The heavy rain continued to pour down, even more and more. Ye Xiao's clothes were completely wet, but he was still standing there like a statue. As for Shura, he was all wet at this time, and wet the broad black robe. He was so close to his body and wrapped with a sword about the same length as the throat sealing knife!

The body of the knife is tightly attached to Shura's body, which makes it difficult to understand how he drew the knife. However, seeing the blade at this time, ye Xiao has a similar feeling, which is really similar to the sealing throat knife!

Both of them did not move. Time seemed to stop at this moment. Except for the heavy rain, everything seemed to have no change at all!

In the distance, Lin zhanhun was stunned by such a scene. What kind of power could tear down a wooden house in an instant, while brother Xiao and the man in black were fighting who was the winner and who was defeated?

Who is that man? Why is there no news of him in his reports? When did he show up here?

The neighborhood is surrounded by people who bring them here. Even if a fly flies in, he will receive a message, let alone a person? But now, this person appears here, no one knows the case appears here, what does this show, that the strength of this person is far above his own and others!

If this person wants to attack them, it means that all the people including him have already died in his hands, and it is that kind of unconscious death!

At the thought of this, Lin zhanhun's back startled a chill!

"Hi..." A cloud of blood mist burst out of Ye Xiao's heart. Lin zhanhun was startled and wanted to move forward. However, at the thought of Ye Xiao's words, he tried to resist the impulse to go forward and have a look. He just pulled into his fist and prayed constantly in his heart. Brother Xiao, you must have nothing to do, you must not have anything!

At this time, ye Xiao slowly lowered his head and looked at the wound in his heart. The wound was not big or deep, which did not affect his combat effectiveness at all. However, the angle of the knife was extremely exquisite. Only a little more toward the inside was enough to open his heart!

The other side is merciful, otherwise he may have died!

Of course, ye Xiao doesn't have any depression. He is the top player in the sky list. If he dies in his hands, it's nothing, let alone

"Hi..." With a sound, a cloud of blood mist burst out of Shura's shoulder. On his left shoulder, he was also slashed. Although the wound is not deep, if you can, you can also hurt it. When you finally feel the mercy of Shura, ye Xiao also stops!

Otherwise, it's just a battle of both sides!

He Ye Xiao, the Lord of TIANYAO, was even with Shura, at least, on the surface!

"Who are you?" Ye Xiao doesn't think he and Shura have any friendship, so he is very puzzled, why did he finally show mercy?

"You are very good, I can trust him to you!" Xiuluo didn't answer Ye Xiao's words, but said in a deep voice. From the sound, we can't hear who he is. This is a very strange voice to Ye Xiao!

"Well?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, relieved to give him to himself? Who are you going to give yourself?

In Ye Xiao's startled eyes, the door of a wooden house not far away from Shura's left opened, and then a man and a woman holding a man with glasses came out. This man is not Zhan Lin and who is he?

When seeing the decadent, as if completely changed a person's secretary Zhan, ye Xiao's eyes in an instant blood red, an endless anger burst out of his body!

"Jenlin, you beast, why did you kill the old chief?" Ye Xiao is furious. He doesn't care why Shura appears here, or even the bloody battle with Shura just now. The whole person is like a crazy lion who rushes to Zhan Lin directly. He doesn't even find out. What comes out with Zhan Lin are his old acquaintances, maple Matsushima and Abe banzang!

At the moment of seeing Zhan Lin, there is only one thought in his mind. Kill him and avenge the old chief!

Ye Xiao's speed is very fast. Almost in an instant, he has rushed to the front of Zhan Lin, and the throat sealing knife in his hand flashes, and he is going to chop at Zhan Lin!

Seeing ye Xiao coming, he will kill Zhan Lin. Maple Matsushima snorts. He takes a step forward, holding a flash, and so he meets Ye Xiao's throat sealing knife!

"Clang..." A crisp sound, maple leaf Xiao by the violent shock of a knife back and forth, in the hands of the flash almost out of hand and fall, her eyes full of horror, this time, she realized that ye Xiao has grown to be able to fight with Shura!

At that time, relying on a few talents to successfully defeat his master, the young man has become a super strong man who can be proud of the world!

"He didn't kill the old chief!" At this time, the voice of Shura came over, originally wanted to continue to kill the body of Ye Xiao Zhan Lin!

He didn't kill it? Who is that? Since he didn't kill him, why did the old chief disappear when he died?Although there are many doubts in the heart, but do not know why, ye Xiao chose to believe in Shura, this is a groundless belief, even he does not know why it will be like this!

"Ye Xiao, kill me. Please kill me. Although I didn't kill the old chief, I also killed the old chief. Kill me!" When ye Xiao was stunned, Zhan Lin rushed up like crazy!

These days, he has been fed up with the torture of self blame, originally he just wanted to live, but these days, he found that living is also a pain!

When he saw Ye Xiao again, he even had the intention of death sprouting in his heart. As long as he could die in the hands of Ye Xiao, maybe he could alleviate such a crime?

Before ye Xiao fully reacts, Zhan Lin's whole body has already rushed to Ye Xiao's body, and ye Xiao's throat sealing knife has been inserted into his heart accurately

"Hi..." The blood gushed from Zhan Lin's heart, and ye Xiao was all over his body, and the tip of the throat sealing knife pierced out from his back. Even Shura didn't think of it. Who didn't think that Zhan Lin's death intention was so strong at this moment!

Did he really want to die?

He managed to escape. Why did he want to die when he saw Ye Xiao?

Xiuluo was stunned, Matsushima Maple was stunned, even ye Xiao was stunned. He really wanted to kill Zhan Lin to avenge the old chief, but when Zhan Lin was really about to die, he suddenly felt that this was not what he wanted!

Zhan Lin is one of the most trusted people of the old chief. He really has no reason to betray him. But now he tells himself that he killed the old chief, and he also wants to die!

Is he guilty? Looking at Zhan Lin's near face, ye Xiao is at a loss for a moment. He doubts his own judgment. Is Zhan Lin really a hateful person? If he is really a hateful man, how can he be bent on death?

"What happened and why did the old chief suddenly die?" See the breath of life constantly weak Zhan Lin, ye Xiao is almost roaring out!

"This This is the old chief executive Stay For you... " Zhan Lin takes out a piece of white silk from his arms and hands it to Ye Xiao

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