurriedly to the leaves without missing said a word.

And at this moment, on the whole gambling stone meeting, people are also constantly looking at Ye Wuqian. They didn't expect that ye Wuque just came to a gambling stone meeting and made hundreds of millions. More importantly, ye Wuque's strength is unpredictable. I'm afraid such a person will be a guest of honor no matter where he goes.

"Brother fan, we are also a friend! I'll give you a stone! It's like friendshipYe Wuqian bought a stone from the gambling ground and handed it to fan Tao.

At this time, all the people present also looked at fan Tao's stone one after another, and the essence in their eyes flashed. You know, ye Wuqian's eyesight is extremely powerful, and the stone taken out from ye Wuqian's hand is probably not ordinary.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Ye." Fan Tao said thanks in a hurry. He seemed excited. You know, ye Wuque is a tough but extremely fierce character. Naturally, he won't give him a piece of waste stone. He must have some treasures in it. Otherwise, ye Wuque would not give him such a gift.

"I didn't know Mount Tai just now! I didn't expect you to be the famous Mr. Ye! I wonder if Mr. Ye can give me a thin noodle! Go to my home and let me be a host! After all, your stone is too precious Fan Tao said in a hurry.

In the face of fan Tao's words, ye Wuque looks at Zhang Xinyu.

"Since they have invited me! That's the promise Seeing ye Wuwu's eyes looking at himself, Zhang Xinyu said shyly.

Hearing Zhang Xinyu, ye Wuwu said with a smile to fan Tao.

"Since brother fan is so polite, it's better to be respectful than obedient!" Ye Wuque has become extremely straightforward. However, many people present can confirm that Zhang Xinyu's position in Ye Wuqian's mind is definitely different. Otherwise, ye Wuque would not care about Zhang Xinyu's feelings.

But at this time in the crowd, a few men in the eyes is a surge of light, will look at the eyes of Zhang Xinyu.

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