"That I just want to ask you! Do you really have that powerful factor? " After Li Qian saw ye Wuque, she asked in a hurry, and her expression became somewhat dignified.

"No!" Ye Wuque faintly said these words, and did not care too much, because in ye Wuque's eyes, Li Qian is afraid to ask for help.

"You don't have to! I know you're a great doctor! I do ask you! But I'm paid! As long as you can help me to cure a person's disease! I can give you this number! " Li Qian some seriously stretched out a finger, a finger looks very casual, but it represents a value.

"Cure a patient? How much are you going to give me? " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

In fact, ye Wuqian doesn't care about money. She just wants to have a look. What can Li Qian say?

"A million! As long as you can cure my sister's illness! Can give you a million medical expenses! What do you think! One million is a lot of value! " Li Qian some serious toward the leaf said.

"Tut For you, a million yuan is just a trifle, but for me, it's still a trifle! " Leaf does not lack faint say, it is to have no promise apparently.

I heard ye Wuque's words. Li Qian's brow is also a little smile, did not expect that this leaf Wuque would say so, even more than 1 million in the eyes, it seems that the head is not small.

"When I was in the drugstore, the old man gave you 100000 yuan and you didn't want it! It seems that you are not simple! " Li Qian said with a smile to the leaf.

"No, it's not easy! Money is of no use to me Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Give me a price! As long as my sister can be cured! Anything else can be discussed! " Li Qian some solemnly will look toward ye Wuwu.

"As the saying goes! The doctor is benevolent! How can I ask for money for treatment! If someone in your family really needs to see a doctor, I can treat you for free Ye Wumian said frankly, can see that Li Qian's heart is quite looking forward to, you said Ye Wuque can only be do not want to refuse.

"Really? Do you really want to be my sister? " Li Qian's expression becomes some serious, hastily toward the leaf not to lack to say.

"True, of course! What I say is true! But you'd better come to me tomorrow! I live in the hotel not far ahead! Now I'm going to see a patient! "

After ye Wuqian finished, he turned around and left. This time he came out to buy medicine for Zhang Xinyu. He didn't expect to use it for such a long time. When he got to the hotel, I'm afraid Yang Xiaodie would say himself again.

After coming to the hotel, ye Wuqian took the medicine to the kitchen of the hotel and let them boil it.

Just came to the third floor soon, Yang Xiaodie saw ye Wuwu's figure, this just called out in a hurry.

"Ye Wuxiang, sister Yu is still lying in bed, very weak! Didn't you help sister Yu fill the prescription? What about the medicine? " Yang Xiaodie has no good spirit toward the leaf without missing asked.

"Don't worry! I've already let the people in the hotel boil the juice! " Ye Wuqian said that he hurried to Zhang Xinyu's room, and his expression became a little dignified, because ye Wuque knew that the reason why you suddenly became so weak was not because you stayed in the police station for a whole night. However, as long as you drink his soup, there should be no problem.

Is it better

Seeing this piece of Xinyu lying on the bed, her face was a little pale, and ye Wuqi asked. She seemed to be concerned.

"Much better! You don't have to worry about me so much! I'm fine! " Zhang Xinyu said with a smile.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuqian also nodded and stroked Zhang Xinyu's hair. It seemed that he cared about Zhang Xinyu.

At this time, Yang Xiaodie, who came in from the outside, saw the scene in front of her, and was also a little upset in her heart.

"If it hadn't been for you last night, sister Yu would not have become like this! Don't you know that women should be gentle for the first time? It would be irresponsible to do so! " Yang Xiaodie said to the leaf without lack of good spirit.

As soon as Yang Xiaodie said this, Zhang Xinyu's old face was black. She looked at Yang Xiaodie.

"Butterfly, what are you talking about! We didn't do anything last night! " Zhang Xinyu's look became a little serious.

"No way! I watched him enter your room last night! Until this morning, you two came back from the outside, your face was so weak! He didn't do it. Who else would it be? " Yang Xiaodie said in a hurry.

In the face of Yang Xiaodie's words, Zhang Xinyu this just some helplessly will look toward ye Wuwu.

"Explain it to him! We were clean last night Zhang Xinyu said in a hurry.

"What is the explanation! You are my girlfriend! Even if there's something wrong with us! It's normal! " Ye Wuqi said with some helplessness.

In the face of this word, Zhang Xinyu on the side of the face of this just some blushing color.Just then, outside the room, there was a knock on the door.

"This gentleman! The medicine you want to make is ready! " The voice of the waiter rings, at this time ye Wuque also hastily gets up, opens the door, this just will she want to take in the hand.

"Xiaoyu, you look so pale! Drink this medicine quickly! Then you will look better Ye Wuqi said.

In the face of Ye Wuwu, Zhang Xinyu also nodded in a hurry. She only saw a bowl of Chinese medicine and brought it to herself. Zhang Xinyu's brow was slightly wrinkled.

"This medicine should be bitter! I don't want to drink it! " Zhang Xinyu refused.

"Don't worry! You just need to take this medicine! You'll get better after eating it! " Ye Wuqi hastily said.

In the face of Ye Wuwu's words, Zhang Xinyu had no choice but to drink that bowl of medicine.

After a long time, Zhang Xinyu's pale face gradually recovered. At this moment, Yang Xiaodie saw the scene in front of her, and she was also a little surprised. Thinking that the medicine of Ye Wuwu was so powerful, Zhang Xinyu's face became ruddy for a while.

"Yes! Your medical skills are getting better and better! I didn't expect that jade sister's face would become so ruddy so soon

Yang Xiaodie said with a smile to Ye Wuqian. He was full of praise for his medical skills. After all, ye Wuqian's medical skills are really so powerful.

"Nothing! It's just a few pills for him according to the prescription! It's no medical skill! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

Facing Ye Wuqian's modesty, Yang Xiaodie didn't say much. How about ye Wuqian's medical skills? He knows it all.

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