"Mom, you told me about Daniel in those years. If I knew about it, I could use it to threaten him and get more benefits. Isn't that what you're doing this time to fight for that thing? Now that I've got it all figured out, why don't you admit it? In any case, we all know what's going on in this situation. Why do you have to die and refuse to admit it? "

Although they were far away from each other, his voice was loud enough for them to hear clearly. Ye Wuxiang was in the dark, but he did not expect that he was so bold. Old lady, he felt that there were some saints. Now, he did not worry about his mother's anger at all.

"Well, since you said that, I don't have much to say, but you know, what I'm doing now is for your benefit. Since you can think of better ways for yourself, I'll tell you all of these things. In fact, Daniel was not healthy when he was a child, and before him, he had a brother who was two years older than him, but After that, I didn't know what happened. His brother suddenly became ill, and Daniel's physical condition suddenly improved. Everyone thought that this was the blessing of the gods, so they didn't take it seriously. But since this incident passed, they all thought that it was not simple, so I went to his house to ask the truth. After all, I was still in charge of the village, They didn't dare to hide everything from me. At the end of the day, I asked a series of more terrifying things, and now I feel numb when I think about it. "

When the old lady said this, she felt a little strange. At the beginning, he knew that this matter was also accidental. Indeed, as he said, Daniel's parents were honest and responsible rural people, but he thought that only one of the two sons could be guaranteed.

Moreover, the eldest son is not only frustrated, but also naughty to die. The younger son is not only sensible but also will do something for them. Therefore, they hope to sacrifice the eldest son to protect the younger son. In this way, at least a normal person can be made.

"So you mean that there can't be two people in their family at the same time. Even if they are old enough to live at a certain age, there will be problems. Daniel's current situation is actually affected by his brother, so he will be in danger of physical condition. But why do they do this? What is this? Now it's a scientific society ruled by law. How can there be such evil things

The old lady's son raised a series of questions. After hearing this, I patted her on the head and said that she was really stupid, but I didn't know how to tell her. If she had been asked to explain these things before, he would not feel that there was anything wrong. However, it is not easy to explain such things as this one clearly.

"In fact, it's no wonder that if others had explained this matter earlier, it might have been OK. But Daniel's parents did not know where to find a wizard, so they took out his brother's heart and put it in his heart. However, the position of the heart was wrong, and the cow's heart was not taken out Daniel has two hearts. It looks like a tumor

Now, when he explained this, he didn't think it would happen at the beginning of the explanation. Even if something really happened in the future, they also had a solution. After all, the youngest son had been saved by them. However, it was not in their will that such a thing happened now, so neither of them told Daniel about it.

The old lady's son heard everything in the clouds, but he still told the original words to Daniel. He was shocked to hear these words. He only knew that these things were ambiguous, but he knew that the old lady said more details.

"Well, I know that this card has no money. You just want to let me know how helpless you are in front of your mother. But now that you have told me this, I will send you a piece of China. In fact, I don't have much money in my family. Although I have been a civil servant, I have spent a lot of money outside these years. I will get sick later I'll give you some favor when you are cured. Thank you for telling me so much. "

After that, Daniel turned around and left. When he got out of the village, no one stopped their car. He stopped on the road at the entrance of the village. After entering the village, there was no road inside. So the car had to stop outside and walk in. After going out, he found that the car was covered with a lot of dust.

"Mr. Ye, I have already asked about the information I want to ask, and you should have heard that. But who knows my parents will do this, and whether the one who lives in me is a human or a tumor? It's my other personality. These things sound more mysterious. If you can make it clear, it's better not to make it clear. I don't know what to do

You feel very helpless. Who knows that he has reached the middle age, when his family is happy, he has lost his job and is now homeless. If he really needs a lot of things to treat this thing, he doesn't know how to do it.

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