On the carriage.

Lin Yu looked at Hu Feifei in front of him more carefully.

The fiery gaze made Hu Feifei blush... After all, this was the first time a strange man looked at her like this.

There was an inexplicable sense of excitement.

For some reason, she was actually a little happy in her heart!

"Senior, I don't know your name yet?" Hu Feifei asked in a low voice.

"My name is Lin Yu!" Lin Yu answered softly.

For this name.

Hu Feifei felt that she had heard it somewhere, but for a moment, she couldn't remember it.

"Blood Dragon Dynasty, how is it recovering now?" Soon, Lin Yu began to ask.

"At present, each city is still stable. As for the local cities that were swallowed by the strange land before, it will take some time to rebuild them one by one!" Hu Feifei said seriously. As a princess, she still knows some information about this!

"By the way, Senior Lin, I heard that the Blood Dragon Dynasty was able to survive the crisis this time because of the appearance of a peerless master!" Hu Feifei continued, "I don't know, Senior Lin, do you know who this peerless master is?"

"The peerless master you are talking about should be me!" Lin Yu did not hide it.

After hearing his answer.

Hu Feifei was extremely shocked.

Originally thought that Lin Yu was just a very powerful weapon refiner... Unexpectedly, he was the peerless master who appeared! ! !

I don't know why, Hu Feifei believed in Lin Yu's words very much, without a trace of doubt!

"On behalf of the Blood Dragon Dynasty, thank you Senior Lin for helping me!" Hu Feifei once again said to Lin Yu, grateful!

"It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of convenience!" Lin Yu waved his hand.


Lin Yu and Hu Feifei continued to chat.

Good times are always short.

It felt like not much time had passed.

They had already entered the palace!!!

Under the leadership of Hu Feifei, Lin Yu also entered a hall!

At this time, all the powerful men of the Blood Dragon Dynasty gathered here.

On the throne.

A middle-aged man looked extremely majestic.

It was naturally not easy to be the emperor of a dynasty!

When the emperor of the Blood Dragon Dynasty saw Lin Yu's face clearly, his face changed instantly and he stood up quickly.

Seeing this scene of their own emperor, everyone else was dumbfounded.

What was going on?

One by one, doubts emerged in their hearts.

Even Hu Feifei didn't understand that her father looked very shocked...

The next second.

The emperor hurried to Lin Yu and knelt down immediately, "Meet the leader of the Tianxuan Sect!"

Tianxuan Sect!

The world's number one sect in the East Domain name!!!

The leader of the Tianxuan Sect, Lin Yu!

At this moment.

Everyone was extremely shocked, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Yu.

Hu Feifei also remembered instantly that she had heard a lot about Tianxuan Sect before... Unexpectedly, she could meet the leader of Tianxuan Sect today! ! !

This is undoubtedly their honor! ! !

"Master Lin, please take a seat!" The Emperor of the Blood Dragon Dynasty said respectfully again.

"Then I won't be polite!" Lin Yu nodded.

Sit on the throne directly!

In fact.

In the eyes of the big sects, the dynasty is just a small force!

"Let's get straight to the point. What exactly did you invite me to do?" Lin Yu said after sitting down.

In Lin Yu's opinion, there is no need to say more polite words.

"Master Lin, I also heard that there is a very powerful weapon refiner, but I didn't expect it to be you, otherwise, I would definitely welcome him in person!"

The Blood Dragon Dynasty Emperor said again with great respect, "This time, I also want to ask the senior, can you help us refine the suppression spiritual treasure!"

The Blood Dragon Dynasty's luck is now beginning to improve, and if you want to make good use of this luck and develop.

You need a spiritual treasure that can suppress the luck!

Therefore, when he learned that a very powerful weapon refiner appeared, he also asked his daughter to greet him as soon as possible! ! !


This result is beyond expectations.

Who would have thought that this mysterious weapon refiner was actually the master of the Tianxuan Sect...

"Ask me to refine weapons!" Lin Yu smiled, "I can help you refine weapons, but I won't help you for nothing."

"Of course I understand!" The emperor responded quickly.

There is no free lunch in the world.

He quickly took out a special key and said, "Master Lin, I have a treasure passed down from generation to generation in the Blood Dragon Dynasty. I am willing to pay you back!"

Chapter 219 New Universe Fire

"A treasure passed down from generation to generation?" Lin Yu smiled, feeling a little interesting.

Then, Lin Yu spoke again, "Take me to see it. If it is valuable, I will help you refine it!"

This was the first time that Lin Yu encountered a treasure passed down from generation to generation in a dynasty, so he was quite interested.

"Okay, please follow me, Master Lin!" The emperor nodded in response.


Lin Yu followed him and soon came to an underground space of the Blood Dragon Dynasty.

There were layers of restrictions inside, and it was obvious that not everyone could come in.

The emperor was holding a jade seal.

After those restrictions felt the energy of the jade seal, they all stopped working.

Soon they came to a closed space.

On the high platform, there was an extremely mysterious box!

"Master Lin, this box contains the treasure passed down from generation to generation in my Blood Dragon Dynasty, but unfortunately, although I have the key, I still can't open this box!" The emperor said softly.

"I can't open it even with the key?" Lin Yu was a little confused.

This key, I'm afraid it's a fake!

"Yes, this box has spirituality. It seems that only the recognized person can open it with the secret key!" The emperor nodded, and at the same time handed the key over with both hands.

Lin Yu lightly tapped his fingers.

The key fell into his hands!

"Very good, then I'll try it!" Lin Yu said calmly.

Holding the key, he quickly came to the box.

Inserting the key into the keyhole, no matter how Lin Yu turned it, it had no effect at all... In this way, it means that he is not the recognized person.

Don't know what's good for you!

Lin Yu muttered.

The next second, Lin Yu used his spiritual power.


The whole box quickly cracked.

After a breath of time, the whole box was completely turned into powder!

Boom! ! ! !

An unparalleled terrifying force broke out, and the temperature in the whole space instantly increased... In just a moment, it felt like the whole space had turned into an alchemy furnace.

The next moment.

A purple flame burst out with great violence and floated in front of Lin Yu.

"It turned out to be the strange fire of heaven and earth!" Lin Yu nodded and sighed.

This time.

It really yielded a lot!

The emperor on the side was also extremely surprised and shocked when he saw that this heirloom was the rumored strange fire of heaven and earth! ! !

For a moment, he regretted it a little.

But now it's too late to regret it!

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