Seeing that Ma Han is killed by Ye Xiao, the other three bodyguards are all shocked. Ma Han's strength is the strongest among them. However, such a super master is killed by Ye Xiao. What kind of state is Ye Xiao's strength?

Ye Xiao didn't pay attention to the fight on this side, nor did he look at the dragon soul who was lying in the pool of blood. He took such a step towards Yue Buxiu. Yue Buxiu was already a man in his fifties. He was stunned by Ye Xiao's terrible power. How could he escape so fast with his secretary's help?

Almost in the blink of an eye, he has been caught up by Ye Xiao!

Seeing ye Xiao who killed a chicken as easily as killing a chicken, Yue Buxiu's secretary sat down on the spot. Although he is the Secretary of the vice chairman and occupies a high position, he is only a civilian. When did he see such a terrible existence, it is very good to be able to persist until now!

Yue Buxiu is also staring at Ye Xiao standing in front of him. At this time, he has forgotten his fear, so he stares at Ye Xiao, as if he wants to remember his face clearly. It is such a young man who has made a sensation in the whole world!

He didn't say much. He didn't pretend to be forced like those dog blood stories in the TV series. When other people came to rescue him, ye Xiao directly pulled out his throat sealing knife, and the light of the knife flashed, which instantly crossed Yue Buxiu's neck!

The blood sprayed out in an instant. Yue Buxiu's eyes were wide open. He saw his own blood flowing out. Looking at Ye Xiao, who had already withdrawn his knife, a faint smile appeared on Yue Buxiu's face: "you Think it's over if you kill me? "

Yue Buxiu's mouth, spit out such an inexplicable words, and then the whole person fell down, fell on the side of the Secretary, the distinguished vice president of China, was so obliterated, before erasing, there was no vision!

He killed Yue Buxiu with a knife. Ye Xiao turned to the dragon soul who was also lying in the pool of blood. It seemed that he felt the terrible pressure of Ye Xiao. Zhang long, Zhao Hu, Dynasty and the three bodyguards could not resist any more. They quickly retreated to one side!

Yue Buxiu is dead, and their mission has been regarded as a failure. When the task fails, they really don't want to fight with the spirits of the dragon clan like Ye Xiao. Especially when they think of Ma Han's eyes before his death and the eyes that let them go, several people think that this thing seems to reveal strange!

Seeing that the three bodyguards didn't do it, Bai choufei would not do it again, but he stood there with Sarna in case of a sudden riot!

Ye Xiao came directly to the dragon soul, looking at the dragon soul still flowing blood on his neck, looking at the absolutely young face. Ye Xiao's eyes had already flowed into tears and overflowed with blood and tears!

"Tell the brothers to withdraw!" He said to ye yubai, who was standing beside him. Ye Xiao picked up the body of the dragon soul from the ground, and then walked to the front of Tianlong Avenue. Every step was a blood mark. Every step was so calm, but his back still looked so bleak. How many people were killed and injured in order to kill a Yue Bu Xiu?

Tears, has been unable to describe such a scene, only with blood, can write!

Ye yubai immediately jumped up from the ground, took out a specific communicator, and directly informed the brothers who may still survive now!

Then a few people did not look at those still shivering in the car of the national cadres, so follow Ye Xiao behind, step by step toward the distance!

Just as the party was about to walk out of Tianlong Avenue, a roaring alarm sounded on the street. Then they saw a military vehicle carrying soldiers coming from the front. Seeing such a scene, ye yubai and others changed their faces!

"Brother Xiao, let's go!" Ye yubai exclaimed, and ye Xiao also raised his eyebrows. Obviously, he didn't expect that the support speed of these ground troops was so fast. Now he carried the corpse of the dragon soul on his back, turned and ran to a side alley!

Seeing the arrival of these supporting soldiers, except Zhang long, Zhao Hu, and the dynasty, all the other officials jumped up with excitement. The chief of the reinforcements arrived. One of the fat headed officials jumped down from the car, pointing to the direction of Ye Xiao and others, and yelled: "chase, they killed chairman Yue. They fled from here Yes

"Bang..." The answer was a gunshot, and then he saw his whole head burst open. On the rooftop, the cold soul who shot down more than ten helicopters in a row has stood up and started to retreat at full speed without looking at the situation below!

With that official's head exploding into a ball of powder, no official dares to jump out, but those ground troops are still under the command of the officer and begin to chase after ye Xiao and others!

More and more ground troops came from all over the country. It seemed that they wanted to encircle Ye Xiao and others. The attack and killing of the vice president of the state was a major event that could stir the whole world. If the murderers were allowed to flee again, where would the whole China face?

Countless soldiers poured in, only more than ten minutes later, the whole Tianlong Avenue was surrounded by soldiers with guns. However, ye Xiao and others had already fled from the lane and came to another street. But when they thought they could escape from the enclosure, they found that there were also a group of soldiers around the street!Seeing that there were soldiers in all directions, ye Xiao looked up and saw a building under construction in the opposite direction. The iron lock was still hanging on the top of the building. One iron lock was leading to the other side of the road. That area was a busy area of Kyoto. There was no traffic control. He only had to escape there and mingle with the crowd. It was not easy for these soldiers to arrest themselves and others !

"To that building!" Ye Xiao said in his mouth that the man had already taken the lead in running to the high-rise building that had not been completed yet!

Bai choufei, Sarna, Kanu and others followed closely. Before the soldiers formed a encirclement, they entered the building smoothly!

However, their whereabouts have also been found by soldiers. Soldiers from at least one battalion are converging towards this side. Freight carriers can't take them. That's the living target of those soldiers. They can only walk the stairs!

Just when ye Xiao is ready to rush to the stairway, Tiandao, who is following him, stumbles and falls to the ground directly!

"Tiandao!" Ye yubai walked beside Tiandao and exclaimed. Ye Xiao stopped for the first time and looked back at the bloody Tiandao!

"Don't mind me, let's go!" Tiandao's chest injury is still spitting blood, and his face is pale. It is obviously excessive blood loss. His injury is even more serious than ye yubai!

"Chou Fei, help him up, let's go!" Where would ye Xiao listen to him? Here are his best brothers. He is not willing to give up the corpse of the dragon soul. What's more, he is a living man. He said to Bai choufei, the lightest wounded man. At this time, there was a sound of rapid footsteps outside!

"You don't come here, you come again, I'll die in front of you right away!" Who would have expected that Bai Chou Fei had not moved, and Tiandao had already grasped the saber and put it on his neck!

"Tiandao, what are you doing?" Seeing that Tiandao would rather die than drag himself and others, ye Xiao's heart was heavy

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