Pheasant and others are watching Ye Xiao like hell. They don't understand what this Oriental thinks? Is his appearance to attract the dark night gang leader Landis? But didn't he know that lanstie controls one fifth of the underground forces in San Francisco!

How many people did he lead others out? What is this for? Give yourself to be someone else's snack?

Landis was also stunned, but soon began to laugh, and the laughter grew louder and louder!

"Oh, you Oriental, don't be so humorous? Even if you want to lead me out? What else can you do to me? " This is Landis's site, surrounded by his eyeliner. If the other party really ambushes a man, he can't have no idea.

But he did not receive any news, so that the other side only a few people, he really did not believe that these people can cause him what kind of harm!

There are more than 100 people on their own side, and more than 30 of them have guns in their hands. With such firepower, these people can be swept to pieces!

At this time, sharna, who had been sitting in the car, got out of the car and saw the bright and charming woman again. Lantis's eyes also flashed. He had to suppress his desire when he was in the gambling house just now. But here, he is not afraid to affect the business of his own casino!

It's a pity to kill such a woman. It seems necessary to say hello to my brother and keep this woman for a while!

"I can't do anything to you, but I know you're going to die!" Seeing sharna coming out and ready to fight, ye Xiao once again said with a smile to Landis. The smile was flat and casual, just like saying something ordinary!

"I'm dying? Ha ha, can you kill me? " On hearing Ye Xiao say such a ridiculous thing, Landis laughed, but because he was worried that they were carrying guns, Lantis's figure still leaned back, hiding behind the members already in it!

Seeing Landis hiding behind his subordinates, ye Xiao shakes his head. He really doubts that this kind of person who hides behind his brother before encountering danger can become the leader of the dark night gang? Is it true that M is a country with supreme interests, and that as long as it has money, it can become a God?

"Landis, I advise you to let your men put down their guns, or you will die!" See lansti people will be the muzzle of the gun at their own and others, ye Xiao once again said a word!

There are dozens of guns here. If they fire together, they will really cause a lot of impulse, which will lead to the police. Although the police in M country are not good, they make too much noise, which is not good after all. This time, he doesn't want people to know that he has appeared!

"Boy, I see you..." Landis had already hidden behind his subordinates. Seeing ye Xiao still saying these boring words, he was about to order an attack, but suddenly there was a gunshot in the night sky, and then he saw "Landis..." His head burst out in an instant, and countless blood mists sprayed all over his body. That is to say, when the gun rang, ye Xiao, sharna, including Kanu, had already fled out in an instant!

Sarna's hands do not know when more than two golden pistols, see the pistol in her hands constantly dancing, and then see one after another night gang members continue to fall, these people are holding pistols!

When others came back to their senses, ye Xiao, dressed in black, had already swept to their side. Then, he saw a series of blood flashes, and one head after another rose into the sky. Only a few breathing time, more than 30 members of the dark night Gang fell to the ground!

Everyone, whether it's the rest of the night Gang, or the pheasant party, are watching all this like hell. Is that amazing? No one was able to see ye Xiao's figure. Even those members of the night gang who wanted to shoot him had not caught his figure. They felt a pain in their neck, and then they seemed to fly up. Of course, all the flying up were heads!

In addition, salna's golden pistol is constantly dancing, every bullet can accurately blow into the head of a member of the night Gang!

And her targets are all the night gang members with weapons!

Several men in black who had been following Lantis were also stunned. Lantis's head burst into a pool of blood mist. He had died and could not die again, but the dark night Gang could not be so finished. As long as they were there, they could control the dark night Gang, but they did not want to understand what was going on. Ye Xiao's figure had come to them!

"Shua!" The knife passed the blonde's neck, and then went forward to wipe off a black man's neck. Then, with a backhand, it inserted into the heart of the second black man. Without pulling out the knife, he took a step forward and hit the last black man's head with a blow. The huge force made the black man's huge body The whole smash fly out, and then see his head severely hit the back of a car, the whole burst out, white brain and blood spray everywhere, look like that, not much worse than randis who was shot in the head by a sniper gun!Is this still the power that people can have? In the blink of an eye, the second killed the four major generals around Landis. Who is this man? All of them were shocked. Those members who wanted to besiege Ye Xiao immediately fled around. This is not a person at all. This is a devil!

As for the pistols of Sarna, who wanted to escape from the night, there was no sound of shooting in the dead!

Only more than ten minutes later, more than 100 people brought by Landis fell into a pool of blood. One third of them were killed by Ye Xiao. Another third of them were killed by Sarna's gunfire. The other third were killed by Karno and snipers hiding in the dark!

In such a short time, able to snipe more than 20 people, the strength of the sniper hidden in the dark is simply amazing!

The pheasant and others all stood in the same place foolishly. From the beginning to the end, they did not move. It was not that they did not want to move, but they did not dare to move. They were afraid that they would be shot in the head like those members of the night gang who wanted to escape!

It was not until ye Xiao and others killed all the more than 100 people of the dark night gang. Only then did the pheasant and other people come back from their shock. They saw that ye Xiao, including the pheasant, was shaking step by step. They never thought that only a few people could completely wipe out a team of more than 100 people It's just the plot in the novel!

"Old Boss, this This is you Your diamond Pheasants and others are really afraid. Lantis's more than 100 people are also killed after a few breaths. They are not enough people to plug their teeth

Ye Xiao didn't immediately take the diamond from the pheasant. Instead, he walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder. Then he said a strange word to the pheasant: "you are very good..."

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