
Cut out with one sword.

The terrifying frozen sword energy directly froze the real dragon's shadow into an ice sculpture...and then turned into pieces, which was easily solved.

"Refining it!" Bingli reminded.

Long Junru formed a seal with her hands.

A burst of spiritual power directly enveloped the true dragon essence and blood.

A hissing sound.

The true dragon essence and blood entered Long Junru's body.

In an instant, the true dragon essence and blood burst out with extremely powerful violent force.

The power is beyond imagination. If it had been someone else refining it, I'm afraid he would have exploded and died by now.

With the suppression of the skills, there is also the assistance of the Ice God Sword and Sword Spirit.

The violent force of essence and blood was suppressed.

Begins to be continuously refined and absorbed...

At this moment, Long Junru's whole body was improving.

The other side!

Long Fengjiao also entered Longshan.

Feeling the power erupting from the front, she seemed to have guessed something: "I have no hope with the true dragon essence and blood!"

Fortunately, there is not only true dragon essence and blood in Longshan, there are other opportunities, but they are slightly worse than true dragon essence and blood.


Outside the secret realm.

Lin Yu and Long Xiao both waited patiently.

Soon, a guard came up and reported something to Long Xiao.

Later, Long Xiao also said respectfully to Lin Yu who was sitting next to him: "Sect Master Lin, there are several sect leaders who want to see you. They are waiting outside. It depends on what you want!"

"No!" Lin Yu said softly, "Send someone to tell them that I will not attack others unless they attack me! As long as we don't provoke Tianxuan Sect, we won't attack them!"

"Understood!" Long Xiao responded quickly and quickly asked his men to deal with it.

Time passed little by little.

[Ding dong, your disciple Long Junru successfully refined the true dragon essence and blood and obtained the true dragon bloodline! 】

[Your disciple Long Junru has a double bloodline physique! 】

After almost more than an hour, the system voice in Lin Yu's mind rang!

After listening.

Lin Yu was a little stunned.

Double bloodline physique!

A monk can possess two special bloodlines at the same time. In the entire history of cultivating immortals, Long Junru may be the first person with dual bloodlines!

Once this news gets out, the entire world of immortal cultivation will be completely shaken!

Change the perceptions of all monks!

"It seems that bringing Long Junru here this time is really a very correct decision!" Lin Yu couldn't help but nodded in his heart.

After continuing for a while.

Long Junru came out of the secret realm.

"Junru, how are you? Do you have the true dragon essence and blood that has been successfully refined?" Long Xiao asked immediately after seeing this.

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"Father, I have successfully refined it." Long Junru smiled and nodded. She did not expect that the whole process went so smoothly.

Although his mutated ice phoenix bloodline has not evolved.

But he gave himself two special bloodlines!

Such a change!

It made her feel so incredible.

Both powers are extremely powerful, and she can control them at will...

"It'll be fine once it's refined!"

"From now on, you will be the future of my Long family!"

Long Xiao became a little excited.

"Sect Master!" Long Junru then came to Lin Yu again and saluted.

"Yes, the two forces in the body complement each other perfectly and will not conflict with each other!" Lin Yu said.


The sect master could see it at a glance.

"Sect Master, I don't know if I am a blessing or a curse this time?" Long Junru sighed.

She seems to be the first person in history to have two bloodlines!

"Whether it's a blessing or a curse, it all depends on how you look at it!" Lin Yu smiled and said, "Practice hard. In the future, you will definitely be able to shock the entire world of immortality!"

"Okay, this matter has been settled, it's time for us to return to the sect."

"Okay, Sect Master!" Long Junru nodded repeatedly.

at last.

Long Junru also said goodbye to Long Xiao briefly.

Following Lin Yu, the void quickly shattered and left quickly.


Almost an hour passed.

That Longfengjiao just came out of the secret realm.

Her gains were pretty good too.

The cultivation base has even broken through the first level!

Chapter 120 Bai Dachun joins the sect!

After returning to Tianxuan Sect.

Lin Yu looked at Long Junru and said, "Practice hard from now on. In the future, you will definitely be able to shock the entire world of immortality!"

In her body, Lin Yu also saw a strong look of immortality!

"Sect Master, don't worry, I will definitely practice harder!" Long Junru nodded quickly and assured.

"That's good, I'm waiting to see your performance!" Lin Yu said with satisfaction, "Okay, you can go practice first!"

"Yeah, goodbye, sect master!" Long Junru said goodbye to Lin Yu and quickly went to the training tower.

"Sect Master, are you back so soon?" After a while, Lu Ming quickly landed next to Lin Yu, cupped his hands and saluted.

Logically speaking, this hundred-sect competition will take a while!

It can't be over so soon!

"if not!"

"I directly asked the other disciples of the sect to come up together, but after Long Junru exploded with her own power, none of them dared to come up!"

"Then he immediately ranked first, and Long Junru also obtained the true dragon essence and blood in the secret realm!"

"Now, she already has two bloodlines in her body!"

Lin Yu said a few words briefly.

After listening, Lu Ming was stunned.

Ordinary monks can awaken a special bloodline, which is already a great gift.

Moreover, he has never heard that one person can actually contain the power of two different bloodlines...

It's really shocking.

"Sect Master, wouldn't it be that Long Junru is already a monster among monsters?" Lu Ming exclaimed.

"He can be regarded as a demon-level disciple, but compared to your daughter, he is still a little inferior!" Lin Yu waved his hand.

Lu Ming's daughter Lu Linglong, she has the Great Green Lotus Body!

At this time, after Lin Yu sensed something, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and showed a happy smile, "Our sect will have another evil genius!"

See it!

Lu Ming used his spiritual consciousness to begin to perceive.

All of a sudden, I felt that a young man came at the foot of the mountain, and his cultivation aura was a little weak.

But since the sect leader said he was a monster-level genius, that must be it.

For a moment, Lu Ming was also curious, what level of talent would this new disciple have?


At this moment.

At the foot of Tianxuanzong Mountain.

Bai Dachun walked up the hiking trail and soon saw a magnificent mountain gate.

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