"Bang..." There was another gunshot, and then there was a scream. Obviously, the dead man who was shot didn't get a head shot. But when he thought about the terrible power of the sniper gun, Xue Benning knew that whoever was hit by this gun, as long as it hit the part above the thigh of his body, regardless of that part, would be absolutely doomed to death!

Think about it, if hit in the abdomen, enough to pierce a big bowl of blood hole, if a person's body opened such a big mouth, who can still live? Even this situation is even more cruel than a direct blow to the head. If you blow your head, you will die directly. However, you will not die in a short time. Instead, you will watch the blood flow into your body. Before you die, you must realize the fear of death!

"Bang..." There was another gunshot and then a scream. Xue Benning felt like a devil from the abyss of hell. He was opening his mouth to attack himself and devouring his companions. It was a kind of fear that made people feel desperate!

"Bang!" "Bang..." There were seven gunshots, and then seven screams, not to mention Xue Benning. Even though some of the dead men around him were never afraid of death, they also felt a sense of inexplicable chill!

Who on earth is this man? How can he have such terrible shooting skills?

In the dark, it's so terrible to be able to hit nine people with nine guns?

All the people are running like crazy, trying to escape from here. They even think that even if they are chased by a group of armed police, it is better than now!

The ninth person is dead. When the tenth person dies, it will be their turn. Who will be the eleventh? All people's hearts are mentioned to the throat, all people are trying to lurk forward, escape, constantly escape, their hearts only have such a word!

However, the sound of fear from the bottom of Xue Ning's heart was almost silent, but there was no sound from the bottom of their heart Rout!

The quieter and more terrifying, Xue Benning almost had an impulse to stop and wait for him to kill him. When is the end of his escape?

But the instinct from survival told him that he must escape and try his best to escape. He must escape here!

More than ten minutes later, the tenth shot did not ring out, and the fear from the depths of the soul slowly dissipated. Could it be said that the sniper was killed by his own dead man?

Although I think this kind of possibility is very small, but Xue Benning's heart still inexplicably flashed such an idea, or a kind of expectation!

With such an expectation, they ran several miles to a place full of weeds. There was a small hill in front of them. As long as they crossed the hill, they could see the city of Yangcheng. It was really the suburbs of Yangcheng. As long as they entered the suburbs, they were really safe!

However, the gunfire did not ring again, nor did the sound of footsteps. Even the dead man lost contact. Xue Benning and other dead men were gradually calmed down. In any case, the existence of terror did not catch up.

But just as they were about to run towards the hill, a figure appeared on the hill. With the help of the color of clouds dyed red by neon lights in the night sky, Xue Benning saw the face of the man at a glance. It was a handsome man in a Chinese tunic with a knife like face. His eyes were brighter than the stars in the night sky!

Is it him?

But in a flash, Xue Benning recognized who this man was. Isn't that ye Xiao, the master of TIANYAO?

Although he has not seen Ye Xiao, Xue Benning still recognized him at a glance. Besides him, who dares to intercept himself alone? Besides him, who has the ability to kill several people in the night? Besides him, who can force himself into a desperate situation when he arrives in Yangcheng!

"Kill him!" Almost instinctively, Xue Benning called out directly, but at this time, there was a burst of gunfire in the night sky again, and then Xue Benning saw a spark from the huge sniper gun in Ye Xiao's hand, and then he felt his heart ache!

Looking down, his heart has more than a fist size blood hole, a lot of blood is constantly flowing out, Xue Benning's mouth is wide open, eyes are also wide open, is this his death?

No one answered him, but when his body answered him, he saw that his body fell down so straight and looked at the dark night sky. Xue Benning was dazzled. He had looked at the sky for decades and would never see it again?

And he finally understood why he had not heard the tenth shot, which was left for him!

"Poop Xue Benning's body fell heavily on the ground, and woke up several dead men. When they crazily raised their weapons to shoot, they found that the figure on the hillside had not known where to go!All people are dazed to look at each other, Xue Benning died, only know to obey the order of them how to do?

At this time, the sound of helicopters sounded again in the sky, and three more helicopters came towards this side. Obviously, the huge gunfire alerted the armed police. Not only the helicopters, but also a group of armed police soldiers came towards this side rapidly!

But the king in the night has already disappeared!

In the suburbs of Yangcheng, it is doomed to be a sleepless night. Even for many people living in the southeast suburb of Yangcheng, they heard the roar of gunfire. However, I don't know if even the sky has to cover the government. Unexpectedly, thunder broke out at this time. There are bursts of lightning in the sky. Many people think it is the sound of thunder and lightning!

Ye Xiao has returned to Yangcheng, and then directly dialed Xiao Nan's phone. After the call was connected, Xiao Nan's excited voice came from the other end!

"Brother Xiao, is this going to take action?"

"Well, after tonight, Yangcheng and even Guangdong Province will be subordinate to Tianmen!" After that, ye Xiao hung up the phone, called a taxi and headed for the airport. As for his big burden, he also threw it in the car!

He is no longer needed here. He still needs to rush to Southeast Asia as soon as possible. A small Xue Benning has involved some people in the military. What about the political leaders? How many officers are involved? His time is running out, really not much!

The courtyard of the provincial Party committee, villa No.1, is subordinate to Lin zhengdai, Secretary of the provincial Party committee. At this time, it is late at night. However, Lin zhengdai, who is nearly 50 years old, does not go to bed. Instead, he sits on the sofa in the living room, closing his eyes and cultivating his spirits. Opposite him, Shao Bingyan is sitting in a professional suit, while his wife and daughter have already gone to bed!

If in the past, Shao Bingyan didn't have to stay in villa No.1. She had her own residence, but tonight's action was too special. Shao Bingyan never left villa No.1!

"Doodle!" At this time, the voice of the arrival of new mail flashed on the laptop screen in front of Shao Bingyan's body. Shao Bingyan quickly opened it for a look, and then looked happy: "secretary, successfully completed the task!"

"Well, follow me to Villa three!" Lin zhengdai has already stood up and walked outside with a smile on his face. Villa No. 3 is the place where Fu Qiang, the Commission for Discipline Inspection, lives!

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