After the plan for the entire sect to ascend to the immortal world was announced, all the disciples of the sect were redoubling their efforts in cultivation.

If it were in other sects, not many people would believe it when they heard the plan that everyone could ascend to the immortal world.

But this is Tianxuan Sect, so everyone believes in Lin Yu's words without a trace of doubt.

As time passed, Lin Yu would teach his disciples in person from time to time, which made many disciples make great progress and gains.

After all, Lin Yu is at the full level of array formation, full level of alchemy, full level of weapon refining, full level...

Through the system's check-in, Lin Yu mastered too many full levels.


that's all.

Ten years have passed in a blink of an eye!

For cultivators, ten years almost pass in the blink of an eye.

"Sect Master, all the disciples have made rapid progress in the past ten years. The disciple with the lowest cultivation level has also reached the Perfect Formation of Dan!"

"It is estimated that within a few months, the minimum cultivation level of Tianxuan Sect disciples will reach the Nascent Soul realm!"

this day.

As the great elder, Lu Ming would come to Lin Yu every once in a while to report on the cultivation status of his disciples.

This is also what Lin Yu requested.

It is necessary to regularly monitor the cultivation status of the disciples and never make any adjustments. In this way, the disciples can better cultivate and improve!

"Well, not bad!" Lin Yu nodded slightly. Such results have been achieved in just ten years, which just shows that his entire plan is very effective!

"Sect Master, do you think there will be any adjustments in the future?" Lu Ming asked again.

"There's no adjustment, keep going!" Lin Yu responded.

"I understand!" Lu Ming said.

"By the way, Sect Master, there is one more thing I want to report to you!" Lu Ming continued.

"Say it!" Lin Yu nodded.

"It's like this. Yesterday, a disciple reported that a strange place appeared in the Blood Dragon Dynasty!" Lu Ming said directly, "This strange place is constantly expanding, devouring all lives. In a short period of time, the Blood Dragon Half of the dynasty has been reduced to a lifeless land!"

"Many powerful people in this Blood Dragon Dynasty enter this strange place and want to find the source, but they have no way of getting out!"

"That weird place is still expanding, and it won't be long before the entire Blood Dragon Dynasty will be swallowed up!"

"I'm worried that after this weird place swallows up the Blood Dragon Dynasty, it will still expand...then it will endanger the entire Eastern Region!"

The most important thing is that the Blood Dragon Dynasty is not very far away from the location of their Tianxuan Sect... Therefore, once that weird place expands, Tianxuan Sect will soon be involved!

"Is there any detailed information?" Lin Yu asked after listening.

This matter is definitely not a small matter.

"That's all for now!" Lu Ming said softly, "So, Sect Master, should we send someone to check this strange place? If this place suddenly appears, maybe some kind of treasure has been born, or it may be someone else's. for......"


This matter should be clarified.

Once you figure it out, there's no need to worry.

Deal with it how you should deal with it!

Even if the strange place expands, it will not endanger Tianxuan Sect.

But if the entire Eastern Region becomes a lifeless land... it will definitely affect Tianxuan Sect!

"Okay, let me handle this matter!" Lin Yu said.

"Understood!" Lu Ming responded, "Then there is nothing else to do!"

Seeing that Lin Yu wanted to handle it personally, Lu Ming felt very relieved.

After all, if Lin Yu takes action, he will definitely be able to catch it.

After a while.

Lin Yu broke through the void.

Step into it.

Disappear in place.


Blood Dragon Dynasty!

Over a city!

A crack in the void appears!

Lin Yu walked out of it.

At a glance, the city under my feet was filled with incomparable silence. It had become an empty city!

Continue to look into the distance.

The sky is pitch black and full of weird energy!

The picture in front of Lin Yu kept zooming in, and he soon clearly saw that the originally dark area turned out to be overwhelming black fog.

This black mist is rolling in waves, sweeping across the world!

Wherever it goes, all life is swallowed up!

Moreover, the black mist that was so huge that it could cover the sky and the sun was still coming towards Lin Yu...

According to the speed of this strange fog, it is estimated that within a year, the entire Blood Dragon Dynasty will become a lifeless place!

Lin Yu flew over again.

Not a moment.

Lin Yu came to the black mist!

Suddenly, Lin Yu felt that he seemed a little small in front of him...

It was as if he was about to be swept away by a sandstorm!


Lin Yu could clearly discover that these black mist could indeed swallow all life!


Soon, the black mist directly submerged Lin Yu.

"It's interesting. This black mist can at least swallow the life of the Nascent Soul monk!" Lin Yu made a judgment after feeling it for himself.

Of course.

This black mist would not cause any harm to Lin Yu!

At the same time, Lin Yu also knew that this strange mist sweeping the world was a man-made method.

The next second.

Lin Yu continued to fly forward.



Evil ghosts condensed out of the strange black energy, biting at Lin Yu crazily.

"Too weak!" Lin Yu said calmly.

He waved his sword.

The sword energy is awe-inspiring!

Those condensed evil ghosts were completely annihilated by the sword energy!

It didn't take long.

Lin Yu arrived at that strange place smoothly!

According to the information, the strange place in front of me was originally just a plain, but one day, dark valleys appeared... and now it has developed into this!

"It turns out he's a member of the demon clan!" Lin Yu shook his head and said softly, "Come out, I don't know how to greet the guests when they arrive!"

boom! ! !

A very ferocious demonic aura erupted directly from a huge black valley!

"Jie Jie Jie... Human monk, do you want to die when you come here?" A fierce voice sounded, and then a black shadow appeared quickly, suspended in the air!

He is a powerful demon clan man with a cultivation level at the peak of becoming a god!

"No, no, no, I'm here to deal with you!" Lin Yu stretched out his fingers, swung them left and right a few times, and said with a smile.

In this strange place, there is not only the demon in front of you, but also other demons, but they are all sleeping!


Lin Yu read an ancient book.

Through records in ancient books, I learned that this demon race was a very powerful race in the entire world of immortality a long time ago.

At that time, wherever demons appeared, basically all life was destroyed... Later, with the rise of the human race, the demons slowly disappeared...

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