Chapter 2003 Linkage Meter

"Grandfather, or else I will go! However, you have to give me a copy of Luo's topographic map. It is best to give me a picture of the Luo family's appearance."

I don’t want to let me go when I’m in the heart of the cloud. What are the clever and clever things to say, who can deserve these two adjectives besides me? !

Mohan nodded with satisfaction, and he felt that no one could do this well except for the beginning of the cloud.

One old and one small two foxes smashed a pass and finally agreed on the final plan, each starting to act.

The next two days, the Zhao family were all placed in Luofu, Luoping was delicious and entertaining.

"Lo, the owner, do you know if there is anything unusual about the Mohist side?" asked the elder Zhao Er.

"You can rest assured that I have been sending people to stare at it. The old guy in Mok is estimated to be disheartened. There is no action in the ink house. The ink grass has chosen a lot of expensive clothes in the shop of the Moh family these two days. And jewelry, I also bought a red wedding dress at the store in Luojia," Luo Pingsheng said respectfully.

"Hey! I don't dare to have any action! I will take the ambition to pick up the scented grass tomorrow morning, and this thing will be done." Elder Zhao Er’s face was smug, the last time he failed to The success of this matter is really a fire. Fortunately, this time it was a success.

Zhao Lizhi sat on the side, remembering the beauty of the clouds, and couldn’t help but feel up and hate, and he couldn’t get into the house immediately.

In the evening, Luo Pingsheng once again hosted a banquet for Zhao Jiashu.

After three rounds of wine and three flavors, Zhao Lizhi went up to a small solution.

When Zhao Lizhi went to a remote place, he was going to be convenient. He felt that there was a wind behind him and he hurried to dodge.

Oh, a sachet fell to the ground.

Zhao Lizhi stunned, picked up the sachet and took a closer look, only to see a "Yan" embroidered on it.


Could it be that Luo Yan?

Yesterday, Zhao Lizhi saw Luo Yan who gave Luo Pingsheng an invitation. At that time, he felt that although the little lady was long, there was no ink, but it was quite watery.

Zhao Lizhi smelled the scent of the sachet, and suddenly he got up and felt good. Is that Luo Yan interested in this young master?

When Zhao Lizhi was thinking about it, he saw a flash of people in front of him. It seemed that there was still a woman’s delicate laughter, and suddenly he couldn’t help but chase it.

Although several of the guards of Luofu saw Zhao Lizhi, they all knew that this was a guest, and naturally they dared not stop. They can't help but wonder, this Zhao Shaoye runs in the direction of Miss Luo Yan's yard. Where does he go?

Forget it, even the homeowners can't afford the Zhao family anyway, let's take care of those things? !

Therefore, Zhao Lizhi went all the way to Luo Yan's yard.

Although Zhao Lizhi didn't know that this was Luo Yan's yard, at first glance, she knew that this was the courtyard where the woman lived. Her heart was more heart-felt, and she drove the door directly.

The strange thing is that there is no maid to stop, Zhao Lizhi went directly into the bedroom.

Inside the bedroom, the bed was lowered, and there was a woman’s figure in it.

"Yan's sister, Yan'er sister, you brought me here, how are you shy? Come out and talk to your brother."

No one in it said, Zhao Lizhi simply picked up the bed, and saw Luo Yan lying in his coat, revealing a large white skin, not knowing whether he fell asleep or fainted.

Zhao Lizhi was originally a ghost. Wherever Luo Yan was fainted or fell asleep, he immediately began to undress.

(End of this chapter)

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