"You're right. It's really the boss who beat me, but I'll tell you the truth. For the sake of saving me twice, I designed this thing."

Ye Wuqi was shocked by this sentence on the surface, but felt nothing in his heart. It is not surprising that he designed this thing. The dart seems to be powerful, but the actual lethality is relatively small, which is what women can design.

"So this dart is designed by you. It's so powerful. I didn't expect that I did some research on these things. I went to ask the boss before, but the boss didn't want to say anything. In the end, I went back to nothing. Otherwise, if you go with me again, I would like to order some to play."

Ye Wuxiang thought that Yin Xiaoxue would agree to this, but in the twinkling of an eye, what Yin Xiaoxue said shocked her enough.

"It's not so simple that you want to play with it. Don't think it's normal at the beginning, but you'll have tears after a long time. So don't play with these things. It's not suitable for playing at all."

Yin Xiaoxue said this on purpose. At first, he said that these things were normal, but after a while, he found that the man looked at himself for a long time, and his eyes were very strange, and he thought it was very abnormal.

"Are you too persistent about something? I just said that I am more interested in this thing, so I want to ask you to give me a method, or ask the old man to give me some money. It doesn't matter how much. Anyway, we all have interests and hobbies."

Although ye Wuque Android is ordinary, it looks like a rich second generation, but it really makes people feel very poor.

Yin Xiaoxue waited here and looked at him. He thought for a long time. What he had said before was also said back. If he said these problems before, he would not feel anything, but now he continues to talk like this, but he feels that something is wrong.

"Are you sure you want to play this little trick? In fact, many people don't support me to play this thing as a girl. I didn't expect that you, a man, would like this thing designed by me. If you really like it, I can give it to you to play, but his old man may not make it again, because I told him that he would not take other people there, and I would not break me I hope you can understand me

Ye Wuqi didn't expect that he had his own bottom line, but he couldn't figure out why this woman's family would attack Shen Xiaoxiao in the villa, and in a threatening way.

"Are you using this dart for other purposes? When we found this thing in the yard, I was really curious. I was still a little angry about who threw it. But now I see a beautiful woman like you, and I have less resentment against that person. But I don't believe it. This is what you left in my yard, because you don't look like it. "

Ye Wuwei deliberately said this is to motivate her, after all, Yin Xiaoxue looks really tall and beautiful, which is like those who will do bad things.

The person behind him must be led out, which is the most needed, but now found that no matter what he said, it seems useless.

"What do you want to ask? I don't think you really want this dart at all. I think you have something else in mind. Even if I'm stupid, I can tell that there are other meanings in your words. "

Yin Xiaoxue didn't expect that he just agreed to a condition casually, and now someone comes to visit him. At the beginning, he heard that there were no bodyguards around Shen Xiaoxiao, and those bodyguards were just a bag of wine and rice. It's very strange that such a thing has happened now.

"Who are you? If you don't explain things clearly now, I will never let you leave. Why do you say nice words to girls before throwing darts at my house, but you don't listen to it, but you look like this. Do you think I will continue to speak well? "

Ye Wumian, you think he won't do well if you continue to talk like this, but it's not right when you find out. It's because when Xiaoxue started, she still looks like a cold and beautiful woman. You can see that she wants to inquire, and his vanity and reality seem very unhappy, but how can he make such things happen many times?

"So what do you want to say? If you can solve this problem, you can only think about other things. Anyway, you have to give me an account and throw darts at my house. That's very human. Is it because someone has been there to avoid you or you have been asked for something strange. If you tell me clearly, I won't blame you. Anyway, this kind of thing may be nothing to others But I prefer beautiful women. "

Ye Wumian intentionally uses this time to make fun of him. If he said this before, it would never be nothing. But now he just wants to use the routine of Yin Xiaoxue to let him know that he does not really want to do something to him, or there are other reasons. However, when Xiaoxue hears this sentence, he not only thinks that ye Wuque is harming him, but also mocks him, so he can't do it at all He had already made it clear that he could admit the bet. How could he agree casually?

"You don't have to brag and fart here. Who are you? I don't want to know, and I don't want to understand. But I don't think it's possible to tell you today. Anyway, after so many things have been done, what can you do to me? Do you really think that you can just say something casually?"Yin Xiaoxue didn't expect that, because he thought this sentence was still special, so after a while, the two people stood here for a long time. The people in charge here thought that they were going to make trouble here, but they were still nervous. After that, they even came to ask them what they were going to do here.

"I think you'd better stop talking here. If you want to make more trouble here, I'm afraid they'll have to come to us to settle accounts. After all, people have told the truth, and it's necessary to explain this problem earlier. Now that such a situation has happened, it's good to understand it earlier."

At first, they did not think much about this problem. Even if they were entangled, they would not be very good. But now it has been so long, they have not got any results and don't say anything. Now that so many things have happened, the two people are still entangled. Finally, ye Wuxiang does not intend to talk nonsense with him, and intends to find out the situation directly. If the old man doesn't say anything about him, he will go straight Take it.

"To tell you the truth, it's more appropriate."

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