This sacred tree is covered with flames, and the immortal phoenix lies on it.

"This is the legendary immortal phoenix, it is really powerful!"

"The immortal golden flame itself is a special kind of fire from heaven and earth, and it should be parasitic in the body of the immortal phoenix!"

Jun Shuying still has a lot of experience.

Judgment was made quickly!

Ho ho ho~~~~

The immortal phoenix also discovered the aura of Lin Yu and the others, and immediately erupted into a phoenix cry full of anger.

The violent power between heaven and earth suddenly erupted.

As the immortal phoenix spreads its wings and flies high, its true appearance appears in everyone's eyes.

"What a powerful mythical beast!" Zhou Guan swallowed. This is the mythical beast mount he has dreamed of!

It's a pity that the realm of the immortal phoenix is ​​too high, and it is completely beyond the reach of Zhou Guan! ! !

This made Zhou Guan sigh!

"Human, this is not a good place to come!" The immortal phoenix spat out human words.

Listening to the voice, it was surprising. I didn’t expect that the immortal phoenix in front of me was actually a female phoenix...

I saw this immortal phoenix waving its wings, and endless flames struck Lin Yu and the others.

This immortal phoenix launched its ultimate attack as soon as it came up, and the power it unleashed was enough to turn Jun Shuying and the others into ashes.

"Mom, this power is so terrifying!" Upon seeing this, the black dog who was standing in front moved in an instant and came to hide behind Lin Yu!

It doesn't want to lose its life here!

"It's just flames!" Lin Yu waved his hand, and the devouring magical power condensed out.

In just a few breaths, the powerful attack power of the Immortal Phoenix was easily swallowed by Lin Yu...

What a powerful move!

Zhou Guan is extremely envious, this is the terrifying method that a truly strong person can master! ! !

It would be great if I could be like the sect master. With one hand, even one finger, or even a thought, I could solve the troubles I encountered!

The Immortal Phoenix suddenly became more cautious when it saw that Lin Yu disintegrated its attack so easily!

"You have been trapped in this space for a long time. I can take you out. Surrender!" Lin Yu said softly!

Chapter 139 The inheritance of immortals

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the immortal phoenix snorted coldly, "It's impossible to make me surrender to you humans! This is absolutely impossible!"

Judging from the tone, this immortal phoenix seems to hate human beings...

"Don't think I don't know, you are here for the heaven and earth fire in my body!" Immortal Phoenix spoke again.

Seeing this, Lin Yu also shook his head slightly and said, "Then there is no other way. I can't do it softly, so I have to be hard!"

"Get down here!"

Lin Yu pointed his finger.

The Immortal Level Martial Skill Star Reaching Finger is directly used.

A huge golden finger fell from the sky.

In front of this golden finger, even the huge immortal phoenix is ​​like an ant.

The powerful pressure made this immortal phoenix unable to resist at all.


After the star-picking finger completely fell, the blazing sacred tree was crushed to dregs on the spot, and the immortal phoenix was also suppressed to the ground...

This immortal phoenix was extremely majestic one second, but became extremely embarrassed the next second!

"No, you are not a human monk. With such absolutely terrifying power, you have an immortal!" The immortal phoenix spat out a mouthful of golden blood, its eyes filled with fear.

The voice became extremely trembling.

"So, are you willing to surrender now?" Lin Yu smiled slightly and said, "I will give you two choices now, one is to surrender obediently!"

"Two, that's death. Just in time to taste the meat of the immortal phoenix. It should be delicious when grilled!"

When they heard about the meat of the mythical beast, Jun Shuying and Lu Linglong couldn't help but swallowed inexplicably.

For a moment, they hoped that the immortal phoenix would rather die than surrender, choosing to die rather than surrender...

In this way, they can taste the meat of the mythical beast.

At this moment, the immortal phoenix is ​​filled with incomparable anger. No matter which of the two choices it makes, it is a supreme shame for it!

"Have you thought about it? Now you need to make your own choice!" Lin Yu reminded again.


The immortal phoenix looked solemn, but in the end he still didn't want to die, saying, "I am willing to surrender!"

"Very good!" Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction.

With a snap of his fingers, the powerful power of the star-picking finger dissipated instantly.

At this moment, Jun Shuying and Lu Linglong felt a little inexplicably disappointed... It seemed that they could only wait to taste the meat of the mythical beast again in the future.

Without the absolute pressure, Immortal Phoenix felt extremely relaxed and automatic.

It quickly guided out the immortal golden flame of heaven and earth alien fire in the body.

Lin Yu lightly hooked his finger, and the immortal golden flame fell obediently to float above Lin Yu's finger.

"Even Immortal Jin Yan has become so honest!" Immortal Phoenix swallowed, and was extremely stunned...

At this time, Lin Yu took a closer look at the immortal golden flame and continued: "Be good, I will hand it over to your new owner when I go back."

Xiao Yu'er will be able to possess five kinds of heaven and earth fire!


Lin Yu directly collected the immortal golden flame.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu looked at the immortal phoenix and said, "With your level, you should be able to transform into a human form!"

"Okay!" Immortal Phoenix nodded quickly.

Soon, the immortal phoenix began to transform into a beautiful woman.

I have to say that when she transformed into a human, her appearance was as delicate as a hibiscus and as graceful as a blooming flower.

Her skin is as white as snow, and her flaming red hair falls like a waterfall on her shoulders, as smooth as silk.

Perfect figure!

The most important thing is that her long flame dress perfectly accentuates her figure.

There is a faint flame burning all over the body, soaring in the sky like a phoenix.

"So beautiful!" Zhou Guan couldn't help but be stunned.

Lin Yu nodded slightly, and praised with admiration: "As expected of the immortal phoenix, this human form is even more beautiful..."

Into the title.

Lin Yu looked at the immortal phoenix and asked, "Can you have your own name?"

"No!" Immortal Phoenix shook his head.

Seeing this, Lin Yu smiled and said, "Then I will give you a name today!"

"How about calling me Feng Ying?"

"Okay!" Immortal Phoenix agreed. It's just a name. It doesn't matter what name she chooses.

From now on, she will be called Feng Ying.

"As expected of the sect leader, the name he chose has a hidden meaning in it!" Zhou Guan couldn't help but flatter him.

"Okay, Feng Ying, do you know who trapped you here?" Lin Yu looked at Feng Ying and continued to ask.

"It's a real immortal. He trapped me in this small world. The immortal golden flame was also put into my body by that immortal. The immortal didn't say anything and left after doing this!"

"After that, I never saw that immortal again..."

"Many human monks broke in one after another. They behaved very gently at first, but later they attacked me viciously!"

"All outsiders before were burned by me..."


Feng Ying slowly narrated.

What happened in the middle also made Feng Ying hate human monks very much... So, as soon as Lin Yu and the others came in, Immortal Phoenix launched a powerful attack!

After listening.

I also feel that this immortal phoenix is ​​quite pitiful...

Trapped here all the time.

Only myself.

alone! lonely!

If it were any other monk, trapped in this harsh space, he would probably go crazy within ten years...

"By the way, I remember that when the immortal left, he placed a stone tablet here!" Feng Ying said after thinking of something.

She didn't hide it.

"Where?" Lin Yu asked.

"It's in the largest volcanic magma!" Feng Ying pointed at the huge volcano and continued.

See this.

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