"Kanu, have you seen the first tank? Use this shell to test its power He took out a shell which was bigger than the ordinary magnetic storm bomb. Ye Xiao said to Kanu!

Kanu took the shell, put it in his sniper barrel, aimed at the tank that had just left the castle, and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

"Bang!" In the blink of an eye, it has shot out more than 1000 meters, and directly hit the tank!

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the bomb exploded directly on the surface of the tank, and then a black light flashed. The tank seemed to have been squeezed by something, and the body began to crack. As for the two girls standing on the tank, their bodies were like paper paste, and they suddenly collapsed!

And then I saw that the tank was finally overburdened and collapsed directly. Yes, it collapsed, just like a tank piled up with blocks!

Collapse into a pile of scrap iron, scrap iron is also mixed with some strong flesh and blood!

Such a scene once again shocked the public, the tanks behind could not even be opened again, and ye Xiao has ordered to launch a general attack!

Hundreds of elite soldiers in a group of ten, the body dispersed, quickly rushed to the castle, as for ye Xiao, is also holding a huge sniper gun, but in another direction!

The massacre, officially!

Within the castle, Patricia did not come to the room where Sarna was held, when she saw a female soldier in uniform rushing to come!

"Tell the general, no, the castle has been broken, they have already attacked!"

"What?" Patricia's face showed a look of horror. How long did it take for the castle's door to be broken?

Is that all they've got? This is a territory that has been operated for a long time?

"Come on, get your hands together and get out of here from behind!" Patricia made the decision at the first time. Since the other party was prepared, he obviously lost this time and didn't think about revenge. As long as he left here first, he still had tens of thousands of troops. With such an army, it was enough to tear these people to pieces!

At this time, his brain has quickly calmed down, and he has faintly thought of what kind of bomb it is. Although Ye Xiao is shocked that there are so many magnetic storm bombs in his hand, he still can't believe that he still has too much inventory in his hand!

It's impossible without hundreds of bombs just now. Now ye Xiao doesn't have too many magnetic storm bombs in his hand. He just needs to gather the troops outside. It's still easy to annihilate them!

Of course, the premise is that you can leave alive!

At the same time, he told the female soldier that Patna quickly walked to the room. Even if he wanted to leave, he would take the woman with him. The reason for all of today is that woman. If he didn't bring ye Xiao and others in, how could such a thing happen? How could he let her go under such circumstances?

However, when Patna shot into the bedroom, he found that Naya, Ling and Ya were all on the ground. There was a blood hole the size of a thumb on their forehead. There was brain and blood flowing out constantly, and their weapons had been taken away!

How could that be possible?

Naya is the steward of the castle, and one of the most powerful people around Patricia. Together with Ling and ya, the three of them gather together. Even if the top ten masters meet each other, they have to flee, let alone a woman?

How could she have killed all three at once?

"Boom..." Just when Patna was shocked, there was a huge roar in the castle, and then there was a tremor on the whole ground. And the vibration did not stop. It was as if an earthquake had come. Patnay was cold in his heart. Such an explosion might have been detonated by someone in the armory!

No longer thinking about it, patnay turned and left the bedroom. There was a group of people gathered. All of them were devoted to his safety. Under the leadership of this group of female soldiers, patternay quickly ran to the rear of the castle!

There is a lake behind the castle, and opposite the lake is a jungle. There are only a few boats on the lake. As long as they get there, they can't catch up with it!

Ye Xiao and others came from the rain forest in the south. They could know the road of the rain forest in the south, but Patsy didn't believe that they knew the road of the rain forest in the north!

If you don't know the way, once you enter the rain forest, you will die!

Under the protection of his own soldiers, Patricia came to the back of the castle without hindrance. Someone had already pushed the yacht out. Patricia was the first one to go up. More than a dozen other soldiers also quickly climbed onto the speedboat. As for the rest of the soldiers, Patsy could not care!

In this world, there is no lack of people. If they die, they will die. As long as they live, as long as they control here, they will be able to constantly gather people!"Bang..." Just as Patricia's yacht was ready to open, there was a burst of gunfire in the air, and then the engine of his yacht burst out, and a fire rose into the sky. The huge momentum directly lifted Patricia out and landed straight in the water!

The faces of the soldiers around him were startled, and immediately two people jumped down. They knew clearly that their boss could not swim!

"Bang..." At this time, the gunfire continued to ring, and one female soldier was directly killed. There was a blood hole in each person's head. Judging from the shooting speed, this is definitely not one person!

When Patricia resurfaced with the help of two female soldiers, the three figures had already stood on the shore, and the muzzle of three black sniper guns was just aimed at their heads. The middle one was extremely huge and ferocious!

"Don't kill me, I will!" Facing the black muzzle of the gun, looking at the three men standing on the shore, Patna raised his hands for the first time!

"Bang!" Without any hesitation, ye Xiao pulled the trigger directly. The muzzle of the huge sniper gun spewed out a huge fire tongue, and instantly engulfed Patna. His head was like an electric light bulb, and the whole brain and blood were sprayed everywhere. Lenghun and sharna also pulled the trigger at the same time, and the three people surfaced, all of them Death!

General blood, Patricia, this is an ox man in the golden triangle. This is a guy from the bloody purgatory army. Ye Xiao doesn't think that he will really be so careless and easily throw himself in. In the face of such a dangerous element, it is impossible to subdue him. After all, his own people also killed his beloved son?

In this case, the best way is to solve it as soon as possible. Ye Xiao doesn't want to leave any problems for himself, especially his subordinates. Although they are running around now, they are also a force that can not be underestimated. If he calls them together, he will have a lot of trouble. Ye Xiao is not afraid of trouble, but he hates trouble!

With the sound of the gunshot, the plan to raid general Xue was completed. No one expected that the blood general who shocked the whole Southeast Asia region would be killed in a short day. However, although general Xue died, his power did not completely disintegrate. Just as ye Xiao was preparing to continue to lead the group to occupy the golden triangle area, a bad news came from Kyoto Xiao's whole body trembled with bad news

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