
Yun Chuyu first looked surprised, and then rushed forward like crazy.

On the one hand, she was worried about Xiao Baiyun and Xiao Wuyun, but she was more worried about Emperor Beibei.

I don't know when, her face was already full of tears, and a huge panic filled her heart.

The two dogs inside the spirit beast bag comforted comfortably: "Little fairy, don't panic first, you are not a reckless person. He can't take his life to break this enchantment."

Yun Chuzhen calmed down, but she was also concerned about chaos.

But if Xiao Baiyun hadn't died? Was it blown off when it blew up? Then sucked into a small space?

Just then, she noticed something unusual under her feet.

Raising her feet, she saw a small golden cloud that had been trampled down where she had stood.

Xiao Jinyun was only about the size of a fist. He jumped angrily a few times, and bumped a few times toward Yun Chu.

It's a pity that the force it hit was too small, and it did not catch Yun Chu, but it ejected itself.

Yun Chu, who had a look of embarrassment, bent over and picked up the little golden cloud.

"Are you white?"

Xiao Jinyun was like dead, unresponsive.

Yun Chuxi was relieved to see it this way. Since she can breathe with her, it shows that the situation is not bad.

Although it seems that the price is a bit high, but Xiaobailian is just alive.

Xiao Baiyun, no, now it should be Xiao Jinyun scolding in his heart: Is your eye blind? !! Why don't you walk and watch the road?

It's really hateful to have stepped on this big hero!

In order to open this broken enchantment, so that it has become such an ugly color, and it has also become so small, do not even say thank you?

Xiao Jinyun became more and more angry, and decided not to talk about Yun Chuchu, to see his new cloud core.

At the moment of self-explosion, the golden cloud wing became a new cloud core, and the mass of gold dragged it into the new cloud core.

Xiao Jinyun probed into the core of the cloud and saw the group of old golden gods there, but what about the battered stuff? Was killed?

At the moment of the explosion, Dasha has no time to save it?

So, it's useful to bear the burden of humiliation during this time!

It ’s just a pity that the **** stuffed thing. I wanted to take it as a younger brother. I did n’t expect it to die!

I can only blame it for its bad life.

Just then, his consciousness was painful, and then flooded into countless memory fragments.

Xiao Jinyun is in a circle!

Why does it feel like it's a bastard?

It is obviously the supreme little white cloud!

It felt like it was going to become a schizophrenic cloud!

Because it felt like a little dark cloud for a while and felt like a small white cloud for a while, but from the bottom of its heart it still felt like a small white cloud.

"Woohoo, what's wrong with me? Am I crazy? Is it a little crazy cloud ?!"

"It must be the sequel of the self-explosive cloud nucleus, I'm too miserable!"

"I can no longer achieve my ambitions, because I have become a waste cloud."


A cold voice came: "Noise!"

Xiao Jinyun cried and said, "Why are you fierce ?! I tell you, I'm not afraid of you now! Anyway, I have become this ghost, and there is no difference between being alive and being dead!"

However, after feeling the killing intentions, he said in a hurry: "Well, don't take it seriously, I am now schizophrenic. What I said just now is Xiaowuyun, not me!"

(End of this chapter)

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