"I repeat, let go of the hostages immediately, abandon the gun and surrender, or you will be killed!" Li Feng hums coldly, and his body has been hiding behind several policemen, and these are his confidants. He has already taken out a pistol and aimed at Ye Xiao and others in the hall!

It seems that as long as we wait for director Li's order, they will shoot and kill people!

Seeing that Li Feng is so unreasonable, Shao Bingyan is so angry that his chest is constantly fluctuating. This guy, too deceiving, should shoot indiscriminately? Is that how bold he is?

"Go Ye Xiao grabs Xue Qing and throws it to Li Feng's place. He is the place with the lowest police density. Although he knows that Li Feng may have the intention of killing people, he really does not believe that Li Feng dare to kill Xue Benning's only son in front of so many people!

He wants to kill people and force himself to kill Xue Qing. It's nothing. It will only arouse the anger of these gangsters. But if he really kills Xue Qing in front of these people, it's not like Xue Benning confessing!

After knowing the identity of the other party, ye Xiao has quickly found out all the information about Xue Benning that he has got in his mind!

Sure enough, seeing ye Xiao throwing the hostages towards this side, Li Feng's eyes flashed a fierce look, but still dare not command his subordinates to shoot!

"Quick, catch Xue Shao!" In fact, he did not need to order, these police who often eat Xue Qing have put down their pistols and caught the flying Xue Qing!

"Godfather, you have to avenge me The body just entered the bosom, Xue Qing is a burst of roar, from small to big, when did he have such a bitter experience, the thigh was directly interrupted by people!

"That chick is the Secretary of the provincial Party committee secretary. If you don't want to implicate your father and me, you should kill them all at once!" Li Feng grabbed Xue Qing and whispered in his ear!

Secretary of the Secretary of the provincial Party committee? Xue Qing a Leng, this just thought that the Secretary of the provincial Party committee secretary is a beautiful woman, is it her? However, only in a flash, Xue Qing understood the key to the interests. He molested the Secretary of the provincial Party committee in public. If this matter went up, no one could protect himself. Now, of course, the best way is to shut up!

"What are you doing? Don't kill these people as soon as possible to avenge Laozi Xue Qing is also a cruel role, the person is still held in the arms of the police, has roared!

It's better for them to kill people and kill their mouths. They have not never done these things. If the police bullets hit other civilians, even their Godfather can't explain it!

As long as you kill these people, then destroy the video evidence in time, and then hand over some people to go out, even if this matter is finished, no one will take care of himself and Godfather!

With Xue Qing's order, those gangsters suddenly realized that some of them rushed towards Ye Xiao and others with machetes in their hands, while others picked up the pistols dropped by their companions on the ground and were about to shoot!

Xue Shao has given the order, so they must obey it!

However, at this time, ye Xiao has already led Shao Bingyan and the young girl to hide in the back corridor and pull the two women behind him. Ye Xiao holds a sniper gun and pulls the trigger!

"Bang..." The fastest one was hit by a blow in the head. The terrible power smashed his head, just like rotten watermelon. The headless body still ran forward for a few steps. Then he stopped and fell on the ground, making a thumping sound!

The power of such terror again surprised everyone, but these thugs were also outlaws. In addition, several police officers mixed up in their center and rushed towards Ye Xiao at full speed one by one!

Seeing these desperate outlaws, ye Xiao's corner of the mouth, emerged a faint smile!

Just because there is a buzzing sound outside, the people sent by secretary Lin have arrived!

At this time, outside the Huacheng Hotel, a car full of armed police vehicles Shua Shua stopped around the hotel gate, and then a well-known armed police dressed in dark green camouflage quickly rushed in!

"Put down your weapon immediately, hold your head and squat on the ground, or you will be killed!" An officer at the school level rushed in with his men and roared at the crowd in the hall!

Seeing the armed police and the black muzzle of the guns, these gangsters who were arrogant just now are stupid. They can not be afraid of death because they know that ye Xiao is only one person. If you kill Ye Xiao, they will not only have a way to live, but also make great achievements. But now there are so many armed police here?

How dare they resist? Even if they have guns in their hands, it is impossible to deal with so many armed police? There was no need to think about it. These people threw away their weapons one by one, and they just held their heads and squatted in the same place. Because the speed was a little slow, they were directly shot by the armed police, and their brains were sprinkled all over the ground, which scared the guests pale, but they finally recovered a life!

As for Li Feng, when he saw the armed police rushing in, his face had become waxy and his eyes were full of despair. He knew that he was finished, and he was absolutely finished!As for Xue Qing, he was stunned to see all this. What happened? How can these armed police come so fast? At this moment, he even forgot the pain of his thigh!

After a while, this group of armed police quickly controlled the scene, and ye Xiao and Shao Bingyan also took the young girl from the back of the corridor to come out!

When you see ye Xiao twisting a huge sniper gun, at least more than 10 armed police will be mercilessly aimed at Ye Xiao!

"For the last warning, put down your arms and surrender immediately, or you will be killed!" An armed police officer yelled loudly. All the people looked at Ye Xiao nervously. There was no way. Not to mention the huge weapon, but to say that the breath from ye Xiao made them feel great pressure. Only these armed police could feel such a pressure. It was a kind of absolute pressure from the strong, the gangsters and the police, even the fundamental Can't feel such a pressure!

"Pa..." A sound, the armed police who spoke heavily hit the back of the head, it turned out that the Colonel officer directly gave him a shudder!

"Put down the gun now!" The Colonel's thirty year old officer roared. The more than ten armed police officers immediately put down all the guns. Then they saw the Colonel's head held high and came to Ye Xiao's, "pa!" A sound to Ye Xiao line a military salute, and then respectfully said: "red sky, see the chief!"

Seeing that his commander should call such a 20-year-old guy's leader, everyone is stunned. His own officer has a special identity, and he has been an officer to be a colonel at a young age. Which one is not a 40-50-year-old man in the army, but is this guy younger than his own officer now?

Li Feng, who had already been desperate, was surprised to see this scene. He was called the chief by a colonel. What is the origin of this boy? What kind of monster has Xue Qing offended?

"Ha ha ha, Hongtian, I have left the dragon clan now, and you have already left the dragon clan. I am no longer your leader!" Seeing this man in his thirties, ye Xiao had a big smile and a brilliant smile

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