Long Yusheng became the leader of the dragon family. Ye Xiao's relationship with the dragon family was immediately spread out. On the face of it, it didn't cause any huge disturbance. However, for the great family with all kinds of gratitude and resentment with Ye Xiao, it represents another huge meaning. They can find Ye Xiao for revenge!

The old house of the Lin family is the oldest hall. Lin Xiuyuan, the leader of the Lin family, is sitting on the main seat of the hall. Beside him, Yue Buxiu, the deputy head of the state of China, is next to him. If other people see such a scene, they will be surprised. Isn't Yue Buxiu breaking up with the Lin family? How can you be in the old house of the Lin family again?

However, other people in the hall are not satisfied with it. It seems that all this is the most normal thing. What is the most important thing in politics? Interests. As long as there are enough interests, even one's own son can be sacrificed, let alone a grandson?

What kind of price can't give up if Yue Buxiu can sit in such a high position now?

When the old chief executive is in, he may still be able to use the strength of the old chief to fight against these aristocratic families. But if the old chief executive is gone, what else can he do against these aristocratic families? Yes, at his present high position, even those aristocratic families can't move him, but his power is still a little too little. If he wants to sit on the supreme position of the Chinese nation in the next term, he must have a force that fully supports himself!

These aristocratic families are undoubtedly the best choice. In his present position, there are many aristocratic families who want to cooperate with him. The Lin family is one of them. What about the other big families?

"Chairman Yue, please!" In the living room, Lin Xiuyuan personally offered a cup of tea for Yue Buxiu!

"Mr. Lin, you are welcome." With a smile on his face, Yue Buxiu took the tea and tasted it gently!

"Brother Yue, about Ziqiu..." Seeing Yue Buxiu drink his own tea, the smile on Lin Xiuyuan's face is even more brilliant. Then he will talk about Ziqiu, but he is interrupted by Yue Buxiu as soon as he speaks!

"Mr. Lin, those are the past things. Let him go. Besides, if ye Xiao didn't appear at the beginning, how could Ziqiu and heartless have been in such a mess? Now not only Ziqiu is gone, but also ruthlessness. This is all because of Ye Xiao! " Yue Buxiu said fiercely, obviously full of resentment to Ye Xiao!

"Who said it was not? All of them played from childhood to adulthood. If ye Xiao didn't appear, how could they have been like that? Fortunately, elder brother Yue can see clearly that he has not been the leader of the dragon clan. Otherwise, it will be hard for us to deal with him! " Old Lin also said with indignation on his face!

"Ha ha, don't worry about old Lin now. The old chief has gone, and the Dragon Emperor has disappeared. Without these two pillars, isn't he a gang leader? It's not easy to deal with him. Besides, we don't need to worry about these things. We just need to let the younger generation do it! " Yue Bu Xiu said lightly, it seems that ye Xiao is not regarded as one thing at all!

"Yes, I'll leave these things to the younger generation. Brother Yue, let's talk about my son, Lin Yuanguo." Old Lin nodded, a lost the biggest backing of Ye Xiao, he can also turn up what storm?

Such a small person really doesn't need to worry about himself. He looks at his grandchildren who are standing in the hall. Lin Wuren and Lin Wuyun quickly withdraw. They know that their father wants to talk to Vice President Yue about his father's affairs. He asks them to come and serve him, and also hopes that they will be in the presence of vice president Yue It's just a familiar sight!

What they really want to discuss is the political tasks of the second generation of the Lin family. With the death of the old chief executive, great changes will take place in the political structure of Kyoto and even the whole country of Huaxia. Under such circumstances, how many positions will be vacated?

The Lin family has suffered a lot of blows these days. If we don't take the time to share such a huge cake, we may lose the reputation of the four big families in the near future!

Now, several of the second generation of Lin's children have already reached the level of vice ministry, and they need to go further to be able to enter the level of official ministry. Lin Xiuyuan invited Yue Buxiu here to promote one or two of them to the level of chief minister!

Of course, this is not a white help. If Yue Buxiu wants to replace the current No. 1 chief executive in the next election, he also needs the support of the Lin family!

Politics itself is a matter of interest exchange!

When Lin Xiuyuan and Yue Buxiu calculated, other places in Kyoto, whether the older generation or the younger generation, gathered together. Naturally, the older generation discussed what kind of turbulence would happen to the political situation after the old leader left. The weaker ones were thinking about who to turn to in order to keep their present interests. The stronger ones were the beginning Think about how to get the most benefit!

As for the younger generation, they are discussing how to deal with Ye Xiao one by one, especially Gu Yu, long Yusheng and others. Now long Yusheng is a total winner and has mastered the dragon clan thoroughly. With such a force, they are not afraid of other people!At this time, in the hot spring at the top of Tianqiu private club in Kyoto, two men with 50% similar appearance were lying in a not too big hot spring. There was no other beauty service in the hot spring, only these two men!

One of them is Bai choufei, the boss behind the scenes of Tianqiu private club. The other is Bai choufei's second brother Bai Chou Fei!

Bai Chou Kui, as his name implies, has always been full of sorrow on his face, but today his face is crying hundreds of times more than before, and the whole face is about to collapse down!

"Choufei, you've done me a terrible job. Fortunately, nothing has changed this time. If something happens and the old man stands in the wrong line, he will not be washed out at last? The position of commander of the fourth garrison in Kyoto was won by our family with great difficulty

Bai Chou Kui complains bitterly. It's not his fault. At the beginning, Bai choufei once told him that ye Xiao and Zimo had a good relationship, and ye Xiao must have won in the end. But now, before the battle has begun, ye Xiao has already been out of the game. At this time, what else does he take to fight against those aristocratic families?

"Second brother, if you believe me, go back and tell the second uncle that you should never mix up with other aristocratic families. No matter whether ye Xiao will become the leader of the dragon clan in the end, don't oppose Ye Xiao. You should never underestimate him. Even if the second uncle can not treat him as one thing, don't ignore Zimo. At the last moment, Zimo will definitely stand On Ye Xiao's side, there is no doubt about that! " Seeing his second brother's sad face, Bai choufei explained patiently!

The sudden death of the old leader completely disrupted their layout. In this case, he had to patiently explain for Bai Chou!

At this time, any strength is extremely important to Ye Xiao!

"Hehe, third brother, you are not trying to embarrass me. Even if I believe you, do you think the old man will believe it? I can't persuade him unless he orders it himself White sorrow is also a bitter smile!

At the sight of the helpless smile on Bai Chou Ku's face, Bai Chou Fei's eyebrows are tightly wrinkling together. Can't he really help Ye Xiao?

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