"Yes! What Haitian just said is Mr. Ye! "

Another serious voice also sounded at this time, because they all know that there was a Mr. Ye in Huangdao City, who was very powerful and could call on all the heroes at a young age. These people could not offend such existence.

"Mr. Ye, today's matter is that they have made mistakes first! I wonder what Mr. Ye is going to do? No matter what Mr. Ye intends to do! I, Haitian, will do it Sea sky toward the leaf without missing newspaper fist, hastily toward the leaf does not lack to say, is quite respectful to the leaf does not lack.

In the face of the sea sky this words, the leaf does not lack but shook his head.

"I didn't want to make trouble! Did not expect that some people do not open their eyes! If that's the case, I'll let him have long eyes After ye Wuqian finished speaking, he looked at Liu Hai with a faint flash of cold light in his eyes.

Seeing ye Wuqian's eyes looking at him, Liu Hai's look is also changed. Although he doesn't know what identity ye Wuque has, even the sea sky is so respectful to Ye Wuxiang, which shows that ye Wuqian is not an ordinary person.

"What do you want?" Liu Hai really some trembles, this just toward the leaf without lack asked.

"What do I want? Tut What do you want me to do? " Ye Wuqi's icy voice rings out and walks towards the bangs step by step.

"Mr. Ye, spare your life, Mr. Ye!" At this time, a very excited voice sounded, only to see a middle-aged man, rushed to Ye Wuqian, is quite respectful to ye Wuque, and this person is Liu Hai's father Liu Tianyang.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that his father was so afraid of Ye Wuxiang, Liu Hai hastened to ask, obviously he didn't know what was going on.

Liu Tianyang just did not wait for the bangs to speak, but Liu Tianyang slapped the bangs.

"Bangs, bangs! You just don't know what to do! Do you know who is in front of you? He is a famous Mr. Ye in China! You dare to offend Mr. Ye! Get down on your knees

Liu Tianyang said coldly. He knows Ye Wuqian's momentum and kills people without blinking an eye. He doesn't know how many martial arts experts died in Ye Wuqian's hands. Their Liu family is not worth mentioning in front of Ye Wuqian. He didn't expect that the Liu Hai was still so arrogant.

"Mr. Ye, famous in China?" The people present were also shocked when they heard this. They didn't expect ye Wuque to have such a name. No wonder even Haitian, a big man in Beihai City, should be respectful to ye Wuque.

"Mr. Ye's name is like thunder! I didn't expect to see Mr. ye here! It's a great blessing! " Many people present said to Ye Wuqian in a hurry, but they were quite respectful to him. You know, Mr. Ye's name is not shouting at random, but quite loud in the whole China.

In the face of the compliments of all the people present, ye Wuque did not take it seriously, but looked at the bangs. Today, the bangs offended themselves in front of so many people. Naturally, ye Wuque would not let my bangs go easily.

"Get down on your knees!" Liu Tianyang said in a cold voice when he saw Ye Wuqian's eyes on Liu Hai. His words were very serious, because Liu Tianyang knew that this matter was not the same as the reaction. If ye Wuqi wanted to deal with Liu Hai, it would be easy.

Hearing Liu Tianyang's words, Liu Hai felt helpless, so he knelt down to ye Wuque directly, because he knew that he had offended people who should not have been offended today. If he had to be stubborn, he would have to die.

After seeing Liu Hai kneeling down, Liu Tianyang said in a hurry to the leaf.

"Ask Mr. Ye's side! He is too young to understand things! I'm used to it! I hope Mr. Ye doesn't have a common understanding with him! "

Liu Tianyang said to Ye Wuqian in a hurry, but his expression became quite serious.

In the face of Liu Tianyang's words, ye Wuque nodded his head coldly.

"There are some things I don't want to talk about! But you did offend me today! No big demands! 10 million! It shouldn't be too much! " The leaf does not lack cold not Ding's came a sentence.

With Ye Wuqian's words, the people present were also quite shocked. They didn't expect Ye Wuqian to add 10 million yuan directly. You should know that this 10 million yuan is not a small amount.

Li Qian, on the other side, saw the scene in front of her, and was also quite shocked. Unexpectedly, Mr. Ye, whom she called out in her mouth, turned out to be the famous Mr. Ye of the whole China, which surprised him a little.

"10 million?" The bangs heard this, his face suddenly became a little ugly, did not expect that this leaf Wuque would say so.

"Why, a lot?"

The leaf does not lack light to ask a way, but in this language, it is with a strong wind.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Liu Hai shook his head for a while.

"Not much, not much!" Liu Hai said in a hurry.

In the face of Liu Hai, ye Wuqian nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Liu Tianyang.

"What? Do you think a lot? " Ye Wuqi's voice rang out again and said to Liu Tianyang in a meaningful way.At this time, Liu Tianyang heard Ye Wuqian's words, and then said in a hurry.

"Not much! Of course not much! How can there be so many! Excuse me, to our Liu family, it is nothing at all! As long as Mr. Ye is happy! " Liu Tianyang hastily said, but the heart is in the blood, 10 million for their Liu family, that is not a small number.

At this moment, the present people also become a little embarrassed, originally this is just a banquet, unexpectedly turned into a battle.

"Since there are not many, go and prepare quickly! It doesn't seem to welcome you at this banquet The voice of Ye Wuqi rings again, but this time it has a kind of driving smell.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Liu Tianyang left the banquet with his bangs in a hurry, and his expression became quite serious.

After Liu Hai and Liu Tianyang left, the whole Party became happy. Many people present also looked at Ye Wuqian. They didn't expect that ye Wuque was the famous Mr. Ye in China.

After leaving the banquet, Liu Hai hastened to look at Liu Tianyang.

"Dad, what's going on? How could he be Mr. Ye? Can there be fraud? Ten million is not a small amount! If our Liu family takes out 10 million yuan! That's a big expense Liu Hai said to Liu Tianyang in a hurry, and his expression seemed rather dignified.

In the face of this, Liu Tianyang suddenly turned around and slapped him in the face. He seemed quite angry.

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