Only the Yellow faced women in front of them are worth a lot of money

Ye Xiao doesn't care about the disdainful eyes of these people. He just stares at Hua YUEWU, who is choosing vegetables by the freezer and whispering to the old woman. She looks like she often comes

Just such a beautiful temperament beauty, how can come to such a place?

Soon, Hua YUEWU selected a bunch of dishes and handed them to the old man who was cooking. She returned to her seat, and the old woman also sent two dry dishes filled with chili powder and other seasonings

"What would you like to drink?" Flower Moon charm still smiles and says

"Have some beer Frozen... " Ye Xiao said, the weather is still a little hot. When eating this kind of hot string, drinking a few bottles of frozen beer is also a kind of enjoyment

Soon, Hua YUEWU brought three bottles of frozen beer and two cups. She poured it for ye Xiao and then poured one for herself

Ye Xiao's eyebrows pick, she even want to drink beer, not to say that beer is the killer of the body?

Most girls don't like this kind of taste, not to mention the beauty of Huayue charm?

Red wine in goblet is suitable for her!

"What? Don't think I'm a beer drinker? " Hua Xiaoye has been thinking about something for a month

"Ha ha, you can drink it if you want. What's so different? You come here often?" Ye Xiao shook her head and didn't admit it directly!

"Well, although the conditions here are a little poor, the taste is really good. To eat string string string is to eat one flavor. Moreover, the old man and wife are very good. When we want to eat string string, we will come here to eat it!" Hua Yue is charming and natural, just like an ordinary girl student!

Is she just an ordinary girl?

Not to mention her beautiful face, but to say that her family background is not bad. Which girl in such a family is not wearing famous brands and eating foreign food. Who would like to eat in such a simple and unhygienic shop like her?

This is a matter of losing one's identity!

Of course, it's even more incredible to think of her official status as a celebrity

However, thinking of the scene when I met her for the first time, ye Xiao felt that everything was taken for granted!

Flower Moon Charm is such a person, regardless of the status, she gives you a warm and kind feeling, just like the big sister next door!

This kind of woman who can go up the hall and get down to the kitchen is the most suitable person to marry home

Sister Yan should like it

"Here, cheers..." Hua YUEWU doesn't ask Ye Xiao why she asked her to come out. Seeing ye Xiao's changeable look and knowing what he was thinking, she picked up the wine glass on the table and said to Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao would not refuse. She picked up her glass and touched Hua YUEWU and drank it all at once. He could blow a bottle of beer like this, not to mention just a cup. But after drinking, she found that Hua YUEWU had already put down the glass, and the inside was empty, which was totally different from her neighbor's temperament

For this beautiful, charming and capable woman, ye Xiao has a new view

"Boss, let's have 50 strings of mutton, 30 strings of beef, 10 strings of other vegetables, and a box of beer. It's faster..." At this time, a noisy voice came in. Ye Xiao looked up and saw a few men who were just scumbags coming in. Some of them were sitting on the bench and yelling at the boss

"Come on..." The old woman still wore a kind smile. She first served the dry dishes and then began to deliver the dishes to the pot in front of the old man according to their requirements

Several men also learn from ye Xiao and Huayue charm. They have opened their beer to drink without waiting for a string to come up

Ye Xiao and Hua YUEWU don't care much, they still talk in a low voice and drink a few drinks from time to time

After a while, ye Xiao, who is not very good at spicy food, is not very good at spicy food. She keeps pouring cold beer into her mouth. On the contrary, she eats with relish, and her red lips are even more ruddy under the stimulation of pepper

When the two people ate almost the same time, the sky was already dark. During this period, although the eyes of those gangsters were always looking at this side, there was no harassment!

"Let's go..." As for the gangsters, they had already eaten almost at this time. They started to walk one by one, but their eyes were still reluctant to part with the Flower Moon Charm

Ye Xiao also did not put in mind, beauty is originally seen by people, he can't because others see the moon charming a few eyes to beat a person!

"Little brothers, you haven't paid me yet..." Seeing that this group of thugs was about to leave, the old woman who had just finished her work came out and said with a smile on her face!

"No money? Old woman, are you a fool? Didn't we give you 500 yuan when we just came? You're pathetic. You said you don't have to change the rest. Now you even want us to ask for money? Old woman, you should be kind to others... " A man with an earring on his ear immediately roaredAlthough a few of them ate a lot of food, it was cheap. At most, it was only two or three hundred yuan. If they gave 500 yuan, it was enough, but the problem was that they didn't give it at all

It's obviously a bully's meal

"Every time I collect money, I will record it in my book. You see, there is no such table on it, so you didn't give money..." In the face of the bully's roar, although the old woman was afraid, she still plucked up the courage to say!

Their string is cheap, two or three hundred yuan also make a few tens of yuan at most. For their old couple, this is a lot of money. You know, ye Xiao and they eat so much, and they can only earn 20 or 30 yuan at most!

But now, these people are even defaulting on their debts. Now, are they not only doing nothing for nothing, but also losing money?

"Look Look at your mother. Why didn't you remember when you gave you the money? You're not trying to blackmail us, are you? " The gangster knocked off the notebook in the old woman's hand, and flew directly into the hot pot, splashing a large amount of water. Fortunately, the old man saw that his old woman was arguing with others, and had already come over, which was not scalded

But when I saw the book fall into the pot, my face suddenly changed. It's nothing to see the account book gone. But the bottom material of this pot was just mixed. Now that the account book has fallen into the pot, who would like to eat it

This is not only a loss today, but also a half month in vain

Seeing how arrogant and shameless they are, Hua YUEWU's face darkens. Ye Xiao has slapped on the table, slapping the spicy hot and wine bottles on the table, and then the angry voice rings: "what's the noise? I can't have peace after a meal. Can't I die? "

After that, he stood up from the bench

The beer bottles, glasses and dishes on the small table dropped to the ground, making a crackling sound, which scared everyone

In particular, the Flower Moon Charm, which is close at hand, almost jumped out of fear

When did he get so grumpy?

As for the group of gangsters and the boss and his wife, they are also stunned. They look at Ye Xiao. Dare you, there is a fierce master here

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