A blood arrow spurted out from long Yusheng's forehead. Long Yusheng, who was still sitting on the sofa, was stunned. Gu Yu, who was sitting next to him, took all the Yamen who came in with them. They looked at all these things silently, staring at all these things, watching all these things?

What time is it now? How dare this boy do it? What makes him do it? What is his right to do it? Does he not know that long Yusheng is now the leader of the dragon clan? With his command, will the Dragon warriors pour out and tear him to pieces?

"Pa..." After a few seconds, long Yusheng suddenly regained his mind. He slapped it on the glass coffee table in front of him. The whole person stood up from the sofa, and then directly took out a huge desert eagle and aimed at Ye Xiao!

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, the atmosphere of the scene became quiet again!

"Dare you hit me? Do you believe that I can shoot you on the spot? " Long Yusheng said coldly, he really didn't expect that ye Xiao would start beating people at this time, and what he didn't expect was that he would beat people!

He is the leader of the dragon clan. Even if it is temporarily replaced, he is also the leader of the dragon clan. That can mobilize the existence of the whole dragon clan!

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, ye Xiao has no fear at all. Instead, he gives a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Then, without waiting for long Yusheng to shoot, he has suddenly shot!

He just grabbed long Yusheng's wrist. He twisted it hard. The desert eagle in his hand had fallen down and was caught by Ye Xiao's other hand. Instead, he aimed his gun at long Yusheng's forehead!

"Long Yusheng, in the past, I thought you were still a character, but now I find that you are not as good as a dog!" The corner of Ye Xiao's mouth showed a sarcastic smile. Fortunately, the other side was also a master with four inch strength. However, his combat effectiveness was too low. If he was the leader of the dragon clan, what would the dragon clan look like?

At the thought that those brothers who had fought together might be killed because of some wrong orders of this idiot, ye Xiao is a burst of anger!

If you long Yusheng is really a character, even if you really become the leader of the dragon clan, it is nothing. As long as you can lead the Dragon nationality to defend the motherland, as long as you can lead the dragon family to shake up those gangsters in the world, this is nothing!

Even if you have a problem with me, even if you want to kill me, it doesn't matter, but you can't be a straw bag?

The dragon clan is the most powerful armed force in China, which does not mean that there are many dragon people. On the contrary, the Dragon nationality is the least number of troops in the armed forces. However, every member of the dragon clan is the best among the elite, and the casualty rate of their travel task is also the lowest among all the troops!

In addition to their personal combat effectiveness, the reasonable deployment of the Dragon leader is also the most important reason. But now, just because of the power of the dragon family and the struggle of high-level power, long Yusheng's straw bag has been put into the position of the leader of the dragon clan. What will happen?

In the days when the Dragon Emperor and the enchantment are no longer at the same time, what will he do to the dragon people? The loss of any member of the dragon clan is a huge loss for China!

At the thought of this, ye Xiao's heart sprouted a wisp of killing intention, and killed long Yusheng on the spot!

Looking at the cold muzzle of the gun and hearing the harsh words in Ye Xiao's mouth, long Yusheng's face also turned purple and red. He was careless just now. Even if he was not ye Xiao's opponent, ye Xiao could not easily take the gun from his hand. He was totally careless!

"Dare you kill me?" In the face of this black muzzle, long Yusheng said calmly despite some fear in his heart!

At this time, Gu Yu, including several other men and women, also took out their guns one by one and aimed at Ye Xiao!

"Drop your weapons now!" Gu Yu is also a school official at least. It's nothing to have a gun on his body. Even if long Yusheng is suddenly captured by Ye Xiao, he doesn't think it's a big deal. Even if the old chief is still there, he doesn't dare to shoot and kill long Yusheng, but the old chief can't protect him!

However, for them, if ye Xiao is killed at this time, they don't have to worry about anything at all. A thug who hijacks national soldiers with guns will kill them. Who can say what?

Looking at these people's bodies have guns, ye Xiao's eyes, flashed a touch of cold killing!

"I advise you to put down your weapons at once, or not only he will die, but you will all die here!" Looking at a few people holding guns, ye Xiao said with a sneer!

He didn't pay attention to these people. All the people present, except long Yusheng's skill was pretty good, other people didn't pay attention to him. Although these people were school officials, they all relied on the resources of the family. Their own strength was a little stronger than ordinary people. How could he pay attention to such existence?But the sword has no eyes, and the muzzle of the gun is blind. What he worries about is Xiao fei'er behind him. If he really starts shooting, what should he do if he injures Xiao fei'er?

As soon as ye Xiao heard that he was holding a gun, he told himself and others to put down the gun, and threatened himself and others. Gu Yu and others were stunned and then laughed one by one. This guy's brain was not clamped by the door, right? Can you say such stupid things?

Does he think he is a gun god?

"Gu Yu, put down the gun! He dare not kill us At this time, from ye Xiao nearest, feel Ye Xiao body that cold kill the meaning of long Yusheng mouth!

This guy is not stupid, but he seems to be in a crazy state. What's a crazy person doing some crazy things?

Whether he can kill Gu Yu and others together in the shortest time, as long as he pulls the trigger, he is dead!

The dragon who just sat on the dragon can't die so early!

Gu Yu was stunned and took a look at long Yusheng. Seeing ye Xiao whose finger was on the trigger, he thought of Ye Xiao's deeds. Then he put his pistol on the tea table!

Long Yusheng is right. Ye Xiao doesn't dare to kill them. As long as ye Xiao kills them, he will never survive in Kyoto. Not only he, but also Xiao fei'er behind him, as well as all the people related to him, will suffer the most tragic revenge!

As long as they put down their guns, ye Xiao will never really kill them. But if they all have guns, then in the face of the threat of death, ye Xiao may really do something crazy!

At that time, long Yusheng will definitely die. Whether he can survive under the full attack of this madman is really an unknown number?

Gu Yu cherished his life very much. He didn't want to take such a risk!

Seeing Gu Yu put the pistol on the tea table, the others were stunned, but they still threw their guns on the ground!

"You're smart..." Ye Xiaogang almost had an impulse, but later he killed all these people. However, long Yusheng finally chose to compromise, which made Ye Xiao's heart less murderous and his mind more sober. No matter how incompetent long Yusheng is, now he is the leader of the dragon clan. If you kill him at this time, isn't it really a declaration of war with the dragon clan?

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