
Dahua feels that both the surname and the surname are different, and he can't help but rely on that stinky girl, giving it such a broken name!

God knows, it was a bit embarrassed to say this broken name when it introduced itself!

However, these are not the focus now, it has to find a way to talk with its little spirits a little more, so as to enhance the relationship.

As a result, the goods began to falter, and began to boast of its great achievements, such as devouring sword gas and blasting people into helmets and armors.

Kirin Sword Spirit said a little impatiently: "I don't have time to listen to these now, and the situation outside is urgent, and I have to pay attention to the situation of Yoyo Master at any time."

Dahua said indifferently: "You can rest assured, she is so fatal that it will definitely not happen, we will talk to us."

The unicorn sword spirit glanced at the big flower: "No wonder you only have a pig head, you really have no heart or lungs!"

After Kirin Sword Spirit was too lazy to persevere, he picked a place away from the big flower by himself, and observed the outside situation through Yun Chuyi's consciousness.

Dahua suddenly felt that he had suffered 10,000 critical hits. If it didn't understand it wrong, would it have been abandoned?

It cheers itself up. This setback is nothing at all. The more it frustrates, the more brave it becomes.

So, it was cheeky to the side of Kirin Sword Spirit, and said conscientiously: "In fact, I am also very worried about her. What I said just now is to test your loyalty!

Now I'm sure, you are truly loyal to your host, and you are a trustworthy good partner! "

It added silently in his heart, still a good wife who can be trusted.

The unicorn sword spirit gave a perfunctory hum, paying full attention to the situation outside.

At this time, the situation outside is not particularly clear.

After hearing the words of Yun Chuyu, the dean did not take a stand.

The rest of the people were also vacillating in their minds. They felt that the emperor and the son of the emperor and Yun Chuyu had their own reasons, and for a moment I didn't know who to believe.

I have to say that this outburst of the unicorn sword has changed many people's minds.

Just then, the tutor came in a hurry.

He was previously assigned by the dean to return to the Royal Martial Court to check the situation of the five trial ground teleportation formations, so he did not know that Yun Chuxuan's vest had fallen to the ground.

He said indignantly to the dean: "Dean, you guessed it right, the teleportation matrix in all five trial grounds was destroyed, and we really won the trick."

The head dean nodded, then waved his hand, motioning him to step aside.

Yun Chuyu was a move in his heart. Why did this blue drop dust destroy the teleportation matrix of the five trial grounds?

Is it not related to the source holy land?

When she hadn't figured it out, the dean said to Hai Huangxing:

"Your Majesty, the situation is a bit complicated now, and the source of Zhiman and Kirin Sword Spirit are mixed in it. For a moment, I was unable to tell who said what was true.

Therefore, please dare you to allow some people as representatives to enter the source holy place to view the situation.

If everything in the source holy place is as usual, then it can be proved that Shan Youyou said is false. "

The emperor suddenly became embarrassed and angry: "You would rather believe in a spy and a cross-strait than do you believe in You and Yuan Han? Thanks to You, you have always felt that you are loyal to You, and you are so disappointed!

I urge you to stand on the cliff, otherwise you will be convicted! "

(End of this chapter)

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