"OK, I'll do as you say. Don't worry. I didn't eat anything during this period. My wife was afraid that the disease was serious, so she followed those prescriptions and ate light food. I didn't do anything else."

Ye Wumian also wanted to ask him what those things were in his stomach, but he didn't ask after thinking about it later, because it may not be possible to get the results if such things are asked now. Anyway, the most important thing is to solve the problem as early as possible.

"I don't know how to tell you clearly. These things in your stomach are really abnormal. Forget it. I'll tell you more about it when I'm sure. Anyway, you'd better control your own behavior these two nights. Don't go anywhere. Then your wife can watch you, or let your children do the same. It's really impossible to invite someone. These two days are not today At night, be sure to protect your whereabouts. "

Ye Wuqian said these words somewhat inexplicable, Daniel listen to some abnormal, but he has not asked what, after all, people are doctors, so all of a sudden to solve the problem, how can he say that.

"OK, that's it. I'll go back first. I'll write down the address of your house. I'll come directly tomorrow morning at eight or nine o'clock. When you're ready, we'll go to your hometown to have a look. I'm also curious about that place. If I can find something there, maybe I'll be very happy."

Ye Wuqian said and went back directly. In fact, he didn't have a place to live. Originally, there were some things in the provincial school. Because of the quarrel, he didn't know how to go back. Now it's even more embarrassing.

"Look at what you said. If you said that you had solved this problem before, it would be nothing. But if you want to say that again, he will certainly be angry. You have all put your heart down to say these things to him, and he can't agree with anything. Is it too much?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the people beside him and didn't know whether he should say this sentence. If he had explained these things before, he would never have had anything. But now that such a big thing has happened, he doesn't know how to open his mouth. At the beginning, those things were not his fault at all. Originally it was business, but he lied there and didn't tell him clearly. Now it happens again There is no explanation for such a thing.

"Miss, I don't think it's necessary at all. If he really has nothing to do, how can he not come here? And I think he is on purpose. If we can solve this problem earlier, we will never do this."

Yang Xiaodie knew how, and suddenly called Shen Xiaoxiao. After hearing these words, Shen Xiaoxiao just shook his head helplessly. If he had been by his side before, that would be great, but now he is suddenly gone, and some are not normal. He would tell himself what he said. Now that there is no one, he doesn't know how to say it clearly.

"Look at what you said. If there is any problem, how can it not be solved? Isn't it a good thing to solve it earlier? What's more, according to what you said, how could he care about what you said? Otherwise, we'll call him and ask him to stop being angry. After all, it's not good for him to be angry all the time. He can't be so angry all his life, and he won't contact you any more. "

Yang Xiaodie was the one who talked first. Finally, he said these things here. Shen Xiaoxiao always felt that there was something wrong with these things. Clearly, at the beginning, the situation was not like this. How come the taste of talking now has changed.

"That's not what you told me at the beginning. You said he betrayed us first. You said that his problem was very big."

Talking about it, he just talked like that in other people's hands, but now that such a big thing has happened, he doesn't know what kind of explanation to make, but they can't always quarrel.

"Come on, what am I going to tell you about this? Didn't you all talk about this problem before? Now that you say that again, how can I explain it to you? If we can solve the problem earlier, how could we have such a big problem? If he listened to you before, he would not quarrel, so you both have problems. Otherwise, wait a moment. If he didn't call you this afternoon, you should call him again, and the two people would not make trouble again. After all, this kind of thing is really not easy, and if he doesn't admit it earlier, you will ask Well, if he goes on like this, we'll have something to tell him

Yang xiaodieai is an abnormal person. He envies Shen Xiaoxiao for having such a family and a bodyguard. As a person next to him, he feels that it is abnormal for such a thing to happen around him. However, now that such a thing happens, he is not fair in his heart, but he wants to find out the situation as soon as possible.

"What's the matter with you? If you don't listen to me, I can't help it. After all, it's the best way I can think of. I didn't think it's good to explain those problems before, but now if he doesn't listen to this, I don't know how to tell you."

Ye Wuqi happened to go out and suddenly sneezed. He sneezed at 3000. He stayed in the hotel these two days, and then he would pick up the things there. If it still can't be solved, we can talk about it later. After all, it's meaningless to talk about it now. People don't want to listen to him, but he's a bit sentimental when he says that again."Why are you here, brother? What are you doing standing in the middle of the traffic lights? After a while, the traffic police will give you a fine. You can't stand here on the sidewalk

Ye Wuqi sneezed just now and stood in the middle of the road. Then an old man came over and said a word to him. He immediately nodded his head and said thanks. Then he left the middle of the road and went back to the hotel directly. However, he was still uncertain. Although he didn't know what would happen in the village, now he had to take the things back.

"Ye Wuqian, do you have the heart not to call me? I did not do it right, I apologize to you first, but after all, we are friends, how can you do so resolute, can't people really believe it? Or do you really have a ghost in your heart that you can't make people think you've done well? "

Shen Xiaoxiao finally made a phone call, but the words in the tone were not used correctly. As a result, they didn't say a word on the phone now. They got into a deadlock. Yang Xiaodie next to him hoped that they would do this. If anything happened in the future, they would not have anything to do with Shen Xiaoxiao.

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it right. I have to go out and do something these two days, so I came back to take the things away."

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