Chapter 2187 is her

"What's special! Which one is looking for death, dare to count the lesser, give me out!"

"If you come out and put the Lord in the Lord, the Lord will spare you, or else I will let you die without a whole body!"

"Is there a good hero and a single head, what is a hero?"

"Is there any gasp in the end? If you don't come out again, this young master may be welcome!"

"If I don't come out again, I am really welcome. I will bite my tongue! Let your bamboo baskets be filled with water!"


The blood is extremely violent, and his mouth is dry and there is no other person. The gas is straight and the teeth are so special. If he is found out who he is doing, he must be squandered!

When the bloodlessness was resentful, the door slammed open and walked into a woman.

Blood promise to see the woman's appearance, the heart suddenly jumped, she is!

"You, you, turned out to be your unscrupulous woman! You dare to appear?!" Bloody face is red, I don't know if it is mad or shy.

When the woman walked to the bed, she looked down at the blood and looked at the bloodlessly. She said coldly: "I don't know how to be shameful? What happened last time, you know clearly, you mean me?"

There is some guilty conscience in the blood: "Just, even at the very beginning, I lost, but, later, later, you, you..."

Blood Promise remembered the last thing, his face was redder, and he was able to speak eloquently. He even said that it was unfavorable. You have not said the following for a long time.

The woman sneered aloud: "You are a good person, no matter what, I am a victim. Where do you come from, ask me? Um?"

The **** ears and ears are suddenly red, just like a boiled shrimp, and the anger is angry:

"Don't say the last thing, what do you tie me here?! Hurry up and let me go! Otherwise, otherwise I will make you look good!"

The woman held the bed by hand, and a few long hairs lingered on the bloodless face, and the bloodless face was redder.

The woman’s cold scorpion is full of jokes: “I think you are pretty good.”

Blood Promise feels that he has never been so shameful in his life, and he has been repeatedly ridiculed by a woman several times. It is really impossible to see anyone!

It’s hard to get a word out of blood: “You, you grab me back, what are you going to do?”

The woman raised an eyebrow: "What to do? Naturally, I borrow something from you. Although you are stupid, it looks good."

Immediately thought of something in the bloodless heart, suddenly shy and annoyed, my heart is still a little bit of expectation, but my mouth is:

"I don't know shame! I won't be from you! You just can't get my heart from those who get me!"

The woman glanced, then laughed, and even the coldness in her eyes faded a bit: "What do I want your heart to do? I am only interested in your looks."

The blood is infinitely stunned, and then the heart is full of anger. This anger is even more intense than that of the previous woman’s teasing.

"What do you think of me?! You are dead this heart, I will bite my tongue now!"

The bloodlessness is not to talk about it. If there is some vague expectation in my heart, then there is a bit of sadness in my heart.

Is she just interested in his appearance, just as a tool for proliferation?

How is her heart so embarrassing? !

When the bloodlessness is about to bite the tongue, the woman smiled at him, and she was a little colder and more enchanting.

There is a blank in the bloodless brain, and I still think about what I am doing...

The ninth.

(End of this chapter)

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