Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 8895: Can't lift head


Yun Chuyu couldn't help but wonder, what did Wan Wanhe ask her?

Is it because of gossip?

It doesn't make sense, since this little news can reach her ears, then many people must know, why have to find her stubble?

I guess there are other things. What is it?

After meeting, Yun Chuyu saw that Yun Wanhe's face was not very good-looking, and his heart was even worse.

"Yun Chuyun, I heard that you have been going to Dou Yunchang every day?"

Yun Chuxiong respectfully said, "Yes, in order to hone my Yun pet, I have been going more recently."

Yun Wanhe's face was even more ugly, saying, "What level is your own Yun pet? Do you have a lot in your heart ?!

Even if you are in the hall on weekdays, even if you go to the side of the hall, you do n’t feel like you ca n’t look up !! "

Yun Chu's face was puzzled: "Why do I feel ashamed and can't lift my head?

Just like you said, I have judgement on my level of cloud pet, it is a small waste, it is the weakest cloud pet of our cloud tribe.

That being the case, what else can I do to shame? Everyone knows that it is the weakest anyway.

Even if I don't take it to Douyun Field, I can't change its weakest fact. "

Yun Wanhe: "..."

Why did he think she was not only inferior, but also proud ...

"Don't you say something that upsets you? Or else you are so beautiful, how could someone with such a humble heart ask me such a question?"

Yun Wanhe's face froze. It seems that if he doesn't say anything, it is probably the antonym of these adjectives, the belly of chicken.

"It's nothing, just when the tribe discussed things today, Gan Wanyun said that you often ran to Douyunchang recently and made a lot of contributions to Douyunchang."

Yun Chuyi knew that Yun Wanzhen was definitely worse than that, or else Yun Wanhe would not call her over and want to be angry with her.

Yun Chuyi immediately wrote down Yun Wanyun's name on the black ledger and walked around!

"Teacher, I heard that Douyunchang occupies the land of Gantang. Every year, the family needs to allocate a lot of money to Gantang. Is this the case?"

Yun Wanhe snorted coldly: "Yes, in fact, there are vacant lands in the tribe. At first, they just chose Gantang, which is really cheap!"

Yun Chuxuan rolled his eyes: "Church owner, I also heard that it is not difficult to build a Douyun field, as long as a protective array and an isolation array are set up, then why don't we build one?

Yun Wanhe frowned. "Build another? The patriarch won't agree."

"It's man-made. Besides, progress can only be achieved if there is competition.

Through observation these days, I found that if I did n’t bring Xiao Jinyun to solicit business every day, Douyunchang could be described by Monaco Luoque.

What does this mean?

It shows that the management and philosophy of Douyunchang are seriously backward, and the fundamental reason is that there is no competition.

You and the patriarch said that we do n’t need to allocate funds, we are totally self-funded and built, as long as he allows us to build. Yun Chuyi said.

Yun Wanhe looked at Yun Chuyu like a fool: "Self-funding and self-construction? Don't allocate funds? What am I tossing about? Are you free ?!

Yun Chuyi blinked his eyes: "There are some ways to make money, why do we have to count on that little favor in the clan ?!

As long as you do what I say, I promise that in less than three months, you will make a lot of money and run against the boss. "

Continue tomorrow, what?

(End of this chapter)

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