"Is this your home? It looks big! " Leaves without lack of light said a sentence.

"Yes, this is my home indeed! My sister is in the room! Go and have a look at it for me Li Qian some excited toward the leaf without missing said.

In the face of Li Qian's words, ye Wuque nodded and went to a room. After arriving at the room, ye Wuque found a girl lying on the bed. The girl seemed to be in a deep sleep. Even if ye Wuque and others came in, there was no response.

"My sister had a car accident a few years ago! Become a vegetable! Don't know if Mr. Ye has a cure? "

Li Qian will look at Ye Wuwei and ask.

"Become a vegetable?" Ye Wuqi's eyebrows wrinkled. Unexpectedly, Li Qian's sister turned out to be a vegetable. He thought he had something wrong.

"What? Is there a problem? " See ye Wuque eyebrows slightly a wrinkle, Li Qian this just hastily toward ye Wuque to ask, the expression becomes some serious.

"No problem! As long as I use the silver needle, I can cure your sister's disease! I'm just curious! How did your sister become a vegetable? "

Ye Wuqi said to Li Qian, with a curious color in his heart.

"This It was because I drove too fast! Hit someone else's car! We became vegetarians! Blame me for this! I didn't protect my sister

Li Qian some blame oneself, this just hastily toward leaf without lack say.

"I see! You can rest assured! Since you have asked me to invite him here, I will certainly be able to cure your sister's illness! " Ye Wuque comforts Li Qian, because ye Wuque can see that, compared with the girl in front of her, she seems quite concerned.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Ye." After getting Ye Wuqian's affirmation, Li Qian said thanks in a hurry. She was pleased. If ye Wuque could cure his sister's illness, he would not have to worry about anything.

"Don't thank me! Ask your sister to help you up! I'll give him acupuncture! " Ye Wuqi said.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, you didn't hesitate, which just lifted Li youyou's quilt.

"Take off all his coats! He became a vegetable because the blood doesn't circulate! I have to get through the blood for him, so that he can return to the category of normal people! " Ye Wuqi spoke again, but this time it became a little heavy.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Li Qian also quickly nodded, which took off all the clothes and coats of Li youyou.

Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Wuwei began to use his needling technique.

Seeing ye Wuqian start acupuncture, Li Qian's expression also became a little dignified, because Li Qian knew that this matter was not a trivial matter. If ye Wuqian could really cure her sister Li youyou's illness, it would be a great benefactor of their Li family.

With ye Wuque's silver needle constantly pricking on Li youyou's body, Li youyou's body is shaking a little, which surprised Li Qian on one side.

"Move! My sister, she moved

Li Qian said in surprise. She looked at ye Wuque. She was surprised to the extreme. She didn't expect that ye Wuque's medical skills were so powerful. She just pricked a few needles casually, and Li youyou had this reaction.

"Don't be happy too soon! He has been a vegetable for a long time! Want to revive it completely! I'm afraid it's not that easy! " See Li Qian, the heart is quite surprised, leaf is not short of this just say.

Hearing Ye Wuqian's words, Li Qian also nodded in a hurry. After all, ye Wuque could make Li youyou react, which was enough to show Ye Wuqian's ability. So no matter what, he expected Ye Wuqian to cure Li youyou's illness.

With the passage of time, ye Wuqian's expression has become somewhat dignified, because ye Wuqian can see that Li youyou's disease is not a general disease, but has become a vegetative state.


Just as Li Qian was looking forward to it, a scream rang out. Li Youyou, who was lying on the bed, instantly got up and slapped ye Wumian's face.

"Who are you? Why do you want to get close to me? Get out now Li youyou's voice is very loud, and he quickly says to Ye Wuwei.

As soon as Li youyou said this, ye Wuque's face was also embarrassed. Originally, ye Wuque wanted to explain something, but he didn't expect that Li youyou was looking at himself with cruel eyes, which made Ye Wuqian feel helpless.

"Well! Anyway, you are well! I'll go out first! " Ye Wuqi said, and then he walked out of the room.

At this time, Li Qian said to Li youyou in a hurry: "it was Mr. Ye who saved you just now! Otherwise, you will always be a vegetable! How are you going to hit her? "

Although Li Qian is very happy in her heart, she still can't help asking Li youyou.

"Where are my clothes?" Li youyou becomes a little strange. He says a word to Li Qian. It seems that he doesn't know Li Qian at all.

"Here are your clothes!" Li Qian said in a hurry that the clothes of this talent had been taken to Li youyou's hand. However, Li Qian was somewhat curious at this time, because Li youyou didn't even look at himself, as if he didn't know himself."Yo Yo, what are you? How to feel in a trance? I don't know anything about it Li Qian asked Li youyou in a hurry. She was worried. Anyway, Li youyou was his sister. Naturally, Li Qian was very concerned.

"Who are you? Do I know you? " Li youyou's voice rang out and looked at Li Qian. There was a color of curiosity in his eyes, as if he didn't know Li Qian at all.

"Yo Yo, what's wrong with you? Why don't you even know your sister? Have you lost your memory Li Qian said to Li youyou in a hurry, and her expression became somewhat dignified.

"What are you talking about? I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know you either Li youyou looks a little trance again, and says to Li Qian.

Li youyou is surprised to see Li youyou in the face of her.

"I am your sister! Don't you really remember me Li Qian spoke again.

"Sister? When did I have a sister? I don't even know who I am! Where am I now Li youyou's voice rings again. He looks around and looks like he has come to a strange environment.

At this moment, Li Qian's heart is also a little surprised, this just rushed toward the door of the leaves without lack of walk.

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