Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2185: Elected in Tianyuan College

Chapter 2185, Elected Heaven College

At the beginning of the cloud, I decided to apply for the Tiantian Academy.

First, she has already heard that Ye Bingyu has a qualification test for the Rock College. In order to avoid them doing some small moves, it is safer to enter the Criminal College.

Secondly, this cargo has always been obsessed with the apocalypse of the gods. I feel that I can go to the prison college to study, and maybe I can get the apocalypse.

If you have a sacred axe, you can save him when you meet the mermaid big brother, and the nightmare beast that Tianyuan College is forbidden to ban, it also needs to be released.

Thinking of this, the beginning of the cloud has some resentment in the heart of the enemy's heart. If this eternal fire can be used normally, it can also burn the Wannian mysterious chain. Unfortunately, this thing is not working at the time. And it is still in its infancy, there is no use at all.

"We will apply to the Criminal College!" said the cloud-stricken, three-year-old smile.

The blood is incomprehensible and asks: "Small nine sister, I see the Rock College is also good, why do you want to choose the Criminal Academy?"

Jin Zhi and Mo Fangbing also looked at the clouds at the beginning of the cloud and wanted to hear her reasons.

"The students of the Rock College are mostly in a deep background. If they are provoked, they will certainly hinder our academic studies. Therefore, it is safer for the Criminal College." Yunchu said with a serious statement.

Mo Fangbing is not suspicious of him. The bloodless electrode and the golden eye of the eye are twitching. This is a lie. She has never been afraid of things. How can she give up the Rock College for this reason?

However, they don't care which college they go into, anyway, just follow the cloud.

After the discussion was completed, they went to the registration place of the Criminal College to prepare for registration.

Although there are still several days to go to the entrance test, there are a lot of people signing up. It took more than an hour to get to the beginning of the cloud.

The registration is very simple. After checking the identity certificate, and then paying the registration fee, you will get a test jade card.

Due to the bloodlessness of the blood, many people pay attention to the four people at the beginning of the cloud. When they see the spiritual level of the four people, the direction of discussion is transferred from the bloodless appearance to the qualification of the four.

"Well, the red boy is a good long-term, but the level of spiritual power is actually a layer of spirit, it turned out to be a grass bag that can't be used."

"I see that the red boy is better. The little girl's spiritual level is only six layers. Is she coming to play?"

"The six layers of the spirit of the emperor? Emma, ​​is really the six layers of spiritual respect, who is the courage to give her, dare to come to the admission test of the Criminal Academy?"

"I think the girl in white clothes is a little better, but the second layer of Ling Xuan is too low, it is impossible to pass the test."

"That is, the lowest level of registration is also the fourth layer of Ling Xuan, and their registration fee is a white flower."


Mo Fangbing's face turned red, and he couldn't find a seam to sneak in.

Jin Zhi is slightly better than her, but her face is not too natural.

Only the two goods, the cloud and the bloodless, are talking and laughing, and they have nothing to hear.

Mo Fangbing and Jinzhi saw it, and they broke the jar and broke it. Anyway, it has already been reported, and love it!

Ye Bingyu soon learned that Yunchu and others had applied for the news of the Tiantian Academy. They sneered again and again, and they wanted to go to the Tiantian Academy with their four straw bags. It’s really self-reliant!

Six days later, the entrance test of the Criminal College and the Rock College began at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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