"I'm hurt here..." Ye Xiao touched his chest and said, a sad look on his face

"Ah..." Huayue charm is a surprise, in the mind carefully recalled the picture just now, it seems that he was not hit by what? "No one seems to have hit you, then?"

"No one has ever hit, but they are still injured..." Ye Xiao's face of injustice

"Why..." Flower Moon charming a Leng!

"I came all the way here because you had a fight, don't you mean anything?" Ye Xiao looks at the charming flower moon with pity

"Ha ha, you don't want your sister to kiss you, do you?" Seeing ye Xiao's expression, how can the understanding Flower Moon Charm not understand what he is thinking

"Sister Hua, what are you talking about? How can a pure and kind-hearted person like me think about those unhealthy things? But since my sister has to kiss me as a thank-you, I can't refuse..." Ye Xiao's shy face

As if you are a little girl from the mountains, you can be as pure as you want to be

Seeing ye Xiao's appearance as a little girl, Hua YUEWU giggled and laughed. She actually put on her ruddy mouth and nodded on Ye Xiao's face

Feeling the alluring fragrance, ye Xiao was a little stunned. He just said it casually. Who knows Hua YUEWU actually kisses him, which makes him a little flattered

"Well, now it's all right." Flower Moon charming charming smile!

"Hey, this is my sister's kiss, but I don't want to show..." Seeing the ruddy lips of Huayue charm, ye Xiao licked her lips and said with a bad smile

"You little villain, what else do you want to show?" Hua YUEWU is angry on the surface, but in her heart, she is strange. She has met with this guy twice. Every time, she will bring her countless surprises and make her feel inexplicable peace of mind and happiness. This kind of feeling is a feeling that I have never had when I get along with other boys!

Is this also a kind of good feeling?

"Hey, my sister gave me a kiss, and I want to kiss my tongue..."

Ye Xiao's eyes tightly stare at the charming red lips of Huayue charm. She thinks that if she can really stick her tongue into her small mouth, the taste must be very comfortable!

What is the meaning of advancing with an inch? Ye Xiao's like this is going to advance with an inch!

First of all, I was given a kiss. Now I have to kiss back and kiss with tongue. This is not an inch in advance. What is it?

"You little villain, you're really pushing your luck. There are so many people here. My sister doesn't want to kiss you. But this Saturday is Xiaodie's birthday. When he will prepare a birthday party at home, you can come together. Oh, if you behave well, my sister doesn't mind rewarding you once..." If other men put forward such a request, Hua YUEWU would definitely refuse directly, maybe sneer at her coldly. However, after the object was changed to Ye Xiao, she couldn't refuse. Instead, she said such a remark that made her face blush

Ye Xiao didn't expect that she would agree to such a request. She just said it casually, but who knows that she agreed.

I was just about to ask what would be considered a good performance when a harsh voice came from

"YUEWU, you didn't agree to my invitation just to date this little white face?" At this time, a tall man with a height of at least 1.9 meters and seven or eight men of the same height came over and looked at the Flower Moon Charm with anger on his face!

Little white face? Even scold oneself small white face, your younger sister's is small white face, your whole family is small white face!

Ye Xiao is angry. Although he is much more handsome than xiaobailian, he is good at skill, knowledgeable and knowledgeable. He knows astronomy and geography. Have you ever seen such a versatile little white face?

"Boy, who are you talking about Don't wait for Flower Moon Charm to talk, ye Xiao has said first, he is to let people know, he is not what small white face!

"Who else can you see? You are skinny and kites, and you are dressed like this. You think you have good taste. I have seen so many white faces like you. I advise you to leave YUEWU as soon as possible. She is not something you can touch!" The man scolded Ye Xiao directly and didn't put Ye Xiao in the eye at all!

Think about it. Now ye yubai is still far behind. There are seven or eight of them. Each of them is taller than ye Xiao. At least from the outside, ye Xiao does seem weak and pitiful. It is normal for him to say such words!

"Your mother forced you to touch it, didn't you? What can I do if I touch you today Ye Xiao is also angry. When she comes to meet Hua YUEWU, she is first satirized by a guy who pretends to be forced. Then she meets tiger brother. Now she has to leave and there are people to make trouble. If she tolerates it again, she will be a ninja turtle!

In fact, he never tolerated it!

As soon as the voice dropped, ye Xiao had already put her arms around the small waist of Huayue charm, and then directly gave her a kiss on her face, and then she looked at the man with scornful eyes

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