The two fought so hard, then rested, and fought fiercely, which lasted for a night. When the golden sunshine came in from the window, they completely stopped!

At this time, ye Xiao still occupied the initiative, so pressed on Xiao fei'er, and then looked down at Xiao fei'er and said in a domineering tone: "from today on, you are my woman!"

"No!" Who expected that Xiao fei'er was ungrateful at all. She snorted coldly, and then went on to say, "we are friends."

"Friend?" Ye Xiao was almost angry with a mouthful of blood gushing out. Do you have such a friend?

"Yes, we are just friends, so you are not allowed to do anything to me in the future, otherwise I will not forgive you!" Xiao Fei Er is very serious to say!

"Er..." Ye Xiao's forehead is suddenly a root of black lines up, which is the word matter? They just had such a close relationship just now. How can they turn their faces and refuse to recognize people?

"Well, if I want to try it that day, I'll let you know. Don't worry." Seeing ye Xiao's astonished appearance, Xiao fei'er smiles, and her smile is so brilliant under the sunshine!

"Well..." Seeing Xiao fei'er's bright smile, ye Xiao suddenly understood something, so he bent down and gently kissed Xiao fei'er's forehead!

Thank you Thanks, ye Xiao got up from Xiao fei'er. He knew that she didn't want to feel guilty or pay too much for her, so she said such a thing!

Even thinking about Xiao fei'er last night, she not only told the public that she was her own person, but also proved that she was her own person with practical actions. This is a news that makes long Yusheng retreat in the face of difficulties, and also makes him feel at ease. After having such an experience with her, then the relationship between the two people is unprecedented, and the TIANYAO meeting will also be unprecedented unity People will take advantage of it!

"Thank you, too. Thank you. But now I'm going to bed. You can go." Xiao fei'er winked at Ye Xiao playfully and gave a smile!

"Well!" Ye Xiao also knew that Xiao fei'er had been so upset last night that she really needed a good rest. She got up from the bed and found her own ragged clothes and left the courtyard!

Until ye Xiao's figure completely disappeared, Xiao fei'er sat up from the bed, looked at the direction of Ye Xiao's leaving, and swore in a low voice: "this son of a bitch, I don't know how to cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade, and nearly upset the family. It's too hateful. Next time, we must find a chance to clean him up with YUEWU."

With this sentence, Xiao fei'er fell down on the bed and fell asleep. If ye Xiao heard her last words, she didn't know whether to cry or to laugh!

Time goes by like this. In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed. The old chief executive suppressed Ye Xiao's escape on the Kyoto highway. Finally, he concluded that someone had planted a plot. This result made long Yusheng very depressed. But the old chief executive had already spoken. Who can say more?

During this period of more than one month, the NPC Congress was successfully held and the adjustment work of the main state leaders was successfully completed. The former premier of the State Council resigned from the job of premier, and the post was held by former Vice Premier Shao Guodong. This is the first time that people of the yuan family faction have sat in such a high position!

Tian Zhengqi, former Secretary of Jinghai municipal Party committee and Minister of a certain department of the State Council, served as vice premier of the State Council, and the No. 1 chief continued to be reelected. However, Yue Buxiu, the former head of the Organization Department, went further and became the deputy head of China. After all, after the rift between the Yue family and the Lin family, Ren thought Yue Buxiu was over, but who expected him to be in trouble Defu, the old head of the reuse, has become the main leader of the fight against the Lin family!

However, his position was assumed by Shangguan Luoshui, the former Minister of the central public security department, and his position was further improved. As for his position, Cai Mingxuan, former Secretary of Bashu provincial Party committee, took the post!

Such a decision is also expected by the people of the aristocratic families. The old chief executive is getting older and older. He can't wait to put these civilians on the top. No matter the No. 1 chief executive, Tian Zhengqi, Yue Buxiu, or even Cai Mingxuan, are not the children of the aristocratic family!

Except for Yue Buxiu, all of them had been appreciated by the old chief executive. Otherwise, how could they sit in such a high position? For the big people, the political situation in Kyoto has been determined. At least, there will be no change before the old chief executive is alive. However, for the dandies in Kyoto, an earthquake has been triggered because Zimo, the first son of Southwest China, will come to Beijing with his father All

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