As time passed, more and more monks fled quickly, and the entire city became extremely quiet in a short period of time!

It’s like it’s turned into a ghost town! ! !

It made people feel an inexplicable desolate and gloomy feeling... However, Lin Yu felt it a little bit, and a few people still stayed.

For those people, this city is the place where they have lived since childhood, and their entire family fortune is here.

Once you escape, it means that these family assets can only be given up...

Boom! ! !

It didn't take long.

Lin Yu, who was standing on the city wall, soon heard a big noise coming from the distance.


After just a few breaths, Lin Yu could clearly see a large group of densely packed monster beasts rushing towards the city crazily.

Each of these monsters is like going crazy, and every monster is basically full of firepower.

For a moment, the scene in front of me looked like a huge army attacking the city. It was shocking!

"Most of these monsters are in the Foundation Establishment Realm. Among them, there are hundreds of them in the Nascent Soul Realm, and there is even one God Transformation Realm monster. It seems that he should be the leader!" Lin Yu muttered.

In just a moment, Lin Yu could clearly sense the cultivation level of every monster in the tide of beasts in front of him.

Immediate scale.

It is indeed a large beast tide!

"Damn it, there are so many monsters, we can't resist them at all!"

"Run, it's more important to save your life!"

"No, there's also a beast wave in the east of the city!"

"The same goes for the west side of the city!"

"Damn, we're surrounded!"


The entire city was surrounded by an army of monsters, and it was completely besieged on all sides! ! !

In the sky.

There are also a large group of flying monsters!

Fortunately, there are still formation masters who activate the entire city's protective formation...

An energy shield enveloped the entire city.


Those flying monsters opened their mouths and spit out huge fireballs.

These fireballs directly hit the guardian formation, erupting with an incomparable roar... The power was so powerful that the entire ground began to shake slightly.

After just holding on for a short while, you can see that cracks appeared on the entire protective formation!

It is estimated that this protective formation will be completely blasted away soon!

"It's over, it's over, we will all die in here!"

"Hey, why can't I leave earlier!"

"Hey, who would have thought that the scale of this beast tide would be so terrifying..."


The monks in the city became scared one by one.

I also became very regretful.

It is simply impossible to escape now. Anyone who dares to rush out will be immediately targeted...

Looking at these monks, Lin Yu shook his head slightly. They made their own choice to stay.

Now that you have made a choice, you should be prepared to accept everything!

"This beast tide is indeed a bit unusual. It was launched on such a large scale just to attack the city?" Lin Yu began to analyze.

Soon, Lin Yu judged that there must be some treasure or something in this city.

That's why these monsters surrounded the entire city on a large scale!

It is impossible for these monsters to attack for no reason... Therefore, Lin Yu is very confident in his judgment!

But, what kind of good things would be able to attract these monsters?

Lin Yu's consciousness dispersed!

However, he soon clearly sensed that there was an energy fluctuation in an underground space under a mansion.

"That's it!" Lin Yu showed a mysterious smile. Unexpectedly, he would make great discoveries when he casually strolled around this time.

It seems.

My luck is really good! ! !

Lin Yu waved his finger gently.

A ray of light shot into the protective formation.


The entire protective formation emitted a dazzling light... and became stronger.

The cracks originally created by the formation also disappeared.

Lin Yu moved and disappeared instantly.

this moment.

The monks in the city couldn't help but look in shock when they saw that the protective formation had become even stronger.

At the same time, everyone immediately became excited.

"Great, the protective formation has been maintained, and the defense seems to be stronger. A senior has taken action!"

"God will not kill me! I don't know which senior took action?"

"Everyone, don't be too happy yet, those powerful monsters haven't taken action yet!"


The real battle has just begun.

Boom! ! !

For a while.

Monsters from all directions launched fierce attacks! ! !

They were all resisted one by one by the protective formation.

An evil man is suspended in mid-air, his whole body exuding incomparable evil power.

"Damn it, what kind of method is this? It actually doubled the entire formation in an instant!" The evil man's face was solemn. He is the Demon King of the God Transformation Realm who leads this beast wave!

In the face of such a large-scale attack, the protective formation remained intact.

This demon king is a little hard to accept.

This is definitely the first time he has encountered such a situation...

"I will do it myself!" The evil man snorted coldly.

The demon power in the body began to surge extremely!

A vision is born.

The entire sky turned blood red.

"Spear of the Demonic God!"

The power in the evil man's body surged out crazily, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered together.

A huge blood-red spear condensed out.

See this scene.

The monks in the city became frightened again, saying: "This is the demon king in the realm of god transformation!"

"The powerful man who transforms into gods takes action, and we have no power to resist at all!"

"This is the power of a powerful person who transforms into a god. It's so terrifying..."

"Next, we can only pray that this protective formation can withstand it!"


For a while.

They could only silently pray that the protective formation could resist it.

Once the formation is broken.

Then they will definitely die.

The demon god's spear suddenly shot out.


The terrifying power directly bombarded the Demon God's Spear!

It was at this time that the entire protective formation burst out with colorful light.

This seven-colored light enveloped the demon god's spear. In just one breath, the demon god's spear was easily dissolved, and the extremely powerful power it contained was absorbed by the guardian formation.


"This is absolutely impossible!"

Seeing this scene, the demon king in the realm of gods looked unbelievable.

His strongest attack was actually unable to cause any damage to this protective formation!

It’s really a bit of a shock! ! !

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