"I forgot, please accept this storage ring!" Wang Fugui took out a brand new storage ring.

this moment.

Bai Dachun was extremely moved.

First, senior brother Han Li patiently explained to me, and now senior brother Wang Fugui grilled himself and gave him a precious storage ring.

Where is this sect?

More like a home!

"Senior brother, thank you, I will repay you in the future!" Bai Dachun promised.

"Okay, I will wait for that day to come!" Wang Fugui said with a smile.


Time passes day by day.

Bai Dachun has completely integrated into Tianxuan Sect.

With the help of the training tower, his cultivation level improved rapidly!

He also successfully practiced the immortality skill to the point of immortality.

Greatly increased strength!

Boom! ! !

"Early stage of foundation building!" On this day, Bai Dachun successfully established the foundation.

"Huhu, senior brother said that after successfully building the foundation, you should first stabilize your cultivation realm and don't be busy continuing to break through!" Bai Dachun nodded slowly.

He understands something.

Listen to others and eat enough.

Laying a solid foundation now will definitely be helpful for future development.

It continued for another day.

He successfully consolidated his realm!

"Next, it's time to try refining elixirs!" Bai Dachun walked out of the training tower and began to return to his residence.

He has prepared all the medicinal materials and everything!

Return to the courtyard.

Bai Dachun took out the medicinal materials and the alchemy furnace and officially started refining them.

at the same time.

Lin Yu was lying on a chair. In front of him, there was a mirror floating, and in the mirror was the scene of Bai Dachun refining pills.

"Who is he?" Lin Qingya on the side asked curiously.

"The newly recruited core disciple some time ago, Bai Dachun!"

"Oh, this must be his first time making alchemy. Can he succeed?" Lin Qingya asked, remembering that she had always failed in making alchemy.

Thanks to Lin Yu's guidance, she is now a veritable alchemist!

"It should be no problem!" Lin Yu nodded.

in the screen.

Bai Dachun began to put the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace one by one.

The most basic refining techniques are also used.

Although it was his first time refining an elixir, his technique was smooth and smooth, as if he was an experienced alchemist!

"Good guy, this kid is born to be an alchemist!" Lin Yu praised without hesitation.

Lin Qingya also nodded and had to accept it!

It was indeed much stronger than the first time she refined it.

The whole process was also very smooth.

boom! ! !

But it didn't take long.

The alchemy furnace in front of Bai Dachun exploded.

The entire explosion sound was heard by many Tianxuan Sect disciples.

Boom! ! !

Immediately afterwards.

The originally blue sky turned into clouds.

It actually started to rain!

"Why did it rain suddenly?" Lin Qingya was a little surprised.

As the raindrops fell.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

this moment.

Everyone can feel that the rain contains energy.

All the plants in Tianxuan Sect became more vibrant.

Especially the elixirs in the elixir garden began to mature faster after being exposed to the rain.

"This should be Lingyu!" Lin Yu nodded slowly.

Rumor has it that the spiritual rain contains life energy!

Unexpectedly, it is actually true!

And spiritual rain can only be born in the real paradise of cave heaven...

"After Bai Dachun exploded the furnace, the spiritual rain started to fall."

Lin Yu guessed in his heart.

This Bai Dachun is indeed not simple.

As expected, he was attracted by the top disciple recruitment talisman...

The spiritual rain lasted for dozens of breaths.

Clear skies appeared again.

this moment.

The entire Tianxuan Sect seemed to have been baptized, and the overall situation had improved a lot.

Especially the disciples who were exposed to the spiritual rain, they felt that their bodies suddenly became much stronger and they were more energetic!

boom! ! !

The sound of the alchemy furnace exploding again was heard.

The sky suddenly became dense with clouds again.

The spiritual rain also fell.

"Then it started raining again!"

"Come out and get wet in the rain!"

"It feels so good to be soaked in the rain!"


For a while.

The disciples of Tianxuan Sect ran out one by one, soaked in the rain with excitement!

"Hahaha, I broke through!"

"This rain is so magical. I was already very tired, but I suddenly became energetic!"


It’s another few dozen breaths.

The spiritual rain ends.

Some disciples have achieved breakthroughs after being exposed to the rain, while others have improved in other aspects.

After sensing this.

Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that we really want Bai Dachun to be a glorious disciple in the future, and let him refine alchemy more! The more spiritual rain like this, the better!"

no doubt.

Bai Dachun can now make elixirs by himself, which can benefit the entire sect!

Chapter 123 The mythical beast egg hatched successfully——Sun Candlelight

Next, everyone in the sect gradually discovered that every time Bai Dachun refined the elixir, no matter whether it was successful or failed, various magical scenes would appear in Tianxuan Sect!

Of course, these magical scenes all have different effects.

Later, through the personal guidance of Alchemy Peak Yao Mengjun, Bai Dachun's alchemy level improved by leaps and bounds!

Therefore, when they heard that Bai Dachun was going to refine the elixir later on, many disciples were very excited!


[Do you want to start checking in for a new day? 】

"Start signing in!" Lin Yu muttered silently at this time!

The next second, the system sound sounded again.

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