Now, Xiao Yu'er has successfully reached the realm of Nascent Soul, and her body can also accommodate four kinds of heaven and earth fire.

"It's time. It just so happens that this sect leader also wants to go out for a walk." Lin Yu nodded, stood up, and stretched.

"Sect Master, do you need to prepare anything?" Xiao Yu'er asked excitedly.

"Ready? No need!" Lin Yu waved his hand, he was invincible.

The next second, Lin Yu quickly summoned the flying boat.

"Get on the flying boat!" Lin Yu jumped on with a slight jump.

Xiao Yuer followed closely behind.

After waiting for a while.

Jun Shuying flew over and landed smoothly in front of Lin Yu. Then she saluted respectfully and said, "Sect Master, you are looking for me."

Her cultivation has reached the late Nascent Soul stage.

"This time, I will take Xiao Yu'er to the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains. You can come with us!" Lin Yu said.

"Disciple understands!" Jun Shuying responded.

In her opinion, being able to follow the immortal is already a supreme opportunity, and she will naturally not refuse it.

"Very good, let's set off now!" Lin Yu nodded and waved his finger, and the flying boat started to launch.

The other disciples couldn't help but feel envious after seeing this scene.

"I didn't expect that this time it would be Senior Sister Jun and Senior Sister Xiao who would accompany the sect master on his journey. I'm so envious!"

"When can I be with the sect leader?"

"Practice hard, maybe you will have a chance in the future!"



The flying boat flew quickly towards the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range.

inside the room.

Lin Yu and Jun Shuying were playing chess. After all, they had nothing to do and had to find something to do.

Xiao Yu'er, who didn't know how to play chess, started making tea for Lin Yu, reversing the car, squeezing his shoulders and back, etc... Anyway, she became more and more like a little maid who waited closely.

"I lost again." Jun Shuying sighed.

We played more than ten games.

All failed miserably!

"You are already very good. In the entire sect, you are the only one who has played with me the longest." Lin Yu smiled.

He is a full-level chess player.

Play chess with other people in the sect and win easily.

But with Jun Shuying, she persisted for a long time... which is enough to show that she still has a grasp of chess.

"Let's go down here today!" Lin Yu said slowly after taking a sip of tea.

There is no point in continuing to win.

"Sect Master, when you went to the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains this time, did you find that there was a new heaven and earth fire there?" Jun Shuying asked curiously.

"Yes, Yu'er got a map before, which marked that the strange fire of heaven and earth is in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains. Of course, whether it is really there or not, we have to find out on the spot to find out."

Lin Yu nodded and said softly.

"Sect Master, I seem to have been to the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range before. At that time, the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range was just an ordinary mountain range..." Because it was too long ago, Jun Shuying could only recall a few things.

In short, she can be sure that in her previous life, the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range was really an ordinary mountain range!

"According to what you said, it seems that something must have happened in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range, which caused it to become the famous and dangerous forbidden area it is now."

Lin Yu guessed.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu waved his finger, and scrolls appeared on the table.

"These are the great elders. You can take a look at the information on the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains that was compiled before." Lin Yu said softly.

Jun Shuying and Xiao Yuer quickly picked it up and inspected it carefully.

After a while.

The two of them put down the scrolls in their hands and couldn't help but take a deep breath at the same time, "I didn't expect that the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range has become so terrifying and dangerous, and the Ten Thousand Poisons Demonic Forest has even made it impossible for the powerful ones in the Aspiration Realm to enter." out!"

Lin Yu spoke again and reminded: "Now that you know the specific situation of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range, when the time comes to enter, everyone should be careful and don't leave my sight!"

"Yes, Sect Master!" Jun Shuying and Xiao Yu'er responded quickly.

Although the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is extremely dangerous, this time the sect leader personally led them there, so the two of them were not very worried!

"Yu'er, how are you mastering the fusion of the three different fires?" Lin Yu continued to ask.

"It's under perfect control." Xiao Yu'er smiled and demonstrated on the spot.

