"Pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger!"

The old man in gray robe saw that Lin Yu was not afraid at all, but even laughed. At this moment, he also understood that Lin Yu must have hidden his cultivation.


"Since fellow Taoists have also come in, let's not disturb each other!"

The old man in gray robe cupped his hands and said.

He doesn't want to make enemies here.

It must be based on the immortal fate of the ancient land of immortals... However, it has been a long time since he entered this ancient land of immortals, and he still hasn't found anything at all.

This made him a little troubled!

"Don't bother each other?"

"You also feel that you are no match for us, so you just give up!"

Lin Yu chuckled.

"Fellow Taoist, what do you want? If there really is a fight, it will be you who die!" The face of the old man in gray robe became serious.

He could actually tell that the cultivation realms of Jun Shuying and Lu Linglong were both in the Nascent Soul realm.

But Lin Yu was the only one who couldn't understand.

In other words, he is more afraid of Lin Yu now... What's more, even the native dog next to him is in the Nascent Soul realm...

This aspect alone is enough to show that Lin Yu is not simple!

"What do I want? Of course I'll kill you!"

"I have said before that if you encounter evil cultivators, you will be killed without mercy!"

Lin Yu snorted coldly.

No matter how the old man in gray robe hides, his evil aura can still be clearly felt by Lin Yu!

"Don't say I bully you, let you take the first move!" Lin Yu continued to speak calmly, not taking the gray-robed old man seriously at all.

this moment.

The old man in gray robe felt endless humiliation.

Throughout his hundreds of years, he has always ignored other people...

"Haha~~~I won't be fooled!" The old man in gray robe sneered and quickly turned around and left.

Seeing Lin Yu looking so confident, he must have absolute confidence in his own strength.

Maybe above himself.

This possibility is very high.



The gray-robed old man didn't notice and hit an invisible barrier directly!

The impact was very loud.

"This is a formation!" The old man in gray robe was stunned...

He quickly turned around and said, "You set up this formation!"

"Yes, I guessed that you were going to run!" Lin Yu waved and laughed softly.

For a moment, the old man in gray robe was even more unbelievable, "How on earth did you do it? I clearly didn't see any method you used..."

This formation can obviously trap him, a strong man in the realm of divine transformation.

Formations like this are generally very powerful formations and must be complicated and time-consuming to set up.

"Haven't you ever heard of a thought forming an array?" Lin Yu asked back, "It seems you are not very good either! It's too far behind!"

Chapter 133 Easily kill evil cultivators in the realm of gods

"What, forming an array with one thought, the highest state of an array master, no... this is impossible, how could such a large array be successfully set up in an instant!"

The old man in gray robe couldn't believe what he was seeing.

At that moment, it seemed that his own cognition had begun to collapse.

"Nothing is impossible in this world. I can only say that you are just a toad sitting in a well and looking at the sky!" Lin Yu waved his hand and said softly.

"Sect Master, leave this person to me!" At this time, Lu Linglong requested.

Although she is only at the level of Nascent Soul Dzogchen, she is confident enough that she can leapfrog and kill the gray-robed old man on her own.

"That's fine, let's see what the results of your recent practice are!" Lin Yu nodded and agreed directly.

The purpose of bringing the disciples out is so that they can gain experience.

The gray-robed old man in front of me now seems to be a good training target...

"Thank you, Sect Master!" Lu Linglong thanked him.

Immediately, he summoned his long sword, took a few steps forward, his eyes were cold, and said: "To kill you, I don't need the sect master to do it himself. I am enough."

Her words were full of confidence and certainty.

"What a joke! You, a mere Nascent Soul cultivator, dare to challenge a powerful person who transforms into a god. You are daydreaming!" The old man in gray robe sneered.

What's more, he is not a monk who has just broken through to the realm of divine transformation, he is already in the middle stage of divine transformation!

The power that burst out was just one blow, enough to kill an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator directly.

"Sure enough, you are a frog in the well!" Lu Linglong sneered, "I am at the Nascent Soul realm and am capable of killing you!"

"Little girl, you are seeking death!" The old man in gray robe formed his hands into claw shapes and shot them directly towards Lu Linglong, "Ghost-eating claws!"

Now that he is trapped by the formation, the old man in gray robe knows the current situation very well and can only fight...

He directly used his powerful moves.

The ghost energy all over his body exploded, as powerful as the world-destroying giant sea.

This ghost energy quickly condensed into a huge ghost claw, making a strange and permeating sound, and pounced directly on Lu Linglong.

The power of this ghost claw is so terrifying that even the space is torn apart by cracks.

Facing this powerful attack, Lu Linglong's face remained extremely calm.

A green lotus condensed above her.

In the green lotus, the aura of the great avenue burst out instantly.

"Qinglian Sword Qi!"

Lu Linglong waved her sword.

A huge green lotus sword energy burst out.

This Qinglian Sword Qi is also blessed by the Dao Qinglian Body, and its power has become even more terrifying.

The huge ghost claw was directly penetrated.

At the same time, the Green Lotus Sword Qi exploded so fast that the gray-robed old man did not react immediately.


One of his arms was cut off easily.

At this moment, the gray-robed old man's expression became extremely serious.

"Who are they?"

The power that a mere Nascent Soul Dzogchen monk unleashed could not be completely resisted even by him, a strong man in the middle stage of divine transformation.

And just now I felt the breath of real death.

He has met many geniuses who cultivate immortality, but this is definitely the first time he has encountered someone as evil as Lu Linglong, who has reached the extreme level...

The next second, the gray-robed old man quickly took a special pill, and the spiritual power in his body was restored instantly.

The severed arm grew back in just one breath.

This old man in gray robe has quite a lot of treasures!

"I surrender, what should I do before you are willing to let me live!" The old man in gray robe begged for mercy.

Even if the disciple is so terrifying, he can be killed easily.

The one who is called the sect master must be more powerful... In the current situation, if you continue to fight, you will definitely die.

If you beg for mercy, there may be a glimmer of hope!

"You're surrendering now?" Lu Linglong couldn't help but shook her head when she saw this. She hadn't even shown her skill yet!

"Sect Master, what do you think we should do now?" Then, Lu Linglong looked at Lin Yu and asked.

"Kill him directly!" Lin Yu said calmly.

"Okay!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Lu Linglong nodded instantly.

The Dao Qinglian body is fully fired.

The huge avenue erupted, and the pressure of the avenue made the gray-robed old man feel the aura of death...


"Since you don't let me live, the worst we can do is perish together!"

The old man in gray robe became crazy when he saw this.

Every monk basically has his own means of saving his life!

This old man is no exception.

Even if there was no way to die together, he would not make Lin Yu and the others feel comfortable.

The forbidden technique of operation forcibly increases one's own strength at the expense of lifespan.

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