"Maybe he took the opportunity to revenge you for beating him up when you were a child?" On the driver's seat, a woman in camouflage and military cap said with a smile!

"Hey, who said it wasn't? This son of a bitch, too! Forget it, snow shadow, drive first, or those annoying guys will come after you Purple desert is also a curse, obviously very uncomfortable!

"Well!" The woman in the driver's seat murmured. Stepping on the gas pedal, the powerful military Humvee gave out a roar and left the dust like this!

This person is not other than Zimo's wife. Now, Ouyang Xueying, the Secretary of Sichuan provincial Party committee, did not expect that she would drive for Zimo in person!

Even as an adjutant, he appeared beside Zimo!

When the military Humvee passed away, long Yusheng, Gu Yu and others successively chased out. When they saw the Hummer, their faces were not very good-looking!

"Zimo, do you really think he is the first childe? I don't even care about the greeting of several people I'm waiting for Among them, Gu Yu, who has the worst temper, cursed at the moment!

"It's not that he doesn't care, he has no time to visit. It's hard for anyone who has received such a heavy blow. It's very good that he can walk out alone." At this time, a cold voice sounded behind the crowd. They looked back and saw that it was Bai Chou, the son of commander Bai, commander of the fourth garrison in Kyoto!

"It's very sad to say that Zimo is domineering and strong. When did he suffer from such a loss? Now he is seriously injured and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood in public. If he stays longer, he is expected to be more miserable. Now he is expected to rush back to heal his wounds, and we don't have to worry about it too much!" Long Yusheng nodded and continued to speak!

They all nodded when they thought about the earth shaking blow in the hall. If they changed themselves, they might be killed on the spot? Even if I'm lucky, I'm sure I'll be beaten to the ground and can't get up!

"By the way, sad, what's your third son looking for you?" At this time, Gu Yu, standing in the crowd, suddenly asked!

"What can I do? It's not for me to help him deal with Fu Yusheng!" Bai Chou Kui's face even appeared a sneer smile, which seemed to ridicule Bai choufei's imprudence. When long Yusheng, Gu Yu and others heard this sentence, they also showed their smiles one by one. This Bai choufei was also too self-sufficient. Does he think that he can give Bai Chou more than he can give him?

Ye Xiao came to Kyoto and offended so many people. Now he is expelled by the dragon people. Even the Dragon Emperor has disappeared recently. If there is any problem with the old chief, what else can he take to fight for the position of dragon master?

"By the way, what do you think of this purple desert?" After everyone laughed, long Yusheng said again!

"La, no matter what the cost, we must pull him to our camp. Not to mention his terrible personal combat effectiveness, we can say that the wolf field army in his hands is a force that can influence the situation in Kyoto. Such a force must not fall into the hands of other people!" Has not opened the mouth to speak the Lin Wu regret to open a way!

"Yes, now the old man and uncle Bai are in charge of the third and fourth garrison. If we take this field army again, the overall situation will be determined." Ancient jade is also the interface way!

"Sad, what do you think?" Long Yu Sheng again set his eyes on Bai Chou Ku's body!

"I don't mind!" White sad deep voice nodded, but in the heart is a burst of sneer: "a group of idiots, after you know that he and ye Xiao are the best brothers, don't know what expression will be?"

Seeing Bai Chou Kui, long Yusheng, Gu Yu, Lin Wu regret, Bai Chou, and other top dandies in Kyoto have reached an unprecedented consensus, and have brought Zimo to his camp!

On the cross-country vehicle, Zimo has torn off his coat, revealing the perfect figure comparable to the eight gods' nunnery. On his chest position, there is a more fist seal. Looking at the blue fist seal, Zimo can't help but curse!

"This son of a bitch, he really can do it. Four inch strength, or inch burst. Don't he worry about breaking Laozi's heart with one punch? If it is broken, where can he find such a good brother? "

One side of Ouyang snow shadow rolled a white eye directly, big brother? When I was a child, I knew that the elder brother who disturbed the fight was called "big brother"? Ye Xiao is so violent. I guess it has a lot to do with your big brother, right?

But when I saw the purple blue fist seal of purple desert, I was also worried!

"Are you all right?"

"It's OK. The boy's control of Jingdao has reached the perfect level. If it goes on like this, he should soon be able to break through the advanced stage of inch explosion. How old is this guy this year? It's not twenty-two, right? Damn it, at such a fast speed, it's almost catching up with me Zimo yelled and scolded, then took out a piece of blackened ointment from a medicine box in the car and daubed it on his chest!

"Ha ha, this is not very good, so that you will not be complacent and think that the world is the first. If you bully me in the future, I will go to my younger brother to help me teach you a lesson!" Seeing that purple desert is not a big problem, Ouyang snow shadow is smiling again!"Er..." Purple desert is a burst of depression on the spot, where has daughter-in-law looking for her husband's brother to teach her husband? Besides, when did I bully a woman? Have you been bullied all the time?

"By the way, why don't you strike while the iron is hot and make contact with long Yusheng and others? Isn't it easier to break into their group? " See purple desert eat shriveled appearance, Ouyang snow shadow a burst of funny, but also don't want his husband too depressed, quickly opened the topic!

"If I show too much enthusiasm, they will be suspicious. Today I have a big fight with my younger brother. In addition to letting them know that there is a contradiction between me and my younger brother, the more important thing is Liwei. I want to tell them that no one can beat my younger brother alone except me. Under such circumstances, they may trust me more and ask me to join the gang The situation is tense. They will try their best to pull me into the gang! " Purple desert's face showed an enigmatic smile, where or just that until the grin man!

"Wise and resourceful!" Ouyang snow shadow disdains to skim the mouth!

"Shit, I'm so young. How can I be so resourceful? It's called great wisdom if you are stupid Zimo quit!

"Well, if you are a fool, be wise as a fool. Ah, it is said that people with developed limbs tend to have simple minds. However, your two brothers are just freaks. They are not only terrible in skill, but also unpredictable in intelligence. It's a tragedy who becomes your enemy!" Ouyang Xueying sighed, but her face was full of happiness. How could she not be happy to marry such an excellent man?

In the face of his wife's praise, purple Mo just grinned, even some embarrassed!

Even if you don't care, ye Xiao is the one who uses this move incisively and vividly. What he does gives people the feeling that he is an impulsive man. But who knows that under his seemingly impulsive appearance, there is absolute wisdom hidden?

Those who belittle him, who is still alive?

Han Wuchen is dead, Xu Yifeng is dead, Lin Qingqing is dead, bearded, zhanguxiu, and lagus are all dead. Which of these people is not a wise person, but they are all dead!

Only Ye Xiao is still alive and well

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