Chapter 10058 Puppet

Cheng Jiaoxi had no intention of answering their questions, leaving only the sentence "you will know tomorrow", and then ran to find Feng Wenzhong to report the good news.

Early the next morning, the fake Shuyao and the others were ordered to take a bath and change clothes by Cheng Jiaoxi.

Fake Shu Yao put on new clothes after taking a bath, and frowned when she looked at herself in the mirror.

It's nothing else, mainly because the hair is only an inch long now, which really affects her beauty.

Then I thought, this look is not hers, it doesn't matter whether it looks good or not.

The venue for summoning the puppet is located in the training room, Yun Chujiu thought to himself, it seems that the puppet can be summoned anywhere.

Feng Wenzhong and Cheng Jiaoxi looked beaming, the more they looked at the fake Shu Yao, the more pleasing they were.

Cheng Jiaoxi stroked his beard and said, "The thing I haven't told you about the puppet is that I am afraid that you will be distracted. I can tell you now.

No one knows where the puppets came from. It is said that the ancestors only learned the method of summoning the puppets by coincidence.

Now I will teach you the spell to summon the puppets. "

Cheng Jiaoxi babbled a bit, and the meaning of the curse roughly meant that the people living here were extremely distressed, and prayed for God to give them a puppet that could cast a spell.

Of course, apart from this central idea, all the rest are words of praise and pleading.

After the fake Shuyao trio had memorized the spell, Cheng Jiaoxi asked them to cut the index finger of their right hand, and then knelt on the ground to recite the spell.

Of course, just kneeling silly is definitely not enough, but also to turn the puppet power accumulated in the dantian and gather it on the index finger of the right hand.

Yun Chujiu looked at him curiously, so he could summon the puppet?

Mantras are generally recited at least three times. When the fake Shuyao chanted the third time, a halo appeared around the index finger of her right hand, and it became bigger and bigger.

Feng Wenzhong and Cheng Jiaoxi both stared at the halo nervously. They knew that the puppet would appear soon!

I don't know what level of puppet Gu Lianyi will summon. The puppet is extremely important for magic cultivation.

The higher the level of the puppet, the greater the power of the spell.

Soon, half of the silver puppet appeared in the halo. Although only half of it can be seen now, Feng Wenzhong and Cheng Jiaoxi are already excited.

The color of the puppets is quite different. The black one is called the pseudo-puppet, the silver one is the most superior and is called the **** puppet, and the other colors are generally called the puppet.

Of course, the puppets of the same color also have advantages and disadvantages.

So the two continued to look at the halo nervously, wanting to see the top pattern of the puppet stick.

The top pattern of the puppet is respected by beasts and birds, followed by plants, and other patterns are inferior.

Finally, the silver puppet gradually revealed its true face, and the top of the puppet was in the shape of an eagle.

Feng Wenzhong and Cheng Jiaoxi had their mouths open. If they hadn't had a trace of reason, they would definitely scream at this time.

It turned out to be an eagle!

This puppet is not only a **** puppet, but also a god-level top grade!

A genius really is a genius!

Before the two of them could calm down their excitement, Fei Yi and Chi Wu also appeared halo after another.

The two puppets are also silver, Fei Yi's puppet is a wolf on the top, and Chi Wu's puppet is a tortoise.

Chi Wu: "..."

Is this a bit inappropriate?

Why is it that one of them is an eagle fighting the sky, and the other is a majestic wolf, but he summoned... a bastard?

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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