Chapter 10035

Cheng teaches people who love talents often have a characteristic, that is, they don't like to go to school.

Unfortunately, Yun Chujiu was a scumbag in his eyes at this time, not even a scumbag.

Had it not been for her three talented siblings, he wouldn't even bother to say a word to her.

Yun Chujiu said pitifully: "Jiaoxi Cheng, I dare not go back. Master Wu may have been waiting in Dongyuan. If I go back, my life might be gone.

I'm just waiting in this yard. Don't worry, I promise that there will be no noise and it will not affect my brothers and sisters. "

Cheng Jiaoxi frowned. He knew Wu Yuan's temperament, and he felt that it was not impossible. He seemed to have to talk to the city lord.

He wasn't afraid of hurting Yun Chujiu, mainly because he was afraid of hurting the fake Shu Yao and the others.

"Then you just stay in the yard, if you can't wait, go and sit in the outer room on the right."

When he finished speaking, he turned and entered the main house, ignoring Yun Chujiu.

Yun Chujiu wandered around the courtyard a few times and wandered into the house on the far right.

The room was empty, with nothing but a table and a few chairs.

Yun Chujiu leaned back on the chair, refining the soul fire marrow and said:

"How is it? Master, did I just do beautifully? If it weren't for you to relax, I would just burn him to death!"

Ergouzi snorted: "Just blow it! If you didn't slip fast, maybe you would have been spotted by those two old men."

"Cut! I have been on the wall for so long before, and they haven't seen me!

Ergouzi, you are totally jealous of me!

Just accept the reality!

This is my world, and it's time for me to show my skills! "Soul Refining Fire Marrow said triumphantly.

Er Gouzi took a sip: "Bah! Look at your smug look, just like you, at first glance, you can see that success is not enough!"

Yun Chujiu was annoyed by their noisy, and yelled: "Okay, shut up, let me be quiet for a while."

Soul Refining Fire Marrow and Er Gouzi suddenly became quiet, but they avoided Yun Chujiu's spiritual sense and continued to make noises with spiritual sense.

Yun Chujiu said that it is false that it is not lost. There are four people in total, and the other three are not only capable of cultivation, but are also geniuses.

She is fine, she has no way to practice.

Fortunately, she has a tough temperament and quickly adjusted her mentality.

She rubbed her chin and wondered, seeing Feng Wenzhong's meaning should be to try the potential of the fake Shu Yao first. If it is something that can be made, the future is undoubtedly bright.

But if the three mud can't support the wall, I'm afraid I won't bother to take care of it.

She wasn't too worried about this. The fake Shuyao and the three had previous cultivation experience. Although they were different from the cultivation methods here, there was definitely something to learn from.

Therefore, she had to prepare Feng Wenzhong to attach importance to them.

In addition, finding time to deal with Gu Qing's affairs and helping him rescue Roche would also be regarded as repaying him for taking in.

He had to change an area for digging ice grass. Now the 19th district can make a living because the dog's tail grass is "driving sheep", not a long-term solution.

Of course, it's not the time yet, we have to wait for the fake Shuyao three to show their talent for cultivation.

After thinking about this, she began to think about her cultivation again.

She has never been a person who gives up easily. Although it has been determined that there is no way to practice, there will always be a solution to the problem.

In the Hongmeng world before, did she not know how to drill one herself? !

Therefore, she had to study and study the principles of these methods of cultivation, and then figure out a find another way.

(End of this chapter)

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