Three kinds of heaven and earth strange fires condensed out, and under her control, the three kinds of strange fires began to merge.

It merged smoothly into a fire lotus of destruction.

The power contained in this is terrifying.

"The three different fires from heaven and earth are fused together. The power that bursts out is such that even a strong person in the realm of gods would not dare to resist face to face." Jun Shuying sighed slowly. This strange fire is indeed a rare thing from heaven and earth. .

With just this move, Xiao Yuer, who is in the early stage of Nascent Soul, is absolutely invincible against a strong person in the Transformation of God Realm!

"It's okay. The fusion process went very smoothly." Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction, "Have you tried how many flowers can be condensed now?"

"Sect Master, with my current strength, I can condense up to three of these fire lotuses of destruction." After Xiao Yu'er broke through to the Nascent Soul, she immediately tested her limits.

"Keep working hard." Lin Yu encouraged.

"Okay, Sect Master!" Xiao Yu'er responded with a sweet smile.

She was very happy now when she could hear the sect leader's praise.

Lin Yu continued to look at Jun Shuying, and he could clearly see that the Nizhu in her mind seemed to have activated many abilities.

Come out this time.

I don't know how Jun Shuying and Xiao Yuer can be improved, but Lin Yu is waiting to see.

"Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range, we are here!"

Chapter 104: Strange fire turns into a sword, Xiao Yuer shows off her power

The journey is far away, and the flying boat needs to fly for a long time to reach the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.

However, the scenery we saw along the way was quite good.

Sure enough, you still have to go out for a walk and see the vast world outside, and your whole mood will become much more cheerful.

"You don't overestimate your capabilities!" Suddenly, Lin Yu sensed something and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


A flaming fireball struck from a distance, and the flying boat barrier opened, completely blocking it, and a violent explosion sounded.

The entire flying boat began to shake.

This immediately woke up Jun Shuying and Xiao Yuer who were practicing.

"Only one of the opponents has the cultivation level of the early Nascent Soul, and the others are all in the Dan Formation realm!" Lin Yu said slowly.

"I alone am enough!" Jun Shuying said confidently.

"I can do it alone!" Xiao Yu'er also responded quickly.

"Okay, let Xiao Yu'er go this time." Lin Yu decided with a smile when he saw both of them looking extremely confident.

"Thank you, Sect Master!" Xiao Yu'er was very happy, and she was able to perform well.

"Okay~~~" Jun Shuying nodded slightly, and she followed Lin Yu's arrangement.

Soon, Xiao Yu'er also walked out of Feizhou's room.

"Your combat experience is already very strong. Let her handle such small things!" Lin Yu continued to watch, and Jun Shuying said softly.

After all, this Jun Shuying is a powerful reborn person and must have gone through countless battles in her previous life.


On the deck of the flying boat.

Xiao Yu'er looked at the mountains in front of her, took a deep breath, and said loudly: "Come out, everyone, they can only attack in secret, right?"

In a hidden place in the mountain, several men showed evil smiles after sensing Xiao Yuer's cultivation.

"Boss, the other party has the foundation-building Dzogchen cultivation base, let's go!"

"It looks quite beautiful. When the time comes to abolish her cultivation, she will be our plaything from now on."


The leading man also licked his lips, showing a greedy desire.

"Brothers, come on!"

next moment.

These people flew up in the air one after another, and soon arrived in front of Feizhou.

Seeing their appearance, Xiao Yuer smiled slightly and said, "Sure enough, after hiding their cultivation, these people thought that they had already captured them, so they dared to show up directly and decisively!"

If Xiao Yu'er showed the aura of early Nascent Soul cultivation, these people probably wouldn't show up, after all, they are not stupid.

"Little girl, it's very dangerous to be alone outside. Just follow me. I guarantee that you will live happily for the rest of your life!"

The Nascent Soul cultivator looked at Xiao Yu'er and showed his true face of lusting after beauty.

"Haha, a Nascent Soul cultivator actually led people to rob in this barren mountain. Do you still want to show off?"

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