Lin Yu and the others jumped lightly and landed on the ground.

Immediately, Lin Yu also took the flying boat back into the storage ring.

Lin Yu walked in front.

When Xiao Yu'er officially entered the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range, it felt as if he had entered the abyss of hell.


"What's happening here?"

"There is not even a trace of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range."

After a while.

Jun Shuying and Xiao Yuer were both a little surprised. When they looked at the information before, this information was not recorded!

"The aura of heaven and earth within this range has been absorbed by these flowers, plants and trees." Lin Yu said slowly.

"It's unbelievable!" Jun Shuying took a deep breath. She could suck up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in a range and turn it into a spiritless place. What kind of method is this?

Even she couldn't imagine it.

"There's something even more interesting!" Lin Yu smiled.

He directly used his spiritual power to condense a little white rabbit.

call out!

The weird branches around them seemed to come alive and could extend indefinitely.

The sharp tree top directly penetrated the body of the little white rabbit.

Immediately afterwards, the spiritual power in the little white rabbit's body was devoured crazily...

After the spiritual power was drained, the little white rabbit naturally dissipated.

boom! ! !

Several big trees around him exploded and died.

Not even a trace of Lin Yu's spiritual power can be absorbed by them!

"It seems like we can't use spiritual power easily." Jun Shuying nodded slowly.

Can't use spiritual power.

Once any danger is encountered, the mortality rate will naturally increase greatly.

No wonder the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range is basically inaccessible but not accessible...

Only by coming here to experience it for yourself can you truly understand the horror of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range.

"Okay, don't worry too much. With my sect master here, everything will be fine." Lin Yu said with a smile.

keep going.

Next this way.

It was also quite smooth.

There was no danger.

But it is naturally impossible to continue smoothly.

Lin Yu stopped and said, "There is a formation ahead!"

When Jun Shuying saw this, she looked around and saw no trace of the formation at first glance. Fortunately, she activated the Tianni Pearl.

With the help of Tianni Pearl, Jun Shuying's eyes flashed with golden light, and a super formation appeared in front of her eyes.

"Who on earth can actually set up such a ferocious formation in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range!" Jun Shuying took a deep breath.

Ordinary monks will definitely die once they step into the big formation in front of them.

And once spiritual power is used, the strange trees around will also launch fierce attacks...

"This formation should be arranged by an evil cultivator who is proficient in formations!" Lin Yu continued, "The big trees in that formation contain a large number of bone soul nails!"

"And this kind of bone soul nail is specially made from the skull and blood of a newborn baby!"

The number of these bone and soul nails exceeds thousands... It can be seen that the evil cultivator has killed many innocent babies!

"Evil cultivators will be punished by everyone!" Xiao Yu'er clenched her hands into fists.

"According to this map, the road in front of us is the only one that can pass through the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Forest!" Lin Yu took a look at the map and began to analyze: "It seems that these evil cultivators are also targeting the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Forest." Lin!"


They also came for the strange fire.

This array is probably arranged to prevent other monks from entering...


The methods of these evil cultivators are really powerful.

Some were beyond Lin Yu's expectations.

Setting up such a formation requires consuming a lot of spiritual power, but these trees specialize in devouring spiritual power... Logically speaking, it would be difficult to set up a formation here.

But the other party still succeeded.

This means that these evil cultivators have mastered some special means. Even if they use spiritual power, these strange trees will not attack them! .

"Sect Master, what should we do now?" Jun Shuying asked.

"Break the formation and keep moving forward!" Lin Yu smiled slightly and said, "No matter what trouble you encounter next, just solve it directly!"

Lin Yu, who has invincible cultivation, is so confident!

Chapter 106 Breaking the formation, destroying monsters, and killing evil cultivators

You know, Lin Yu not only has invincible strength, but also has a full-level formation!

A mere formation can still be broken easily!

"You guys wait here for a moment, I'll enter the battle first!" Lin Yu said softly.

"Okay, Sect Master!" Jun Shuying and Xiao Yu'er responded quickly.

Immediately, Lin Yu stepped into the formation.

The moment he stepped in, the entire super formation was activated directly.

A powerful evil energy burst out, and soul bone nails exuding an extremely evil aura rushed out, densely packed with thousands of them.

The wails continued.

Lin Yu could clearly see that every soul bone nail was entangled with the resentful spirit of a baby.

All of them look extremely ferocious and tortured!

It's really pitiful!

They were just born and were refined with such cruel methods...

These soul bone nails carried strong penetrating power and attacked Lin Yu crazily.

When Lin Yu saw this, he also snapped his fingers. In an instant, the soul bone nails were suspended in mid-air motionless, as if time had stopped.

"Let me save you today!" Lin Yu's tone became a little gentle.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu began to perform the technique of salvation, and streams of fairy light condensed out.

As the fairy light shines, the evil aura on those soul bone nails is instantly dissipated, and the souls of the babies that have become resentful spirits have returned to their holy appearance!


These babies were easily saved by Lin Yu.

I hope they can have a good outcome in their next life!

Where there is white there is black, and where there are good people there must be bad people!

There will never be enough evil cultivators to kill, but all Lin Yu can do is to do his best!


Lin Yu waved his sword.

The entire formation instantly shattered into pieces, and the soul bone nails turned into ashes.

In a deep cave, a man in black spit out a mouthful of blood. His face was pale and his voice was hoarse: "Damn it, my Soul Bone Nail Formation was actually broken!"


"Okay, come here, let's move on." The formation had been broken, Lin Yu looked at Jun Shuying and Xiao Yu'er, and called softly.

"Sect Master, you are so awesome!" After Xiao Yu'er came to Lin Yu's side, she let out a voice of incomparable admiration.

She was completely stunned just now!

"When did I stop being so good!" Lin Yu smiled and said, "Let's go. Next, there will probably be an unavoidable battle!"

After breaking the formation just now.

Lin Yu felt it.

Deep in the depths, there are hundreds of evil cultivators!

The two most powerful among them are the Great Perfection of the Mahayana Realm and the Great Perfection of the Great Vehicle Realm.

"Understood." Jun Shuying and Xiao Yu'er nodded. They were already ready to fight at any time.

keep going.


The three of them also officially entered the inner perimeter of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range.

To their surprise.

There is actually a huge spiritual energy of heaven and earth within the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range, but within this spiritual energy of heaven and earth, there is also abnormally violent energy.

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