Seeing this scene, the other evil cultivators who transformed themselves into gods couldn't help but take a step back, feeling very scared in their hearts.

A strong man in the late Mahayana period was actually killed in an instant like this.

It's so terrifying.

"This person's cultivation level is terrifying, the situation is not right, retreat!" Another evil cultivator in the Mahayana realm who looked very young quickly sent a message.

But the next second.

"You have no chance to escape!"

These evil cultivators also felt the absolutely powerful force suppressing them, making them unable to move!

Facing this absolute power, they simply couldn't break free.

"Everyone uses secret techniques!" The evil cultivator in the Mahayana realm shouted loudly.

As his words fell, the other evil cultivators in the Transformation Realm immediately began to use their secret techniques, and their lives, cultivation, spiritual power, etc. were quickly integrated into the body of the evil cultivator in the Mahayana Realm.

Let his cultivation strength skyrocket.

In just a few breaths, those evil cultivators in the God Transformation Realm were reduced to ashes!

"These evil cultivators are so cruel to me, so cruel!" Xiao Yu'er sighed deeply after seeing this scene.

"Evil cultivators are basically lunatics." Jun Shuying was used to it. She had experienced a lot of such things in her previous life.

"Hahahaha, power, a steady stream of power pouring out!"

"Aspirational realm, this is the peak power!"

After that Mahayana realm evil cultivator devoured all the energy of his companions, his cultivation level instantly completed a breakthrough and reached the middle stage of the Aspiration Realm!

This huge power made him swell up, thinking that it was enough to kill Lin Yu and the others.

"Damn it, that's impossible!"


He suddenly realized that even if he broke through through secret techniques, he still could not break free from the terrifying pressure.

The evil power inside the body roared out, enough to be overwhelming... but it still had no effect at all!

"How could this happen? What state are you in?" He looked at Lin Yu in horror, "You can't kill me. I am the young master of the Evil Temple, Zhai Dongming!"

He quickly reported his name!

"Evil Temple? I've never heard of it!" Lin Yu said lightly, "However, if you can take my sword, I will spare your life!"

"My Evil Sect is the strongest evil sect in the Eastern Region, and my father is a powerful person who has reached the Aspiration Realm!" Zhai Dongming said anxiously.

Not a moment.

His breath began to drop.

Returned to his original state again!

It seems that the power enhanced by his secret technique can only last for dozens of breaths!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

It’s just that the cost of this secret technique is too high...

"Dad, save me!" Zhai Dongming shouted.

A crimson light rushed out of the body!

Immediately afterwards, the sky changed dramatically, and a terrifying blood-colored ghost claw struck down at Lin Yu and the others, "Anyone who dares to hurt my son will be killed without mercy!"

"Too weak!" Lin Yu waved his sword.

The Zhuxian Sword exudes overwhelming sword energy.

A light chop.

The bloody ghost claws above, which contained terrifying power, were chopped into pieces on the spot...

"Evil Temple, right? Just wait. After I deal with the things here, I will destroy you!" Lin Yu snorted coldly.

See this scene.

Zhai Dongming fell into endless despair.

Unexpectedly, even his father's strongest blow was so easily resisted.

Its strength is so terrifying!

"It's your turn now!" Lin Yu waved the Immortal Killing Sword.

Another sword strike.

Then Zhai Dongming was beheaded!

When he died, he was still endlessly unwilling.


At this moment.

In a secret room of the Evil Temple, a middle-aged man spit out a mouthful of blood, his face pale: "My most powerful blow was easily disintegrated!"

"Just one word, and I was seriously injured!"

"Such strength must be above the Aspiration Realm. Damn it, is he an immortal!"

"No, we must leave here...otherwise there will only be a dead end..."

"But can you really run away? The other party is an immortal!"

Chapter 108 Entering the Ten Thousand Poison Demonic Forest

After Lin Yu snapped his fingers, balls of flames burned all the corpses of the evil cultivators to prevent some changes from happening later.

"Sect Master, I have read some information about this evil temple before. It is rumored that this evil temple has always been elusive. No one knows the specific location of the evil temple!"

Jun Shuying told what she knew.

"Don't worry, I already know the specific location of the Evil Temple." Lin Yu smiled slightly and said, "Next, we should officially enter the Ten Thousand Poison Demonic Forest!"

There is a very strong barrier at the entrance to the Ten Thousand Poison Demonic Forest.

The group of evil cultivators just now have very high cultivation levels. They have probably been here for a while, but they have not yet broken the barrier until now.

It is enough to show how strong the barrier in front of you is.

After Jun Shuying felt it carefully, she shook her head and sighed: "There is no way I can open this special barrier!"

"How about I use the Destruction Fire Lotus to blast it away!" Xiao Yu'er suggested.

The three different fires of heaven and earth are fused together, and the power produced is powerful.

"No need, this barrier only needs a light poke to break it." Lin Yu stretched out his finger.


The barrier in front of me really shattered in an instant...

"Sect Master, you are awesome!" Xiao Yu'er admired him.

After the barrier completely dissipated, a light curtain appeared, as if it was the entrance to a space.

"It turns out that this Ten Thousand Poison Demonic Forest is actually a secret space." After seeing this scene, Jun Shuying suddenly realized something.

"Okay, let's go in and see what this Ten Thousand Poison Demonic Forest is like!" Lin Yu smiled and nodded.

Step into the light curtain.

Suddenly, I only felt a moment of weightlessness. As the light dissipated, I opened my eyes again and found that I had arrived in an extremely beautiful fairyland!

Jun Shuying and Xiao Yu'er were also stunned and asked, "Is this really the Ten Thousand Poison Demonic Forest?"

There are exotic flowers and plants everywhere in front of you, the colors are very bright, and the air exudes a charming fragrance.

Looking around, the big trees in the distance are covered with colorful leaves, like huge colorful umbrellas.

The sky is deep and pure, and fairy clouds seem to be floating in the sky.

The mountains are rolling and rolling, like a giant dragon meandering, majestic and spectacular.

This so-called Ten Thousand Poison Demonic Forest is completely different from what they imagined. It is a fairyland in it, which makes people intoxicated and lingering.

"Don't move!" Seeing Xiao Yuer going to pick those flowers, Lin Yu stopped her in time.

"Sect Master, is there any problem?" Xiao Yu'er looked confused.

"You two are in an illusion. What you see is not real!" Lin Yu said slowly.

At this moment, Jun Shuying was stunned.


She didn't even notice it at all.

Lin Yu quickly swung his sword finger, and a sword energy blasted out instantly, "Broken mirror!"

The illusion is shattered.

Suddenly the scene changed, and the picturesque fairyland in front of me suddenly turned into a scene like an abyss of hell.

The originally beautiful flowers and colorful trees had withered to the extreme, as if their vitality had been drained, and the branches were dry and twisted, like the arms of a devil.

The entire space is filled with all kinds of poison...

"This is the real Ten Thousand Poisons Demonic Forest!" Xiao Yu'er took a deep breath, it was really scary.

The air is filled with all kinds of powerful poisons. Fortunately, she has heaven and earth fire in her body, so the poison she inhales into her body is directly burned by the heaven and earth fire!

Jun Shuying's Tianni Pearl can absorb all energy, but can improve her own strength by absorbing and refining the poison in it.

"It seems I'm still too far behind." Jun Shuying reflected on herself.

She actually didn't see any problem with the illusion just now... If it hadn't been for this time, the sect master stopped it in time and broke the illusion.

Then the consequences are estimated to be very serious!

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