"Mom, don't worry. I've done this properly. But after such a long time, do you still have to think like before? At the beginning, I knew what happened to them. Now that such a big thing has happened, don't you have any reaction? I know what everyone thought when this happened. But now that you have done so many things, don't you have any sense of guilt, and the family members of the new year's work have not been broken up because of you. I don't know why you were so cruel that year. If Daniel Dahu's mother knew you did this underground, I guess I want to come to you for your life. Of course, it's just my personal thought. As your son, I don't know why you did this. But now that so many things happen, I don't know how to tell you clearly. If we could have made it clear earlier, we might have nothing at all. "

At first, she felt that her son would not say such words to stimulate her, but now she found that she could not. What her son said was more exaggerated than she imagined. At the beginning, it was because her education of her son was very low, so they all felt that their education was wrong. But now, she has been a good teacher He should not feel this kind of pressure on his son so early.

"You little bunny, now you are more and more lawless. Although I am old now, I can control you. If you want to continue to say this, don't tell me if it's useless. At the beginning, I thought that this kind of thing would never be on your side, but now you can say it Come out, I know what the situation is. If you want to continue to talk with me here, don't blame me for not recognizing you. What I said at the beginning, as long as you listen well, there will definitely be something you want. But now you can even say this. I can only say that your understanding of me may be too deep. "

Ye Wumian stood by and heard their mother and son talk like this. At the beginning, he thought that the old lady would not have too much thought, but now he knows the situation of the old lady.

But then he felt that the price was different. At first, he found that these things were not as simple as he thought. He thought that these things were not like what they saw when they first came.

"Are you sure you want to think so? At the beginning, you would rather not say that. At the beginning, you said that all this was about me, but if you go on like this, you say that these things do not belong to me at all. Don't you think you are a little biased? Let me do everything without saying it? Now let me go on with this! "

I thought that nobody would like to believe these things, but now the old lady felt very strange after hearing these words. She had thought that her things were fundamentally different.

What's more, she had already made these words clear before she found them. If they didn't want to listen to his words, no one would envy them. But if we go on, no one will agree.

"Well, it's what I did wrong. When I said these things at the beginning, I couldn't wait for anyone to believe that so many things happened to him and now, and no one would like to believe it."

So no matter what, and when those things happened before, he didn't know what to do with it.

He hoped that the matter could be solved as soon as possible, so that no one would continue to tell him that it was useless.

He also thought that this matter could be solved as soon as possible. At the beginning, he knew that the matter was not as simple as he thought, and he also hoped to be able to stand in front of himself to clarify the matter.

Ye Wumian was at the door. He wanted to see what the old lady was like, but now he found that it was not as easy as he thought, so he planned to give up the opportunity. At the beginning, he thought it was because he said it was too strange

"you are right. If he goes on like this, I can't continue to insist as before Go on, and at the beginning of the reduction of holding this thing, this is not the case at all. Originally, I wanted to check the tumor in your body, but now the old lady seems to have a bigger problem than you. If you can find a breakthrough from him, maybe it's better. Don't insist on this idea. You don't want to dig into the heart of tiger Tell him everything

After ye Wuwei came from the front of the old lady's house, he said to Daniel in a hurry. After hearing this, Daniel felt very shocked. What's the matter? Even everyone can't say anything out of his heart. Is there any secret in all this? She found out that tiger didn't know when to hide there and said some strange things

"you said nothing wrong at the beginning, but now there are so many things happening, which is not what you think. Do you think I have a specific reason to do this thing I had planned for the time before, but now I find that it is not as simple as you think, so you should not think about it. At the beginning, I found that this matter had a lot to do with you. Now if you think about it again, it is actually a problem. "In fact, at the beginning, a Fang thought that he was the eldest brother and the elder sister-in-law. But now he found that he and his sister-in-law were not willing to give them anything better, but now they are carrying their backs in front of each other. So he plans to give up this opportunity, thinking that he would go back early after his husband's medical examination and not stay here All the people in this village look simple and unadorned.

In fact, their minds are deeper than the sea, especially the old lady seems to have no problem at all, but now when he finds out these things, he feels that the old lady is much more terrible than they think.

I was ready to go directly to the village the next day, but now it doesn't work. The old lady has been watching.

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