Abe? Matsushima Fengzi thought that the surname of Abe half Tibet is one of the oldest surnames in Japan. It is said that the two leaders of Shankou group are Abe surnames, aren't they

"How could this be possible?" Although I have thought of this possibility in my heart, Matsushima Maple's eyes are still full of horror. How could Abe half Zang be the descendants of the two leaders of Shankou group? How can palace treasure collect the human apprentice of Shankou group? And why have you never known it all these years?

"Why not? My father was not the leader of Yamaguchi group. He was chased and killed. He escaped to Osaka and was saved by a fishing girl. Later, I got me. But my father left here. Later, Miyamoto came to Osaka. I saw my talent was good. I was admitted as an apprentice. Maybe even he didn't think of it. I would be so coincidental. There are many people with Japanese name Abe. I just happened to be Shankou The son of the second leader of group 2, hahahaha Abe half hid laughed. In fact, he didn't know his life before. Until recently Xiuluo killed the beast, the talents of Shankou group found him, and he knew his life!

Of course, Abe Benfu, the leader of Yamaguchi group, now has only one daughter, and has no son. Abe Benfu directly promises Abe half Zang that, as long as he has made a great contribution for Shankou group this time, the position of the two leaders will be his!

When thinking of the power and wealth under the control of Yamaguchi group, Abe's heart trembled uncontrollably. However, the huge power that could control the whole Japanese in his hands was absolutely more terrifying than the first appearance of Japan!

Rao is in these years, his mood has been trained by Miyamoto Musashi perseverance, this moment is also Bang heart, and a lot of things, once the heart is difficult to control!

Under the arrangement of Abe Benfu, Abe half Tibet still stays at jenlin's side, and reports the whereabouts of Zhan Lin at any time. Until the people of Shankou group gather the strongest elite to come, it is only unexpected for people including Abe half Tibet to think that not only Xiuluo, the top expert in tianbang, has come here, even ye Xiao. This is a matter of double carving!

Xiuluo killed the beast. How could the people of Shankou group swallow it? As for ye Xiao, this is the object that Yamaguchi group wants to remove!

In recent years, TIANYAO gate has become more and more influential. Today, most of the underground forces of Chinese countries fall under the control of TIANYAO gate. Many businesses in the dark of Shankou group and China have also been declared bankrupt. The people of Shankou group have long been dissatisfied with TIANYAO gate. However, TIANYAO gate is developed in China after all, which makes Shankou group dissatisfied with it and has no way!

Who knows that TIANYAO gate unexpectedly hit the idea on the land of Japan, which makes the people of Shankou group completely angry. Now, the Lord of TIANYAO also appeared in Japan. Is this not a good chance? Only kill Ye Xiao, TIANYAO gate will not attack and break, no Ye Xiao TIANYAO gate, is equal to the giant who is dug away from the heart, even if it is strong, it will die soon!

This time, when we learned that ye Xiao even appeared, Shankou group has produced a lot of elite, even this generation of fishing villages, are surrounded by the people of Shankou group!

Watching the heavy rain in those more and more people in black, Matsushima Maple face was blue and purple, this young brother grew up together, in this last moment, unexpectedly betrayed themselves!

"Elder martial sister, now Zhan Lin is dead. The promise that the master promised to that person has been completed half. There is no more you and me. My father is also dealing with both of them. You should go with me. I am here. No one can hurt you!" See Pine Island Maple that angry iron blue face, Abe half hidden light smile way!

"Abe half hidden, do you forget how my parents died?" Seeing the bright smile on Abe's face, songshimadzu's heart was fluctuating. At this time, the heavy rain had wet her sweater, which was completely attached to her, and the pair of chest was also a little bit, which was not spectacular!

Abe half hidden a daze, this only thought Matsushima Maple once told himself, her parents were dead in the hands of the Yamaguchi group, her life's greatest wish is one day Yamaguchi group can be destroyed, in this case, how can you expect her to join the Shankou group?

"Since that, then don't blame me as a younger martial brother, I don't speak of love!" Abe half Zang sneered and turned back. At this time, the people of Shankou group rushed over quickly. They didn't know why, maybe they were afraid to hurt Abe half Tibet by mistake, but also to attract the attention of Japanese Self-Defense Forces. Hundreds of thousands of people running in the heavy rain did not immediately use guns, and all the three foot Samurai knives were all held in this way Come on!

Seeing these members of the mountain pass group coming over, and then seeing the Abe half hidden towards the members of the Shankou group who are retreating constantly, ye Xiao's eyes suddenly become red and blood, and the cold killing intention is the whole explosion, is it not the fragmentary of a group of Shankou groups? Is it a group of Japanese little ghosts? Is your brother Ye Xiao afraid you won't be?

Holding the right hand of the throat sealing knife is tight, ye Xiao will rush up and kill a blood Road, but hear the sound of shuro sound: "follow me!"

Shuro's voice just fell, his figure has taken the lead in the direction of Abe half Tibet retreat, a scene like this, Matsushima Maple eyes is a shock, she now is the most wanted to kill Abe half Tibet, but in the moment of Abe half Tibet escape, she has already known that she lost the best chance!Although the heavy rain has been falling and the line of sight is not very wide, it can still be seen that Abe banzo has the largest number of people in this direction. Moreover, some people obviously hold hot weapons such as guns. If they rush in this direction at this time, they will be killed. On the contrary, they will break through from other directions before the encirclement of the other party is fully formed OK, but now Shura is rushing in this direction?

Even if you are the top player in the sky list, facing a team of more than hundreds of people, you will die if you rush forward like this? Matsushima maple is still shocked. The figure of Shura has swept past her, and then you can see that ye Xiao's body is also running from her side. That figure is so fast, fast, without any hesitation

With Ye Xiao's movement, Lin zhanhun and other tianyaomen's disciples followed Ye Xiao one by one and rushed to the front. Although they knew that it was the direction with the largest number of people and the most difficult direction to break through, since brother Xiao rushed up, where would they think of him? Even if it was hell, they would follow closely!

It would be an honor to die with brother Xiao!

There were less than 100 people, but at this moment, unprecedented strength broke out. Everyone seemed to be crazy and swept away from the side of Songdao maple. Seeing these crazy men rushing to death like this, maple Matsushima was also ruthless and twisted the flash spirit, so he followed up. It was just a death. Before he died, he killed several people in Shankou group My parents' revenge can be regarded as a bad breath. If you are lucky, it would be better to kill Abe banzang!

But as soon as Matsushima turned and rushed towards Abe banzang, she saw a scene that she would never forget

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