Han Li suddenly realized that the sect leader had arrived here at some unknown time.

"Disciple Han Li has met the sect master!" Han Li quickly performed a purification technique to remove the mud from his body, and then came to Lin Yu and saluted respectfully.

"Han Li, today I grant you a blessing. This blue silver holy body wants to recognize you as its master. Are you willing?" Lin Yu said with a smile.

For a while.

Han Li was stunned.

He didn't expect that a great opportunity would fall on his head all of a sudden.

All this happened so suddenly~~~~

He was completely unprepared mentally.

"Sect Master, I am willing!" Han Li quickly replied.

"Very good!" Lin Yu waved his finger, and the Blue Silver Holy Body and Han Li immediately began to merge.

The whole integration process was very smooth.

A short time.

Han Li's whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes, and his temperament has been sublimated, like a bright pearl.

Han Li suddenly felt that his body was full of power.

His eyes emitted a blue light, and everything in front of him changed in some way. He seemed to be able to see more of the essence and reality of the world!

Blue Silver Dharma Eye, this is a magical power of the Blue Silver Holy Body.

Originally, one needed to reach the Nascent Soul Realm to awaken this magical power.

But Han Li has now completed the awakening of a magical power by cultivating in the Qi Condensation Realm.

I have to say that Han Li is indeed the most suitable candidate for the Blue Silver Holy Body!

The ugly duckling turned into a white swan.

I have to say that this sentence is very suitable for Han Li!

There was a sudden breakthrough in cultivation.

He has directly reached the tenth level of Qi Condensation. It is estimated that after practicing for a day or two, there will be no problem in completing the foundation building.

"My new master, let's work together in the future~~~" Han Li heard a very gentle voice.

This feeling made him feel wonderful.

"Thank you, Master, for giving me good luck!" Han Li quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Yu to thank him.

He can now be regarded as truly changing his fate against the odds.

"Han Li, although you now have the Blue Silver Holy Body, don't be proud. I hope you will not let this sect master down in the future!" Lin Yu said earnestly, "From now on, you will be the core disciple of my Tianxuan Sect. !”

"Yes, Sect Master, I have remembered your teachings." Han Li kowtowed again.

"Get up!" Lin Yu nodded slightly, "The next step will depend on your performance."


Lin Yu disappeared on his own.

"Sect Master, you are really powerful!" Han Li sighed.

"Yeah~~~~" A woman's voice sounded in his mind.

"Who are you?" For a moment, Han Li couldn't help but ask before he could react.

"I am a Blue Silver Emperor myself. You can just call me Blue Silver. You are my master now, and I will do my best to help you in the future." The woman said softly.

"Thank you." Han Li thanked him.

Thank you for this life.

The woman was deeply moved.

I remember that when I was still in Tang Wu's body, I helped Tang Wu so much, but I never got a thank you in exchange...

It was obviously just two words, but why did she feel extremely warm now.

I am even more determined that I did not choose the wrong person.


Yao Mengjun appears.

When Han Li saw this, he quickly saluted Yao Mengjun: "I have met the Yao Meng Lord!"

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

"Han Li, your hard work has paid off and you have been blessed by the sect master. Now you are a core disciple. After you pack up, you can move to the top of Alchemy Peak!"

"Besides, you can learn alchemy from me from now on."

Yao Mengjun smiled.

"Thank you, Peak Master!" Han Li was grateful. He was also very interested in alchemy.

Because the realm was too low before, even the spiritual flames could not be condensed.

Now he can achieve his goal too.

"Okay, next, you have to focus on cultivation, and leave the spiritual field to others to take care of." Yao Mengjun left after briefly giving instructions.


Han Li came to his cabin.

Think carefully.

Unknowingly, it has been five years since he came to Tianxuanzong.

At first.

Tianxuan Sect encountered a catastrophe, but fortunately he did not betray the sect like others, and still chose to advance and retreat with the sect.

The original choice seems so correct now!

"Master, this little green bottle seems to be a supreme treasure." Suddenly, Lan Yin's voice sounded.

"Really?" Han Li was startled and quickly picked up the small green bottle and marveled: "I picked up this green bottle in the spiritual field not long ago. I originally thought it was an ordinary bottle."

Who would have thought.

This humble little green bottle is actually a supreme treasure!

"Maybe Master, you are not strong enough to activate this treasure. Master, you have to keep this green bottle. It will definitely be used in the future!" Lan Yin reminded again.

"Yeah!" Han Li nodded repeatedly.

Chapter 93 Help Jun Xiaoyao break the shackles of the ancient holy body!

Haotian Sect!

In the main hall, an elder in black robe rushed in in a panic, and saluted with great respect: "Sorry, Master, the life cards of the young master and the young master have been shattered!"

After hearing the news, Tang Sheng, who was on the throne, was instantly furious. The terrifying pressure made everyone in the hall tremble and be extremely frightened!

"Who killed my son and my grandson!" Tang Sheng yelled angrily, "I will cut him into pieces!"

"Sect Master, Young Master, he is a strong man who aspires to be the king of crystals. I think the enemy is also a strong man." One of the elders stood up quickly and said respectfully.

"No matter who he is, I want him to die a good death and go check it out immediately!" Tang Sheng snorted coldly.

"Yes, Sect Master!"




Since the Blue Silver Saint Body recognized Han Li as its master, Blue Silver Flowers can be seen everywhere in the Tianxuan Sect.

Han Li absorbed the pure spiritual energy of the sect through the Blue Silver Flower, and soon broke through to the Foundation Establishment Realm!

For his own people, Lin Yu was still happy for Han Li to absorb some of the sect's luck.

But if outsiders forcefully absorb it without your permission, then I'm sorry, I have no choice but to resort to thunderous means.

"Do you miss me, the king?"

On this day, Queen Medusa came out of seclusion and lay directly in Lin Yu's arms, stroking Lin Yu's cheek with her delicate jade fingers.

So tempting.

How can you hold back?

"Cailin, I miss you so much!" Lin Yu smiled evilly and immediately picked her up and walked towards the room.

An hour later.

Lin Yu lay on the bed contentedly, feeling the happiness he had not seen for a long time.

"I just came out of seclusion, and you made me look like this~~~" Queen Medusa scolded, which made people even more infatuated...

"Who makes you so tempting?" Lin Yu smiled slightly.

"Sect Master, Sect Master, are you there?" While Lin Yu and Queen Medusa were continuing their romance, Lu Ming's voice came from outside.

"It's really the wrong time!" Lin Yu shook his head and sighed.

Lin Yu got dressed.

Quickly walked out of the room.

"come in!"

After hearing Lin Yu's voice, Lu Ming opened the courtyard door and walked in with excitement.

"Sect Master, Sect Master, this is a great thing!"

Seeing his excited expression, Lin Yu was speechless. Can't you just say it?

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