
Yun Chuyu was about to ask about his surname, and someone ran over in panic:

"Elder Tianfeng, it's bad! The blood beast is furious!"

The elder Tianfeng's face changed suddenly, and even before he could say a word to Yun Chuyu, he hurried back to the city wall again.

Yun Chuyi quickly followed, and what did Blood Beast Rage mean?

She looked down the city and suddenly took a breath.

Those blood beasts were killing each other and devouring each other.

Yun Chuyu suddenly thought of small grasshoppers. At the beginning, a group of millennium corpse worms killed eight millennium corpse king worms after killing each other, and finally the eight millennium corpse worms killed each other again and eventually survived The one that became the millennium corpse cricket emperor was a small grasshopper.

This group of blood beasts will not eventually make a blood emperor beast? That would be difficult.

When Yun Chuyu was thinking, Elder Tianfeng heard his teeth grin: "You must stop them from going on violently, the people of Yun Yiwei and Emperor Yi Wei will follow me out of the city!"

Immediately some people discouraged: "Elder Tianfeng, must not! Now those blood beasts are in violent, more cruel than usual, you go out, that is, to die!"

Elder Tianfeng said sternly: "Even if you die, you must stop them. Don't forget, the last tragedy caused by the blood beast mutation!"

He looked at the two teams that had been lined up and nodded:

"It is indeed the most brave warrior of our tribe. Even if we know the abyss in front of us, but we will leap forward for the tribe.

Now follow me out of town! "

Just then, a clear voice came from behind him: "Wait a minute!"

Elder Tianfeng turned his head and frowned, "Yun, Lord, what is it?"

"Dreadful after the blood beast mutates?"

Elder Tianfeng saw that Yun Chuyu was speaking, and his eyes flickered:

"After blood beasts mutate, their body shape will skyrocket dozens of times. At that time, our city walls will be rendered useless, so we must stop them from mutating anyway.

Yun Meng, I have a merciless invitation ... "

"Since it is rude, please don't say it!"

Elder Tianfeng: "..."

"Cloud leader, if you don't let me say, I also have to say, I can't go back when I go out. It is best if I can successfully prevent the blood beast from mutating.

If unsuccessful, the owner of Yunmeng is also asked to help someone withdraw the people from the outer city into the inner city. The old man is grateful. "

Yun Chuyi blinked his eyes: "Actually, I think they have mutated quite well, because the number has decreased, and it will be easier to kill them by then."

Although the elder Tianfeng was well maintained, his face was ugly at this time.

"Cloud leader, what do you mean by that?

If you do n’t want to help, just forget it.

Do you know how severe the last blood beast mutation caused to our tribe? !! Do you even say that mutation is a good thing? "

Yun Chu's big eyes flickered and flickered: "I naturally have my reason to say so. So, if I can resolve this crisis, what is the price of your ancient clan?"

Elder Tianfeng almost crooked his nose!

Isn't this robbery while it's on fire? !! Even if you want benefits, you can't be euphemistic?

"what do you want?"

"Are you serious? I am kidding you! There is no way, I am neither greedy for money nor irritable, and like to be helpful."

Elder Tianfeng is very speechless. When is this time, and still joking?

How did he become the ally? Wouldn't it be Fudge?

(End of this chapter)

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