"Maple son, do you want to fight against my teacher?" When Maple Matsushima was surprised, a cold hum came from the opposite "Miyamoto Musashi" mouth, and then he saw his whole person running towards Matsushima Maple!

"You are not a master, you are a thousand!" Matsushima Kaedeko as like as two peas, and the other side just exported, and immediately recognized the identity of the other party. The other side is alike to Miyamoto Takehide, whether they are good or bad, but the voice will not be thought of by Miyamoto Takehide. Miyamoto Takehide will never call her maple, but call her Xiao Hui, a secret that only Miyamoto Takehide, Matsushima Kaedeko and Andouble half hide.

To imitate Miyamoto Musashi like this, there is only one person in the world who can do it, that is thousand songs!

As soon as he heard the words, Abe banzang, who was fighting with other ninjas in the distance, was also red eyed. At the beginning, this guy pretended to be ye Xiao and went to the forest house to kill heartless. He not only framed Ye Xiao, but also framed himself!

At the thought that he was played by a monkey, Abe banzang was angry and wanted to deal with thousands of them at all costs. However, the strength of these ninjas was not bad. In a moment, where did he go fast!

"Well? You recognized me so soon? You are indeed worthy of being Mr. Miyamoto's proud eldest disciple, but no matter who you are, you will die today! " The face of a thousand head appeared a surprised look, obviously did not expect Matsushima maple to recognize himself so quickly, at the moment, with all one's strength, he chopped at Maple Matsushima!

Songdao Maple's eyes are also flashing light, the strength of his whole body is concentrated between his hands, and he is going to prepare to kill the thousands of heads that come to him with a knife. But behind the thousand heads, a figure suddenly darts out and pours directly at Zhan Lin!

At the sight of this thin figure like a shadow, maple Matsushima's face once again showed the color of horror. Unexpectedly, the seventh best master phantom in the sky list was also the super first-class master who dominated by speed, and the only one who escaped from Miyamoto Musashi's men!

The reason why Miyamoto Musashi is so famous is that he once defeated mirage, the seventh best master in the sky list. It is said that Miyamoto hurt mirage with one sword, but Matsushima Maple clearly understood that the speed of mirage was higher than that of Miyamoto. If Miyamoto had not used his unique skills to flash and smash mirage with one sword, perhaps his master would have been defeated!

However, I didn't expect that after so many years, my master had already died, and this phantom appeared here again. Moreover, he was gathered with thousands of songs. Are they all members of the dark moon alliance?

Is the strength of the dark moon alliance really such terror?

In the face of the fast lightning speed of mirage, maple Matsushima has no time to think about such problems. She has promised the people there to protect Zhan Lin, and she can't let him have any things!

"Shua..." The song island maple son no longer has any reservation, in the hand the flash flash, directly stabbed to has already rushed to Zhan Lin's welcome, and then the sword tip pointed at the back of the welcome heart, so stabbed in the past, although she has tried her best, but at this time still can't block the phantom, only can use this way of encircling Wei to save Zhao!

In the face of the chilling chill from behind, the phantom suddenly turned around and showed a strange smile towards the maple tree on Matsushima. Then his body flashed and avoided such a sword. He didn't mean to shoot Zhan Lin at all!

Matsushima Maple a Leng, thousand of the hands of the sword has been in her shoulder at this time, a blood arrow out!

Maple Matsushima murmured, about to launch a counterattack, but the next to the wooden house is suddenly burst at this time, and then see a figure even thinner than the phantom, clearly is an oriental face, but dyed with a head of golden hair man rushed out!

His speed is not fast, but his speed is very fierce, so directly rushed to Zhan Lin, when he saw this thin face, maple Matsushima's heart sank again!

Wild animal, nobuji Hirono, No. 9 in the sky list, is existence. How can he be called a swordsman in Japanese martial arts?

He is the treasure of Shankou group. He even went out? This time, what kind of strength has the dark moon alliance deployed?

Up to now, the Dragon Emperor has not appeared. Songdao Fengzi doesn't think that he and others can get rid of the Dragon Emperor's tracking. The only explanation is that the Dragon Emperor was stopped by the man of the dark moon alliance!

Now, there are three masters of tianbang who can come here to kill Zhan Lin. what about those who stop the Dragon Emperor?

Think of the Dragon Emperor that kind of terrible strength, can block its people, in the end, what kind of existence?

The secret strength of the dark moon alliance is so terrible?

At the same time, maple Matsushima's body is full speed toward Zhan Lin, she can't see him killed by them, if Zhan Lin is really dead, then she can't explain to the people there!

Their master once owed them a promise. Now that the master is dead, the promise should be fulfilled by himself and others!

This is fate, as a descendant of the palace!

"Bang..." At that moment, the samurai sword in the beast's hand was directly inserted into the abdomen of maple Matsushima. The flash of the spirit in his hand flashed to the neck of the beast. A touch of surprise flashed in the wild beast's eyes, and he quickly drew back his knife !But at this time, the phantom began to speed up again. Before Zhanlin landed, it had come to Zhanlin's body, and then wiped it on her neck!

Matsushima maple is frightened. She wants to rush to rescue Zhan Lin with all her strength. However, the beast and the thousand heads are all working at the same time, and once again they stop her. Rao is so powerful that she is no longer under the original Gongben Musashi, but she still can't break through the obstruction of the two tianbang masters!

Can't I even finish the last regret of my master? Seeing the shining knife light, maple Matsushima's eyes are full of despair. She and her younger brother have tried their best, but still can't save Zhan Lin's life?

This man is likely to be related to the whole world pattern!

"Hi..." The sound of a crisp sound, a blood spurt out, and then people see a head flying high, a blood spring is from the headless neck spray out, in the sunlight is so dazzling!

Then, the ground made a clanging sound. It was the sound of weapons falling on the ground. Everyone was stunned. At the same time, they saw that jenlin's head was still hanging around his neck. On the contrary, his head was flying and his body was slowly falling down. The sound of the weapon falling on the ground just now was his weapon !

How could it be? Did jenlin kill the phantom?

How can he have such strength? At the time when everyone was extremely shocked, a figure slowly came out of jenlin's back!

It was a man covered in black robes, and his face was also wearing a blood red mask. He could not see his face clearly. However, no matter whether it was Matsushima maple, wild beast, or thousands of heads, they all recognized the identity of this man at the same time, who could kill the phantom with one knife and wear a bloody mask. In the whole world, there are only one person with a bloody mask One, that is the first master in the sky list, Shura!

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