Chapter 1063, Clouds and Clouds

Yin Xuecheng was reluctant to apologize to the tutor. Although the Du tutor was very annoyed in his heart, he nodded in the face of the money tutor. This is a past.

The money tutor used the knowledge of God to establish contact with one of the demon eggs, asking why it was just shaking. The demon animal was eating food, for fear that others would eat the scented things, and even lied to conceal things, just saying Suddenly irritated.

The money tutor asked a few other monster eggs, but they all answered almost the same. The money tutor frowned and said to Du Tutor: "Du tutor, these monsters do not know what the reason is, but suddenly feel annoyed."

Du Tutor is also frowning: "The monsters are both irritated or have something to attract them, or there is a very powerful monster in the vicinity, or the thunder or the dragon to turn over. I will report it to Wu Tutor, let him Check it out. Money tutor, you can make up for today's beast class!"

The money tutor also felt that things were unusual. He nodded and said to the students: "Today's beast class is going to be changed tomorrow afternoon. You should go back first. I have something to stay here."

The students were also scared by the horror of the horror beast. I heard the money tutor say this. If there is no objection, they will go back according to the original way.

The beginning of the cloud is very guilty in the crowd, God, she is not intentional, she is just asking, who knows the strangeness of the weeds really hooked up those monsters!

When the cloud was first blamed, the sky was so strange that it was dark, and the cloud suddenly had a bad feeling.

Mommy! Her recent spiritual power does have signs of breakthrough. Willn't it be Tiandao's old king who sent Tianlei to marry her? !

If this is the case, then it is terrible!

Didn't you accidentally hurt someone else, she is not afraid of Thunder's things? Maybe it will cause other troubles, what can I do? !

The clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, and the huge pressure makes people feel very depressed. The cloud is a bit of a tooth, and now there is only one place that is best for me!

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought of it here, and hurriedly said to the three people of Fengming: "I have something, go first!"

After the beginning of the cloud, he began to fly, and everyone only had time to see a picture.

Yin Sulian said with disdain: "Hey! It is estimated that she heard the Wu tutor saying that she was afraid, not only a waste but a courageous waste!"

Feng Ming really couldn't help it, and said coldly: "Yin Sulian, don't forget, if it's not our little nine sisters, you can't even pass the third round of tests. You don't be grateful, it's still non-stop. It’s really ungrateful to smash the little nine sisters. You can rest assured that our little nine sisters will let you know what a real genius is!

Yin Sulian snorted: "Genius? The idiot is almost the same! Oh! It's also the waste of your Qingxuan mainland that thinks that Yunxiao is a genius? You guys are waiting for the middle of the year to be eliminated!"

"Miss Yin Er said that it makes sense that the four of you are not qualified to enter Tianyuan College, but you have gone out of the dog, squatting, and mixed in, you are waiting to be eliminated!"

"The cloud is known all day long, and I know that there is no real skill. I heard that their yellow-word class is now a mess of spirituality. At that time, fifty people who may have been eliminated are all yellow-word classes. !"


(End of this chapter)

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