The demon king was destroyed!

The other demon beasts naturally did not dare to stay any longer.

After a while.

Looking around, with the naked eye, there was no demon beast at all!

This time, the beast tide crisis was officially resolved.

Lin Yu tapped his finger lightly.

The protective formation of the entire city began to dissipate.

Then, Lin Yu flew out.

He soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Hey, I haven't had time to become a disciple yet, and the boss disappeared!"

"The great opportunity and good fortune are gone just like that! What a pity!"

"Don't dream, such a peerless boss, with your talent, I'm afraid you are not qualified at all!"

"Let's leave here quickly. The boss has left. If those demon beasts come back again, we will still have only one way to die!"


Those cultivators did not stay for too long.

Fly quickly and far away from here.

There are not many people living in that city...


On the other side.

Lin Yu was flying quickly in the sky.

The beautiful scenery below was in full view!

This time, he first solved the demon clan's strong men and the land of the demon ancestors.

Then, he killed the demon king and solved the beast tide crisis!

Thinking about it carefully, it feels quite fulfilling!

Night fell.

Lin Yu did not continue to fly.

And landed on the ground.

Started camping.

Started a fire.

The fire seemed to be the only light in this darkness.

It has been a long time since I camped alone outside like now.

One person roasted the fire, and one person stayed quietly like this. This experience is also very interesting.


[Ding Dong, the arrival of a new day, do you want to start a new sign-in? 】

The next morning.

The sound of the system sounded in Lin Yu's mind.

It also made Lin Yu wake up quickly.

The whole person is still in a very full state.

"Start signing in!" Lin Yu laughed softly.

He no longer has that feeling of anticipation. Anyway, every sign-in reward is good stuff... He has become accustomed to it.

[Starting to sign in... Sign in successfully! ]

[Ding Dong, congratulations on getting the special sign-in reward: Immortal Pill! ]

[Immortal Pill, after taking it, you can become an immortal immediately! ]

In an instant.

Lin Yu was completely shocked.


There is actually such a pill.

You know, he is a full-level pill, and in his memory, there has never been any information about the Immortal Pill... Not to mention, how to refine this Immortal Pill!

"Incredible, after taking it, you will become an immortal immediately!"

"If a cultivator wants to become an immortal, his cultivation level must be raised to the Great Perfection of the Aspiration Realm, and then he can ascend to become an immortal after passing the heavenly tribulation!"

"After taking this immortality pill, you don't have to go through the heavenly tribulation. If this pill is announced, it will probably make a sensation in the entire immortal world! There will definitely be a bloody storm!"

Lin Yu was also shocked.

The surprise brought to me by this sign-in system was so sudden that it caught me off guard.

"After I take this pill, can I become an immortal immediately?" Lin Yu smiled.

[Ding Dong, another warm reminder! ]

[After using the immortality pill, you can only become a true immortal and can never continue to improve...]

The voice of the system sounded again.

True immortal.

It should be the weakest immortal in the immortal world!

Unable to continue to improve.

Then you can only be the weakest immortal in the immortal world...

Sure enough, such a heaven-defying pill still has certain side effects!


This immortality pill is still the supreme treasure in this world of immortal cultivation... They are willing to do so even if all living beings can only become the weakest immortals.

After all, in the tens of thousands of years of this world of immortal cultivation, no one has really succeeded in ascending to immortality! ! !

"This immortality pill should be given to the destined person in the future!" Lin Yu nodded seriously.

Soon, the immortality pill was put away.

The disciples of Tianxuan Sect are all gifted. Lin Yu believes that they can ascend to immortality on their own...

As for.

Where is the destined person for this immortality pill.

It depends on fate!

Chapter 215 The capital of the Blood Dragon Dynasty!

After putting away the immortality pill, Lin Yu flew into the sky again and continued to play!

Unknowingly, several days passed like this.

These days, Lin Yu was also very happy and enjoying.

Every time you go to a strange place, you can see different scenery... It is this point that drives Lin Yu to have a good time in the entire world of cultivation!

When you arrive in the fairyland in the future, it may not be so easy to return to this world of cultivation.

"The capital of the Blood Dragon Dynasty has arrived!" On this day, an extremely glorious city appeared in front of Lin Yu.

After the Blood Dragon Dynasty lost the land of the Demon Ancestor, it was also recovering rapidly.

Moreover, the capital of the Blood Dragon Dynasty was protected by a super formation, so the cultivators did not flee like other cities!

Soon, Lin Yu easily entered the capital of the Blood Dragon Dynasty!

The streets were completely prosperous.

At a glance, many people on the street showed happy smiles... It seems that they live a very happy life!

"I heard that this time a mysterious boss took action and solved all the crises!"

"Of course I heard that everyone in the city is talking about this. I also heard that a city was besieged by millions of monsters, and a demon king in the God Transformation Realm appeared. Guess what?"

"Brother, don't keep us in suspense. Tell us quickly!"

"Okay, listen to me. A super boss also appeared. He cooked the eggs of the beasts and ate them directly. The demon king was killed like an ant!"


Lin Yu walked on the street.

He could clearly hear many people around him discussing himself!


The news spread very quickly!

The news of killing monsters and cooking the eggs of the beasts spread to the capital!

If they knew that the person they were discussing was right next to them, they would probably kneel down on the spot!

Lin Yu quickly entered the central area of ​​the capital.

It was even more luxurious here.

The luxuriously decorated shops also attracted Lin Yu's attention.

Lin Yu did not buy other things, but bought several beautiful long skirts.

These long skirts were naturally given to those beauties.

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