"Okay, junior brother, come with me and take you to the Monster Garden. Recently, a new batch of monsters have been captured." Wang Fugui took Luo Fei directly and left the main hall.

It didn't take long to arrive at the halfway point of a mountain peak.

There is a huge yard here.

After entering inside.

Luo Fei could see many powerful and rare monsters... These monsters were obviously captured by force, and were still frightened by a strong pressure.

"The sect master plans that in the future, each of our disciples of Tianxuan Sect will have a powerful monster partner!"

"These monster beasts have just been captured and have not yet completely calmed down. Moreover, no one in the sect has the talent to control beasts. You just came and you have made up for this shortcoming!"

"These monster beasts will be left to you, junior brother, but you must cultivate these monster beasts well."

Wang Fugui briefly explained the situation.

"Don't worry, I will train you carefully." Luo Fei promised.

I remember that my blue-eyed dragon was cultivated little by little by myself... It's a pity that my hard work was eaten like that.

The point is, he ate it too.

Luo Fei felt inexplicable heartache when he thought of this!

"That's almost it. Anyway, I've explained the situation to you, so I'm going to practice first. If you encounter any problems in the future, you can come to me or ask other senior brothers and sisters."

Wang Fugui nodded.

All the disciples of the sect are working hard to cultivate, so naturally he cannot fall behind.

After Wang Fugui left.

Luo Fei looked at the monster beasts in front of him that were being suppressed one after another, and kept making seals with his hands, saying: "Soothing Technique!"

Green gentle rays of light condensed and fell on these monsters one after another.

In just a few breaths, those monsters suddenly became obedient, without any resistance at all.

"Sure enough!" Luo Fei muttered.

Even he himself didn't know when he had this ability.

In short, he is very talented in controlling beasts... This soothing technique is a technique specifically used to soothe the mood of monster beasts.

Originally, the effect of this soothing technique was not very great, but under Luo Fei's control, this soothing technique had an unusual effect.

The ability to have such a huge effect has a lot to do with Luo Fei himself.

"Monster beasts, it is your destiny that you can enter Tianxuan Sect. You should practice well and obey Tianxuan Sect's instructions honestly!"

Luo Fei said calmly.

The monsters in front of them also lowered their noble heads.


at the same time.

Haotian Sect, in the main hall.

An elder suddenly discovered that the blood curse he had planted in Luo Fei's body had dissipated, and his face was shocked.

"Sect Master, I'm afraid Luo Fei is dead." The elder quickly reported.

In his opinion, his blood curse is extremely powerful and it is impossible to remove it once it is planted.

Therefore, the blood curse dissipated and he concluded that Luo Fei was dead!

"It seems that Luo Fei found something and was silenced." Another Haotian Sect elder said.

"Hmph!" Tang Sheng, the leader of Haotian Sect, snorted coldly, "Is there any news about Luo Fei?"

"Yes!" the elder responded, "According to the last news sent back, Luo Fei successfully discovered the place where the young master and the young master died!"

"There is a sect called Tianxuan Sect not far away!"

"The Tianxuan Sect is very suspicious. Luo Fei's next step is to enter the Tianxuan Sect to investigate. Now that the blood curse has dissipated, Luo Fei should be discovered and silenced!"

"It seems that the sect master, the young master and the young master are most likely responsible for this Tian Xuanzong!"

After listening to his report.

Tang Sheng slapped hard, and the throne was broken into pieces. He stood up, his eyes full of murderous intent: "As long as there is suspicion, you can't miss it. I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!"

"Gather the elites of the sect immediately, I will destroy this Tianxuan Sect!"

The killing intent he unleashed was terrifying to the extreme!

It even condensed the killing field...

In this field, the elders felt the incomparable aura of death... This absolute power was frightening.

"Sect Master, you have reached the Great Perfection of the Aspiration Realm!"

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

"Yes, a hundred years ago, I had already achieved the Great Perfection in the Summit Realm." Tang Sheng nodded.

"That's great. The Dzogchen Realm is already the top existence in the world of immortality. It's just one step away from surviving the catastrophe and you can ascend to immortality!"

"Even if Xuanzong had a strong person in the Aspiration Realm that day, he would still be no match for the sect master!"

"From now on, our Haotian Sect will be the largest sect in the world of immortality!"

"We will congratulate the sect master!"

The elders of Haotian Sect quickly bowed and congratulated.

Everyone was extremely excited.

If they could dominate the entire world of cultivation, all the cultivation resources and treasures in the world would be theirs.

"This time, let the Tianxuan Sect sacrifice blood and let all forces in the world of immortality see the terror of our Haotian Sect!" Tang Sheng sneered.

"The sect master is mighty!"

Everyone said respectfully again.



The entire Haotian Sect rang with bells.

The inner disciples, as well as the direct disciples, stopped their cultivation one after another and quickly came to a square to gather!

Such an urgent gathering.

Something big must be happening.

The disciples of Haotian Sect were all extremely curious and nervous.

"Today, our Haotian Sect will destroy his Xuantian Sect!" Tang Sheng announced while suspended in the sky, looking at the disciples.

"Tianxuan Sect, which big sect is it?"

“I don’t know, I’ve never heard of it at all!”

"However, the sect master actually gathered us to go together. It is estimated that Tian Xuan Sect's power is not weak this day."

"Hey, I really don't want to go, I really want to practice!"

"If you don't go, you will die!"

"Keep your voice down, or you'll be overheard."

Chapter 102 Directly destroy the Haotian Sect with one finger

"Sect Master, all the direct disciples and inner disciples in the sect have arrived. How many people do you plan to send this time?"

An elder quickly came to Tang Sheng and asked respectfully.

"All direct disciples will be dispatched, and the inner disciples will just select 300 people!" Tang Sheng said directly.

This time, he personally led the team to destroy the sect, and he must be able to capture it easily.

The reason why I brought some of my disciples there was so that they could clean up the battlefield for me...Xuanzong must have some secrets that day, and this secrets would also belong to his Haotian Sect!

"Understood, I'll go and choose right away!" The elder responded respectfully, and then flew down.

Soon, a huge spiritual ship was summoned.

The disciples who were being sought quickly boarded the spirit ship one by one.

This spiritual ship uses spiritual stones as its energy source and flies extremely fast, allowing them to reach Xuanzong that day in a shorter time!

Such a huge spiritual ship is only owned by the top sects... After all, the consumption of this spiritual ship is very huge when used once, and it is not something that some small forces can afford to use.

"Sect Master, we are ready and ready to go at any time!"

"Yeah!" Tang Sheng nodded slightly.

next moment.

He came directly to the deck of the spirit ship.

At this time, the disciples above all saluted Tang Sheng again: "I have met the sect master!"

"Disciples, if you kill Tianxuan Sect this time, you can get 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones by killing one of the other disciples. Those who kill the elders can enter the Kung Fu Pavilion and choose an earth-level Kung Fu..."

Tang Sheng said.

This extremely generous reward made all the disciples suddenly become excited and impatient.

For most monks, as long as they can get rich training resources and become stronger, they are willing to pay no matter what the price.


Suddenly, the entire sky seemed to be torn apart alive, and deafening thunderous sounds erupted.

The whole space is shaking.

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