At this time, ye Xiao and others have broken out of the Shankou group under the leadership of Shura

It's just that there are less than ten brothers who rush out with Ye Xiao. After a look at Lin zhanhun who has been following him all the time, his body is full of scars, especially in his lower abdomen. I don't know when a knife was cut. The blade is very deep, and you can see large pieces of white meat. If you don't bandage immediately, you will probably bleed to the end!

If Lin zhanhun's wound is still so, the others are even more miserable. They rush out from the encirclement of thousands of people. Even if there is a humanoid meat grinder like Shura, it is very difficult to open the road!

Almost everyone's injuries need dressing up immediately, but now they don't have time to bandage at all, just because the scattered members of the Yamaguchi group have begun to gather again, and other members around the encirclement circle have begun to rush towards this side one by one!

Although they killed more than 100 Shankou group members just now, the number of these Shankou group members is really too many, and now they rush out, they don't have to worry about anything. If they have a few more shots, all of them will really be here!

was preparing for Lin Xiao and others to go first, and when he himself was in the rear, he rushed back to the front of the house. He took out a bottle of small red spray of blood and threw it to Ye Xiao.

"You can spray on the wound, and then you can stop bleeding!" Shura said coldly, and then he should rush to the opposite mountain pass group members!

"Why?" If Xiuluo's help is in front of them, then Xiuluo's help is in front of them!

They have already rushed out. With the skill of Shura, they can leave easily. He really doesn't need to stay to make a empress for himself and others!

Ye Xiao doesn't think he and Shura have such deep friendship!

He and he only met for the first time today, and even fought each other as soon as they met. He didn't believe that there were any stories of compassion in the world!

What can we do for two great men?

"If you don't want all your brothers to die here, go right away!" Shura did not explain what, people have turned to rush to the group of Shankou group of people!

At this time, the distance between the people in front of Shankou group and them was less than 20 meters. Seeing that Shura's back, which had been dyed red by blood, rushed to the team of thousands of people, ye Xiao's eyebrows jumped vigorously. He suddenly found out why this figure was so familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before!

"Brother Xiao, what shall we do?" What Lin zhanhun wants most is to leave here quickly, not to worry about his own life safety, but for the safety of Ye Xiao. This time ye Xiao came to Japan and was surrounded by people from the Shankou group. It was their dereliction of duty. Even if they all died here, it would not be a pity if ye Xiao had something wrong, even if he went to the hell, he would not be at ease Is now ye Xiao's arms still hold the old chief executive's amazing secret before his death!

But when they came out to mix up, they couldn't ignore their loyalty. Even though he didn't know who Shura was, how could they leave alone when they were so righteous?

"Go..." Asked by Lin zhanhun, ye Xiao made a decisive decision. Judging from the skill of Shura just now, this guy's strength is absolutely terrible. He obviously didn't use his full strength when he fought with himself just now. If he did, he would not be an opponent now. It seems that he still has a way to go from the world's top strong!

It's no wonder that Shura has been able to take the first place in the sky list, but I don't know how his strength compares with the Dragon Emperor?

Dragon Emperor?

Ye Xiao doesn't know why he associate Shura with the Dragon Emperor, but when he thinks of this moment, he has already turned around and runs in the opposite direction. The Dragon Emperor feels unfathomable to him, while the Shura makes him feel so powerful. However, whether it is the Dragon Emperor or the Shura, it should not be a problem to get rid of this group of people ?

Maybe they can't kill all these people, but without the strong people of the same level involved, these people don't want to leave their existence like this!

Ye Xiao ordered, Lin war spirit and others immediately followed up, running side by side, using their own small spray to repair their wounds.

Matsushima Maple has been following Ye Xiao's side. When she saw that Shura was going to be cut off suddenly, she was also surprised. She was hesitating whether to break the empress or follow Ye Xiao to leave, but her voice came from her ears!

"Go with him!"

At the same time, Shura's body has rushed into the crowd, and then again see the blood light up, followed by a piece of flesh and blood, it seems that the devil came at this moment

Seeing that Shura is so powerful, maple Matsushima no longer hesitates. She turns and follows Ye Xiao and others towards the front. She is a super master who can easily kill the top ten in the sky list. She is not qualified to worry about him!As they fled, ye Xiao and others quickly left the remote fishing village. They thought that they could leave safely. But when they came to the road, ready to search for vehicles to go to Osaka City and try to leave Osaka again, they saw more than ten Mitsubishi SUVs parked on the roadside, and four people in black were standing in front of each Mitsubishi Man with sunglasses on a rainy day!

Is this a member of Yamaguchi group again? Besides, according to their clothes, they should be members of the hidden Hall of the Yamaguchi group. This is wulitangkou, which belongs to Abe Benfu, the second leader of the Yamaguchi group!

At the sight of such a posture, the hearts of Matsushima maple and others have already cooled. This generation has nothing like woods to protect them. Under such circumstances, if these people shoot at the same time, then even if they have nine lives, they have to be accounted for here!

As for ye Xiao, at this moment, the speed is suddenly increased several times, even like a wind wolf rushed to those people in black on the road!

Matsushima Maple was surprised, and then instantly understood what he was going to do. It was to snatch a car to escape. In this remote small fishing village, if there was no means of transportation, they would never be able to escape from the pursuit of more than a thousand members of the Yamaguchi group. Now, his seemingly desperate impulse is to exchange for their only life

The rain was heavy. Although these people had been waiting for the news of Xiaoyu village, they couldn't see the situation in front of them. Until ye Xiao came out of the alley and was only 20 meters away from them, these people in black reacted quickly. However, their first reaction was not to shoot Ye Xiao, but to a Mitsubishi SUV in the middle Where, with their leader, Abe Benfu, they are the people of the hidden hall, their first task is naturally to ensure the safety of Abe Benfu!

That's the time when ye Xiao ran into the front of the first SUV safely. The man who stayed in front of the car was about to shoot, but ye Xiao's fist had already hit him and hit him directly on his head

"Bang..." With a loud bang, the man's head ran backward and directly hit the rear window glass, and there was a blood splash on the spot

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