
Xiao Jinyun can't help but slap yourself with two big slaps, making you owe! Make you talk cheap!

This is all right, I dug myself in!

It can foresee that the next days will certainly be in hot water, and it does not want to live.

It decided to dying again.

"Actually, in fact, me, I am a prodigal who does not seek to be motivated and does not learn anything.

I think it's good to eat together and die. It doesn't matter if you don't get stronger, so, otherwise? "

"Dead and stronger, you pick one."

"……Become stronger."

Xiao Jinyun lay on the ground for a long meal, but unfortunately was silent.

Ergouzi has been paying attention to it, seeing it so, said to Yun Chuyu: "Little fairy, Xiao Jinyun seems to have eaten a bad stomach, vomit there!"

Xiao Jinyun: "..."

The bad thing is bad on this **** two dog!

If it were not to compete with it, it would not make a deadly proposal to become stronger.

Damn second dog, you wait for Lao Tzu!

After Lao Tzu gets stronger, the first person to clean up is you!

Early in the morning the next day, under the golden coercion of Xiao Jinyun, he began to make a gesture towards Yun Chu.

Yun Chuyu guessed for a long time before guessing that Xiao Jinyun actually wanted to go out ...

Her first thought was that Xiao Jinyun's brain was broken!

It ’s just this little chicken who still has a fight with someone?

How is this different from looking for abuse? !!

However, when she saw Xiao Jinyun being resolute, she promised that she would die if she didn't let it go.

She also happened to deal with other people, but it wasn't her who was being beaten anyway.

As a result, Yun Chuxiong took Xiao Jinyun Xiong out of the courtyard with arrogance.

As soon as I went out, I met Elder Feng San. He was curious: "Old ancestor, where are you going this early morning?"

Yun Chu pointed a finger at Xiao Jinyun on his right shoulder: "It wants to make an appointment with other Yun pets. I'm going to take it to find an opponent!"

Elder Feng San's eyes stared roundly: "Old ancestors, are you kidding me? An appointment?"

He was embarrassed to say that although Xiao Jinyun had killed the Quartet before when he encountered the blood beast, he was only limited to targeting the blood beast and meeting other cloud pets of the cloud tribe, that is, the weak chicken!

It's not that he brags, even the colander cloud is stronger than it!

Speaking of colander clouds, Elder Feng San was a little bit puzzled. When I saw Yun Chuyu every day, the colander clouds couldn't wait to come out. Why didn't I move today?

Do we now know that dogs are not considered poor, and children are not considered ugly?

When Elder Feng San eased over to God, Yun Chuyu had taken Xiao Jinyun out for a distance, and he quickly ran after him.

"Old ancestor, whose cloud pets are you going to find?"

"I heard Yun Qi refute that there is a Douyun field in the Yun tribe, and the battle of Yun pets in the tribe is generally carried out there, so let's go there."

Elder Fengsan really didn't know that there was such a place, and his heart was curious and hesitant, and he followed Yunchu to Douyun Field.

The Yun tribe has only one Douyun field, which is set up in Gantang. The elders of Yunchu and Hefeng have walked for a while before arriving.

After seeing Douyun Field, the elder Feng San couldn't help but exclaim: "So big!"

Douyunchang is an open-air area surrounded by seats, presumably for those who watch the lively.

There is a huge stone screen on the edge of the field, which displays the names of several pairs of Yun pet owners who are about to confront each other.

In addition, there are even tables on the sidelines, and many people are betting and betting.

(End of this chapter)

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