Soon, they also left Tianxuan Sect and quickly returned through the Shattered Void...

In the main hall.

Lu Ming walked in slowly.

"Sect Master!" Lu Ming saluted quickly.

"Great Elder, please check for me about the Snow Dynasty in the past few days!" Lin Yu said directly.

"Snow Dynasty?" Lu Ming was stunned. This was the first time he had heard of it.

He is still aware of the other dynasties surrounding the Dayan Dynasty.

But this Snow Dynasty really has no impression!

Lin Yu also noticed his look, and it could be seen that he didn't know about Snow Dynasty at all, so it might not be easy to check!

"Sect Master, no problem!" Soon, Lu Ming agreed decisively.

"How do you plan to check?" Lin Yu said curiously.

"Sect Master, Tianji Hall!" Lu Ming smiled slightly, "This Tianji Hall is a special organization that specializes in selling information. It knows almost everything!"

"They must have information about the Snow Dynasty there!"

Hear him say this.

Lin Yu nodded slightly.

In this world of cultivating immortals, there are indeed many things that I don't know about.

It seems that Tianjitang is also a very powerful existence...

"That's okay, you go check it out first!" Lin Yu said.

"It's the sect leader, I'll leave now!" Lu Ming responded.


the next day!

[Sign-in is starting...Sign-in is complete! 】

[Congratulations on successfully signing in and obtaining the top disciple recruitment talisman...]

The day passed quickly.

Looking at the top disciple recruitment talisman in his hand, Lin Yu showed a satisfied smile. The sect was about to have another evil disciple.

[Ding dong, you successfully used the top disciple recruitment talisman! 】

As the system sounds.

The top disciple recruitment talisman can be considered a real success.


All you have to do is wait patiently!

"I don't know what kind of super evil genius will come to visit this time?" Lin Yu couldn't help but look forward to it.


Lu Ming quickly found Lin Yu again.

He got enough information about the Snow Dynasty through Tianjitang.

The content alone contains dozens of scrolls!

"Thank you for your hard work." Lin Yu said softly, looking at the scrolls in front of him.

"It's what I should do to share the worries of the sect master!" Lu Ming responded quickly.

Good awareness.

"Go and do your work first!" Lin Yu nodded again. Next, he planned to take a good look at these scrolls.

It would be nice to know more about the Snow Dynasty... When the time comes, it will be smoother and avoid unnecessary troubles when we go there!

Chapter 116 I want to be an immortal

At the foot of Da Mao'er Mountain, there is a small village that is almost isolated from the world.

In front of a simple thatched house, a commoner boy lit a fire and roasted freshly caught hare meat... The smell of the barbecue made the boy's mouth water.

In their small village, it is very difficult to have a meal of meat.

Today, he was lucky and met a hare that hit a tree and killed it, which made him so lucky.

When the meat is cooked.

The young man devoured it and said, "It's delicious, it's delicious. The meat is indeed delicious..."

After a while, only bones were left.

This feeling of being full made the boy very comfortable.

"If you stay in this village all the time, you won't have much of a future. You will be doing nothing. You will only be able to farm and barely survive your whole life!"

The young man lay on the ground, looked at the sky, and began to think.



A monk flew past quickly with his sword.

This made the young man stand up quickly and said in surprise: "Yes, I want to become an immortal. I want to become an immortal!"

"I want to be an immortal!"

"As long as I embark on the path of cultivating immortality, I will live forever, I will have enough to eat every day, and I will no longer have to worry about dying!"


After a while.

The young man found the village chief and expressed his desire to cultivate immortality.

The village chief is over sixty years old and has gray hair.

Seeing that the young man had such an ideal, the village chief was also very happy and immediately summoned the whole village.

Everyone agreed very much that the young man wanted to cultivate immortality.

There is nothing that can be obtained in the village.

Everyone also collected some money and prepared two large bags of food for the boy.

"Village chief, everyone, thank you!" The young man looked at everything in front of him and was so moved that he shed tears.

He just said that he wanted to cultivate immortality, but he didn't expect that everyone in the village would support him so much.

I secretly vowed in my heart that when I start practicing in the future, I will definitely come back to repay everyone!

"Dachun, your parents were killed by monsters a few days after you were born. We have seen you since childhood. You are born with extraordinary temperament, and you will definitely achieve something in the future!"

"Leave the village and go east. There seems to be a sect of cultivating immortals there called Tianxuan Sect!"

"The journey is long, so you must be careful. If it doesn't work, just come back. This will always be your home!"

The village chief looked at the young man and said seriously.

The other villagers were also reluctant to leave.

But they all understood that the boy had a bright future, and after all, this village was not a place where the boy could stay forever!

"Village Chief, I have remembered all your words." Bai Dachun nodded repeatedly.

"Just remember it. When do you plan to set off?" the village chief said with a gentle smile.

"Let's go now!" Bai Dachun responded.

After a while.

Bai Dachun was fully armed and took the blame, carrying several sharp kitchen knives and woodchopping knives...

"Folks, I will come back after cultivating immortality!" Bai Dachun took one last look at the villagers and the entire village chief, then turned around and walked resolutely out of the village.

After watching Bai Dachun's figure disappear, the villagers shook their heads and sighed.

"I didn't expect that this day would come so soon."

"Hey, this child Dachun is born extraordinary. After his birth, our village began to have a great harvest. The water in the well is sweet, and just one sip makes us feel tired..."

"There is no way. Although we have never mentioned cultivating immortality, this child still knows the path to becoming an immortal, and we cannot stop him!"

"I hope everything goes well for him!"

"Village chief, it's not good. One well in the village has dried up, and the water in the other well is no longer as sweet as before..."

"Hey, all the chickens and ducks I raised look completely lifeless now."



After leaving the village.

Bai Dachun came to a high slope and looked around. In front of him was an extremely vast new world!

The village is surrounded by mountains, and there is no such scenery at all inside the village.

"The world is so big!" Bai Dachun exclaimed with great admiration. Then, he was even more confident: "I, Bai Dachun, am here to cultivate immortality!"

He continued to quicken his pace and headed east quickly.

Along the way, both hands held sharp hatchets tightly, fearing that they would be able to fight back immediately if they encountered any danger.

When I'm hungry, I take out the hard steamed buns and eat them while walking.

I simply don't dare to stay in this wilderness for a long time.

I just want to reach the Immortal Cultivation Sect as soon as possible!

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