Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 8843: Little Golden Cloud Duck


In fact, Yun Chuyi wanted to say that Xiao Jinyun was here, but was so excited that he suddenly became a little gold fish.

She quickly changed her mouth: "Xiao Jinyun, Chong Duck! You have made a name for yourself, you have made a name for yourself, and you have an amazing opportunity!"

Xiao Jinyun obviously eats this set of Yun Chuyi, and fart is far away!

Yun Chuyu was not assured and kept following him, lest it be in danger.

But obviously she was thinking too much!

Xiao Jinyun is invincible. No matter how fierce a monster is, only one lightning bolt will surely be split into two, and the dead can't die anymore.

Soon the battle turned into a unilateral slaughter. Xiao Jinyun didn't know how many monsters he had killed.

No one else was idle. After more than an hour, all the monsters were finally killed.

Although Xiao Jinyun was a bit weak due to excessive consumption, he saw the admiration of the crowd and suddenly lived.

Yun Chuyu did not let everyone continue to march, but let everyone rest in place.

Not only did some people have been killed or injured in the previous battles, but everyone's physical strength and training also cost a lot, and they must be rested.

During the break, Yun Chuxiong praised Xiao Jinyun for a good meal, and almost praised it to the sky.

Xiao Jinyun fluttered and said to her heart that it didn't seem to be so unacceptable to follow the stinky girl, at least she was quite able to speak.

Everything is relative, Xiao Jinyun is very happy, but the two dogs and the dog's tail are so angry!

Two rare fellow enemies are silently burying Xiao Jinyun in their hearts.

What's so confusing? !! But it just happened to meet this kind of monster that was afraid of lightning. If it met a monster or something, would its filament-like lightning power have a fart? !!

Look at its virtues, looks like ..., embarrassed to scurry around? Pooh! shameless!

Xiao Jinyun naturally didn't know their vomit, otherwise they would be furious.

It was extremely tired and lay beside Yun Chuyu to adjust his breath.

It thought about it, and probed into the core of the cloud, and said weakly to the group of gold: "Is my performance just now, is it not bad?"

"Um." The ball of gold responded slightly.

Xiao Jinyun felt suddenly ... successful!

On the other side, Yun Chuyu ponders things while eating.

She remembered what Feng Zhuyu said in the Qiankun Grotto. He said that the trapped Feng clan is just like a bird in a cage. In addition to enduring the harsh environment, it must withstand the attacks of countless terrorist monsters.

It seems that the Feng clan is most likely to be locked up here.

I just do n’t know if there are any more terrifying monsters besides the monsters killed today.

She suddenly remembered the story of Emperor Beibei and asked Xiao Jinyun: "I ask you, is Xiaobailian still in your cloud core? Is he all right?"

She didn't intend to ask before, after all, she was struggling.

However, she wasn't completely suspicious at the moment, and felt that it was better to ask Xiao Jinyun.

She didn't plan to force Dibei out, just wanted to confirm his safety.

Xiao Jinyun suddenly asked the golden group weakly: "Well, what do you say?"

"Tell her I'm fine, nothing else needs to be said." The ball of gold was light.

So, Xiao Jinyun made a few gestures, gave Yun Chuxi a positive answer, and then began to play dead.

Yun Chu snorted coldly and never asked again.

Xiao Jinyun whispered in his heart that the two were really interesting. They were so careless when they missed each other and pretended not to care.

(End of this chapter)

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