It's OK to quit. Ye Xiao doesn't feel much about his fiancee who has never met before. At most, it's just uncomfortable. But this bitch, he even dares to call his sister Yan riding by thousands of people

This touched Ye Xiao's scale

In the past ten years, although he has been living with his grandfather, Murong Mingyan has never stopped caring for him, and has always been meticulous. For him, it is the existence of his sister and mother!

And one of the closest people in his life!

Even over the years, in order to take care of him and take care of him, Murong Mingyan has never been married and has never had a boyfriend. She has to support the Murong family's industry. As a woman, she inevitably has to deal with a variety of characters. Over time, in the eyes of many people, she is a woman who relies on coloring, and many bad rumors appear.

Murong Mingyan laughs off all these things

But ye Xiao can't ignore it, let alone laugh it off

She is his relative. She is one of his closest relatives in the world. She has guarded him for nineteen years. For the sake of his nineteen years of suffering, he will never allow anyone to hurt her or insult her

Speechless anger gushed out of his own body, not caring about the hair that had not been dried, the whole person rushed out like an angry bull

"You're the one with ten thousand people riding. Your whole family is riding with ten thousand people Fuck... " Ye Xiao, who was crazy, rushed to the door and kicked the woman standing beside him. His angry foot contained all his strength. Zhang muyue's body suddenly flew out like a ball and fell heavily on the ground

She is a lady. She seldom does physical work on weekdays. When has she been treated like this, she only feels a pain in her abdomen, a stream of blood spurts from her mouth, and then her eyes are black and she faints directly

"You You What are you doing? " Things happen too suddenly, until his wife fainted, situ Nan just reacted and pointed to Ye Xiao and said inconceivably!

"What? Of course, it was beating the dog... " Ye Xiao glared at situ Nan. Your family's ingratitude will be ignored. I dare to insult my elder sister Yan before I ask you for trouble. Isn't this for death?

"You You You're unreasonable. Somebody, take him to the police station... " Sima Nan was also angry. Although he was in front of him, he was still a big man in Jinghai city. Even the mayor of Jinghai city should treat him politely when he saw him. On weekdays, it would be better for him to kick his wife and son, and scold his wife as a dog and his wife as a dog. What is he?

Regardless of Ye Xiao's identity, he yelled at the bodyguard waiting outside the door

As a big shot in Jinghai City, the bodyguards around him are all good. Just now, ye Xiao appeared too fast to protect his mistress, which made them blame themselves. Now they heard his boss's order, and the six bodyguards immediately jumped up!

Two of them rushed to Ye Xiao. They helped Zhang muyue, who had fainted on the ground. The remaining two men protected situ Nan

"Stop it, situ Nan. Do you know who he is..." At the moment, Mu Yan's bodyguard came back to me

But it's too late. Ye Xiao's body has already run out from her side. These bodyguards want to deal with him. Naturally, he can't allow them to hurt his sister Yan

The two bodyguards are good veterans of the army. From ye Xiaogang's just one foot, they have seen that this guy is not a simple teenager. They have raised the spirit of twelve points in their hearts. They have rushed to Ye Xiao one left and one right, forming a encirclement to Ye Xiao!

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and buckled it to Ye Xiao's shoulder. This is the most common catch in the army!

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